Up in Arms - Page 16

“We’re here. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving,” Reed said, pulling onto a tree-lined street in a gated community. Within minutes, he slowed to turn into his drive-way.

“Come on, let's eat.”

Again, there were more awkward stalemates as to who would open Trevor’s car door.

“Trevor, I’ve invited you to my home. It’s my responsibility to get your doors.”

Trevor had no idea how to respond, so he just stood there, dropping his hands into his pants pockets, and looking blankly at Reed. They stood just like that for several long moments until Reed chuckled, lifting a well arched brow, and then extended his arm. “Please, after you.”

Trevor finally gave, just to get out from underneath the weight of Reed’s smile. He stepped past Reed only to bump into him as he walked by. Trevor jerked out of the way, giving a quick apology for being clumsy as he walked straight to the front door. His heart pounded while his mind ran double time, mentally chastising himself. He needed to focus on staying as far away from Reed as he could. He reached for the door knob, turned it, and used his body to push against the door, but it didn’t budge. How did it never occurred to him the door might be locked?

“Here, let me get this for you, handsome.” Reed stepped right behind Trevor, brushing his back and arm. When he felt Reed’s hand run across his ass and around his waist, Trevor’s arousal jerked forward, straining against the binding material of his dress slacks. Trevor became effectively trapped between Reed’s muscular body and the front door for several long seconds. Reed’s fingertips briefly caressed his hand, and his breath tickled across his neck. Trevor’s dick couldn’t help but take notice before he was able to think to get out of the way. Reed didn’t step back, but worked the lock as Trevor scooted out the side.

No way did Reed just caress him. It was an accidental touch, nothing more. Trevor stepped further back on the wraparound porch, trying to move out from under the porch light, hoping Reed couldn’t see what was going on in his pants. He grew more frustrated with himself by the second, and demanded his body get a hold of itself. Dropping his hands in his pocket, he tried in vain to adjust the hard-on tenting out for all to see. He spun around, feigning interest in the front porch and yard, as he begged his body to cooperate.

"I could have borrowed Rylie's truck. You didn't have to come get me," he finally said, after several long minutes of desperate adjusting. When Reed stayed quiet, he looked over his shoulder to the front door. Reed stood in the open door, leaning against the frame, watching him with an amused grin.

“Welcome to my home, Trevor. I’m glad you’re here.” With a wink, he gestured for Trevor to step inside.

Trevor gave Reed a wide berth, going around him, making sure to stay out from under the porch light. Reed didn’t move from the door so Trevor pressed his body sideways to ensure their bodies didn’t touch as he entered the house. Trevor didn't pay much attention to his new surroundings; all thoughts were devoted to making sure he stayed at least three feet away from Reed. It wasn't an easy task. Reed insisted Trevor lead the way, so, inevitably, Trevor took a wrong turn here or there. And when he did, Reed would reach a hand out to guide him back on course. Those small touches caused Trevor’s already strained body to harden to even more painful degrees. His hands remained crammed in his pockets to keep his traitorous dick from bulging out. And for about the hundredth time, Trevor swore if he made it through this evening, he would never willing put himself back into this situation again.

"It must..." he began, voice breathless and strangled. After clearing his throat, he started again. "It must be hard to have all this, and not have your friends around to share it with. Rylie’s glad to have you back. After things get settled for him, I'm sure he'll be around more and friends will happen. Do you keep in touch with any of your old friends? Or is that just weird with all the time that passed?”

Knowing he was rambling, he was relieved when Reed finally stepped around him as they entered the large kitchen. Trevor searched the room for anything to hide behind, and spotted a large center island. He grinned. Perfect! He could move around in a full circle, and still keep his lower half hidden from Reed.

“I have plenty of friends in town.” Reed went to the refrigerator. “I grew up here. In fact, last weekend I had a big party for Rylie’s return. I wish you had been here. You could have met my friends. I’m indeed looking forward to spending more time with Rylie and hopefully you too, Trevor. I understand you’re being relocated here very soon.” He began pulling the vegetables and steaks out, setting them on the closest counter.

Confusion clouded Trevor’s mind. His brow narrowed. Why was he here if Reed had plenty of friends in the area?

“What would you like to drink?” Reed asked, poking his head around the refrigerator door.

“Whatever you’re having is fine. What can I do to help?” Trevor continued to stumble over his thoughts as Reed handed him a bottle of wine.

“Here, you can open this,” Reed said with a smile.

Possibilities charged through Trevor’s mind. Maybe Rylie wanted to be alone with Elise tonight. Maybe Elise and Rylie set up a date for Brody, and needed to ditch him for the night. Maybe Rylie figured out Trevor was gay, and asked Reed to spend some time with him to let him learn to feel okay with it. The possibilities were endless, but no matter how he tried to spin it, none showed him in a positive light.

Trevor concentrated on the bottle opener, wrenching the cork from the top. The little pop sent the fruity aroma from the bottle into the air. Thankfully, his stomach didn't roll. Reed came in from behind him with a couple of wine glasses, which he placed on the counter. Trevor felt Reeds chest brush against his back, and he quickly looked down making sure his erection stayed hidden. The few minutes of trying desperately to figure out why he was in this house had allowed his hard-on to soften just a bit, but all it took was one touch from Reed and his dick stood at attention, demanding to be noticed. Trevor forced himself to focus on pouring two glasses of wine.

Tags: Kindle Alexander M-M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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