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Up in Arms

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“Take care of her, man. And park her close by,” Reed said, pulling a fifty dollar bill from his wallet and handing it to the young valet before making his way inside.

“Yes, sir, I will. Thank you!” the valet called out after him.

Walking through the bronze plated front doors of the elaborate hotel, Reed saw a young man standing ready to greet and guide guests to the Grand Ballroom just across the atrium. This wasn’t a traditional rehearsal dinner. The wedding was only a few days away, but most of the guests came from out of town, making this more of a wedding event in the lavish style of his mother’s party planning skills. This dinner could be considered more of an engagement party than a rehearsal, a kick off to the next few days. His mother planned luncheons for the women, golfing for the men, and ongoing parties until they finally reached the true reason they were gathered together: Rylie’s wedding.

Strolling into the ballroom, Reed looked around. His lips widened into a pleased grin. As usual, his fantastic mother had outdone herself. The marble flooring, gold fixtures, and thick crown molding added an air of sophistication to the room. In the middle of the spacious ballroom hung a large, intricate crystal chandelier, which seemed to transform the room into a palace. Fresh flower arrangements and pictures of the engaged couple were placed with care across tables and pedestals. Each centerpiece held a snapshot marking special moments throughout Rylie and Elise’s lives. Sweeping past all of these thoughtful touches, Reed spotted his parents chatting with friends.

“Mother, it’s stunning as usual. Rylie will be so proud,” Reed said, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek so as to not mess up her perfectly applied lipstick.

“Thank you. I wanted it to be nice for them.” His mother, Olivia, beamed at the compliment. “And you look dashing as ever.” A waiter walked past carrying a tray of freshly filled champagne glasses. Reed carefully took one, while turning to his father’s voice.

“Son, I want you to meet the Hendersons. Darlene, Jacob, this is my son Reed. He’s just accepted a partnership with Baker&Pruitt.” Carson, Reed’s father and United Nations Ambassador, never stopped working, and of course, Reed knew the drill well. Shaking both the Hendersons’ hands, he began doing the whole small talk thing he’d done for most of his life. The five of them all stayed there several minutes, chatting in polite conversation, until the large ballroom doors were opened to a sudden burst of cheers. Reed turned, placing his now empty glass on a side table to begin clapping along with the other guests as his brother and future sister-in-law entered the crowded room.

The couple smiled and blushed, but Reed's attention was suddenly diverted. His eyes were immediately drawn to one of the friends flanking Rylie and Elise. Reed’s heart picked up a beat, pounding faster and faster, until it threatened to leap from his chest. He glanced down at his mother, wondering if she'd noticed his heart slamming wildly in his body. Evidently not; her eyes stayed fixed on Rylie, and she lifted her hand to wave at him.

“Oh, Rylie looks so handsome and Elise like an angel next to him,” Olivia said, smiling up at Reed. She stepped closer, wrapping her arm through his. “I want this for you someday. And look there at Trevor and Brody. My three soldiers all in their dress blues. I’m so glad they went that direction, and not the suits I tried to buy for them. They all look so distinguished.”

“Yes, they do. You did well in not forcing the suits on them,” Reed agreed, keeping an eye on one of the two soldiers with his brother. Leaning into his mother, he asked the name of the one with auburn hair, who stood just the right of Elise. At his question, his mother turned to him with a knowing smile.

“That’s our Trevor, dear. He’s a good boy. Very stable, quiet, and extremely shy. Your father and I welcomed him into the family. Poor thing lost his parents. He was an only child. He has no one but us.”

Reed watched Trevor closely. He then remembered meeting Trevor a few years ago at a family gathering, or it could have been at Rylie's graduation from boot camp. If so, damn, he had changed. His body filled out rather nicely. Trevor held his broad shoulders back and his head up, making a picture of pure confidence. But the deep furrowed brow let Reed know that while Trevor might appear confident, he was having trouble dealing with the crowd.

Reed thought over some of his past conversations with Rylie. He'd now be able to place faces to the names. The other soldier to the left of Rylie must be Brody. All three of them were part MARSOC, a Marine’s Special Forces division. They were also all on the same team, staying together since meeting in boot camp. Rylie didn’t say much about that side of his life. Most of his assignments were top secret, but Reed knew the three of them were tight. Best friends. Reed appreciated Brody and Trevor making the trip to stand by Rylie on his big day.

Brody’s hair was cropped short and black as coal, adding to his handsome, rugged good looks. The young man carried himself with an arrogant strut. He looked a little edgy, maybe itching for a fight. He was indeed impressive, but it was Trevor who intrigued Reed. Actually, he did much more than intrigue him. Trevor made his body quicken. Reed had always been attracted to a man in uniform, but there were more than good looks and a hot body in dress blues holding his full attention at this moment.

Reed watched Trevor scan the room. For the briefest of moments, their eyes met. Reed found himself lost in a sea of cerulean blue. The look in Trevor’s eyes seemed to reach out and speak directly to his soul. Reed tried to hold the gaze as long as he could, but a hint of bewilderment crossed Trevor’s features. He turned away. Perhaps the man truly was shy. Trevor truly looked nervous; maybe even embarrassed. He seemed completely out of place. Then the oddest thing happened. Reed felt the need to comfort Trevor. Giving a small laugh at the thought of comforting another, baffled at his sudden nurturing side. Usually, his first thoughts were to go over all the things he could do to such a hard body. Strangely enough, that never crossed his mind. Well, until now, as he started thinking about what awaited him under the perfectly starched uniform. Reed grinned to himself, chuckling, shaking his head to clear the now very explicit thoughts of how he could comfort the redhead.

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