Reservations - Page 139

Instead of saying all that, he righted the furniture that had been shoved around in their sexual quest and stuffed Levi’s sexy briefs and the butt plug in his backpack. When some of the overwhelming emotion ebbed, Thane finally spoke. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”

“You eat all the time.” That was just what he needed to lighten his serious mood.

“Yes, I do.”

Chapter 24

Six weeks later

The doorbell rang and all three guys lifted their heads, staring in the direction of the front door as if they could see who stood there from their spots at the kitchen table. “Can’t be Aunt Linda. She won’t be home until later,” Luke said.

“Why would she use the front door? She’d come to the back,” Logan added, and Levi looked over at the clock on the microwave. It was a little after six. His shift didn’t start until eight—he closed tonight, so he and his brothers had prepared dinner, opting to eat together. Levi scooted back from his seat, shoved the bite of chicken into his mouth, and went for the door.

“Hang on,” he mumbled toward the front door when another knock came. He looked through the peephole as his hand went for the doorknob and he froze. It was Mrs. Gathright from the Department of Human Services. Levi searched his head to remember if this was a scheduled appointment. He couldn’t recall, and he quickly looked around the living room, making sure everything was picked up as he tried to swallow the large bite.

He caught her with her fist rising to knock again, and he tried to speak, but the bite wasn’t going down easily. When no words came, he extended a hand, inviting her in before lifting a finger to his throat, and guided her toward the kitchen to his glass of water.

“Hi, guys,” Mrs. Gathright said.

Levi watched Logan and Luke have about the same reaction he had. It happened every time she came, whether unannounced or scheduled. He didn’t know why it made them so nervous, maybe because she held power over them. She was the warden, the gatekeeper, and had the ultimate say over the three of them staying together.

Levi knocked Logan in the shoulder as he reached for his glass, taking a deep gulp. Luckily, that jarred his brother into talking.

"Hey, Ms. Gathright,” Logan said and scurried out of his seat to stand. Levi knew it was manners that had Logan standing, but he also watched Luke become even more anxious, looking between Logan and Levi before he put his fork on the table and slowly slid out of his chair.

“Am I supposed to stand too?” he asked Levi.

Mrs. Gathright laughed, which weirdly eased at least Levi. “No, sit down. I didn’t mean to interrupt while you’re having dinner. I was getting a lot of chatter about you guys, so I’m early on my visit, but everything looks promising, so I decided to stop by and see for myself. Can I join you?” she asked, pointing to the empty chair.

“Sure,” Levi nodded. When Mrs. Gathright started to take her seat, he quickly nodded to his brothers to sit down and keep eating.

“Can I get you a plate? We have extra,” Levi said and started for the stove.

“Oh no, thank you. I brought a bottled water,” she said, digging through her purse, placing the water on the table before opening her portfolio. He took a seat and picked up his fork, but his appetite was waning. “I’ll start first so you can keep eating,” she said, writing on her tablet. When she looked up, none of them had started eating. Instead, they were all staring at her. “Eat. Really, this is a good call. The first thing I want to talk about is Logan’s changes in high school. I talked to your counselor, and you’re finishing school at the end of summer instead of the winter break. You’re still going to University of Virginia in January, correct?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, nodding vigorously.

“Is there a reason you’re graduating early? Is it a financial decision, because if so, we can help,” she said, and Levi lifted a hand to stop Logan who started to speak.

“I sent over the relocation paperwork. Do you have that?” Levi asked.

“No, I haven’t seen that,” she said, her brow wrinkling as she sifted through the stack of loose papers in her portfolio. Levi rose, going to the place in the kitchen that held all their bills and paperwork. Luckily, he’d copied his forms before he sent them. He gathered those and handed the stack to her.

“I’ve been working with Johns Hopkins, and they’ve got an on-campus apartment for us for the fall term. It’s two bedrooms, and they’ve offered me an on-campus job. We’re planning on going at the end of August after Logan graduates. Luke’s grades are up; Mrs. Underwood’s working his transition paperwork herself. We’ve been saving money…”

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