Reservations - Page 127

Thane hadn’t let his glass get empty.

That was where things got fuzzy.

Did he know if Luke and Logan made it back to the room? He wasn’t certain. Dammit, he couldn’t think straight with this vile taste in his mouth.

He had no idea of the time and stuck his head out the bathroom door, looking for an alarm clock. He didn’t see one, so he looked at the windows. No light shone from around the edges of the curtains. Maybe still nighttime? Levi quietly shut the door and flipped the bathroom lights on as he pulled his shirt over his head. The light blinded him as he tossed the material toward the counter. The pain in his head spiked again, and he stood there with his eyes closed, absorbing the pain.

“Damn,” he murmured and reached out with his hand, trying to find the sink.

Slowly his eyes adjusted, and he opened them to find a toothbrush, Advil, and a bottle of water. His shirt was on the floor, at least a foot off its mark of the sink counter. He quickly swallowed the Advil before starting on his teeth. He scrubbed them for a good long time, hoping to rid himself of the taste, then splashed cold water on his face. Reaching for the hand towel, he saw, on the other side of the counter, a can of Sprite with a note.


I like a carbonated drink after drinking too much.

Wake me if you need anything.


He barely got his face dried before reaching for the soda and popping the top. He downed the Sprite while looking at himself in the mirror. His bedhead was extreme, and he searched for a brush to try to tame the mass. When he decided this was just as good as it got under the circumstances, he reached for his shirt, leaving his jeans undone as he went back into the bedroom. This time, a lamp was on. Thane lay on his side, resting his head on his hand with his eyes closed.

“I’m sorry I woke you,” Levi apologized, heading for Thane’s side of the bed where the alarm clock was turned facing the wall. It was four thirty in the morning.

“No problem. I can be a light sleeper,” Thane said and reached for Levi’s hand, bringing him to sit on the edge of the bed as Thane rolled to his back, pushing a pillow under his head. “How do you feel?”

“Hungover. Thank you for that stuff in there. Do you know if my brothers got in okay?” he asked, scrubbing a hand over his face. Luckily his headache had started to ebb, allowing him to think a little clearer.

“Yeah, I made sure and just checked on them. They’re passed out in the living room. Didn’t make it to the bedroom,” he said, drawing Levi’s knuckles to his lips.

“I’m sorry. I can go move ’em.”

“No, leave them. I’m glad they’re comfortable here,” Thane said and started to scoot over, moving to the middle of the bed. “I pulled out blankets, and they had their pillows. Each has a sofa. They’ll sleep awhile. Come back to bed.” Thane patted the mattress next to him, and Levi didn’t need to be told twice. He pulled off his jeans, grabbed the shirt he’d set on the bed and tossed them on a nearby chair before crawling in the warm spot Thane had just vacated.

“I like both of them, but I have another confession,” Thane said, adjusting himself until Levi was lying on his back with Thane wrapped all around his left side. “They found the adults-only swimming pool below.”

“Oh no. I didn’t think about that,” Levi said. His first thought was that he needed to remember to tell Luke not to say a word; their social worker probably wouldn’t be too keen on that judgment call.

“Me neither, until Luke acted shocked and excited all at the same time.” Thane chuckled and reached across Levi to tap the lamp, plunging the room into darkness. “I’m gonna ask for different rooms tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

Thane pulled at the pillow under his head, moving to where they now shared one. Thane’s leg hooked over both of his, pulling them closer together. Thane stared at him. It was shocking how comfortable they were together, when it was just the two of them, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. Even all the worries and fears that bombarded him every day seemed to take a backseat to Thane.

“Of course, I do. I want you guys to come back. They seemed to have had a great time.” Thane stared at him for several long seconds before lifting a hand to his face, his thumb moving slowly back and forth against his cheek. “Luke’s loyal to you.”

Levi chuckled, not missing the absence of Logan’s name in that thought. “He’s gay. At least, I think. Did I tell you?”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024