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Up in Arms

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With effort, Trevor spun away, forcing his mind elsewhere. He took small sips at his champagne and focused on anything that might draw his attention from the scene unfolding next to him. The small ache in his heart kicked back up, his breath hitched, and the heat of his blush consumed his cheeks, but he worked on pushing the two men out of his mind. With any luck, he wouldn't be aware when they left to go find the hidden spot where Brody’s charm would seal the deal. Trevor absolutely hated feeling like such a girl about it all.

“Excuse me, Brody. Trevor, you sure are quiet, are you okay? I’m still waiting for the answer to my question.”

Lost in thought, Trevor felt a light touch on his arm. He looked over his shoulder, thinking the bartender may be asking if he wanted another beer, but Trevor found no one there. He lifted his eyes, scanning them in the general direction of Reed and Brody, preparing himself for what he might see. The touch could have been a simple goodbye, letting him know they were taking off together. Instead, Trevor saw Reed leaning around Brody. Both men were staring at him. Brody looked angry, his brow furrowed and disbelief flashing in his eyes. Reed's lips were pulled into a sexy smile, showing his perfect white teeth. His piercing green eyes were not stuck to Brody. They were, in fact, focused only on Trevor.

After a minute of all three just staring at one another, Trevor finally asked, “I’m sorry, were you talking to me?”

“Indeed. I was asking if you have someone special in your life?” Reed asked again in his rich deep voice, his brow arched in question.

“No, not at all. There’s nothing like that in my life.” Trevor shook his head, a grin spreading across his lips at the brutal honesty of his answer. He didn’t try to sugar coat it at all. Brody chose then to step back, once again blocking Trevor’s view of Reed. Brody motioned for the bartender, requesting another beer, and stayed right there between them. Trevor looked around his friend as Reed stood, picking up his glass and the bottle of champagne. Reed circled completely around Brody and took a seat on the empty barstool on Trevor's other side. Reed took Trevor’s glass from his hand, topped it off with a little more champagne, and handed it back with a wink.

“This is much better. Don’t you agree? It’s easier to chat when I can see your handsome face.”

Just then, before Trevor could recover from his shock, an announcement introducing the new couple sounded overhead. Both Reed and Trevor stood, placing their Champagne flutes on the bar to begin clapping. Rylie and Elise moved to the front of the room. Rylie took the microphone, saying a few simple but heartfelt words of thanks. After a moment, Rylie called his family to the front with him.

Reed turned to Trevor, looking somewhat disappointed. His sexy grin spread across his lips and Trevor watched the movement, his heart reacting with a strong lurch. “Looks like I'm needed. Too bad, I would love to find out what you enjoy doing in your free time.” Reed held out his hand. Trevor hesitated before taking it. His pulse hammered wildly, and the contact of Reed’s warm skin sent electrically charged impulses up his arm. He was really afraid his hand might be trembling in Reed’s grasp. No one but Brody ever brought these feelings out in him. And never did Trevor ever experience anything this strong before. He knew without question Brody never stunned him like Reed just did. The hand shake lasted a moment or two longer than appropriate.

“It's been a pleasure speaking with you, Trevor,” Reed said. Trevor pulled his hand away to find Reed discreetly slipped him a business card. “I’m looking forward to finishing our conversation soon. Perhaps over a nice dinner.” Finally, after an extended minute, Reed turned from him and crossed the room to join his family.

“What a jerk,” Brody started in, muttering. “I can’t believe he’s the beloved brother Rylie talks about all the fucking time. What an ass.”

Trevor almost laughed. He completely forgot Brody was standing next to him. Without question, he knew his best friend wasn't used to getting shut down this quickly into the game. He eyed Brody for a split second, but turned back to watch Reed.

“I didn’t see that at all,” Trevor said, giving a slight smile, keeping his gaze on the sway of Reed’s perfect ass as he walked away.

“Whatever. You want a pompous dick like that, go for it. I’ll stick with the decent people.” Brody turned, grabbing his beer, before stalking away. Trevor just stood, stunned, looking down at the business card in his hand. Reed Kensington, Attorney at Law. He lifted the card to his nose, inhaling deeply. The card smelled of Reed's cologne. Biting his lip, Trevor thought of Reed's sexy smile one last time. He dropped the card inside his wallet, and took his seat again at the bar. Hopefully, he would run into Reed Kensington at Rylie's bachelor party tomorrow night.

Chapter Three

Twenty four hours later, Trevor swayed on his feet with a grin on his lips. Bringing his near empty Corona up, he drained the bottle in one long swig. The movement caused him to take a small step backward, trying to maintain his balance. Trevor was drunk. Happy and very drunk. With a swivel of his feet, he lifted the empty bottle to order another.

The sounds of Rylie’s bachelor party carried on around him. The best Trevor could tell, everyone in the small bar looked to be in about in the same condition he was. Most of the members of his training class and Special Forces team showed tonight. Several flew in just to be here with Rylie. Very few of the men on their team were married. Many were experiencing the time honored tradition of a bachelor party together for the first time. Pacing yourself on drinks didn’t seem to matter. It certainly didn’t matter to him. Trevor was perfectly wasted, and it felt good to let go. After all, he was celebrating his best friend’s upcoming marriage.

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