Up in Arms - Page 22

A little woman Elise tried several times over the years to fix him up with turned out to be his bridesmaid during the wedding and his dinner companion in their designated seating arrangements. Trevor remembered her name to be something like Karen...or Karri...or maybe Karol. Whatever her name, she turned out to be good company. Perfect really for Trevor. She spoke easily, talking, filling in the holes when he stayed quiet.

Despite the pleasant company, Trevor’s thoughts strayed regularly to Reed. His gaze constantly searched out the family table for just small glimpses of Reed. Every time he looked, their eyes collided. This time, Reed tipped his glass in Trevor’s direction, giving him a wink. He couldn’t help but grin, and he knew the blush was back on his cheeks. His little companion next to him continued to chat, along with the other members of the table. No one noticed he didn’t join in on the conversation, or how he only had eyes for a certain stunning man.

Once dinner ended, they were all ushered over to the reception hall for the party. Karen-Karri-Karol stayed close by. She truly was a beautiful woman, and it really wasn’t a hardship to have her nearby. Trevor noticed the mother of the groom’s excitement in watching him and Kar-ol together. Olivia Kensington’s eyes followed them while they walked down the aisle together, a smile spread across her face as she made eye contact with him, and she nodded her head toward Kar-ol. Trevor could see the matching-making in her eyes and knew then he’d been step-up, probably since he declined the invitation to sit with the family. Olivia’s meddling aside, he just couldn’t find the words to tell Kar-ol she was wasting her time, so instead he let her stay close by for however long she wanted.

Reed didn’t seem able to shake free of his best man responsibilities. He was always needed for something. Rylie and Elise went through the traditional wedding festivities: cutting the cake, taking pictures, and having the maid-of-honor and the best man speak. Trevor was standing with Kar-ol in the line for cake when Reed came to the microphone for his best man’s speech. Every eye turned toward him. He drew people to him like nothing Trevor ever saw before. Sitting back, watching the night, Trevor saw how sought after Reed was by most everyone in the room. Now, standing in line, he could hear the collective sighs of the women around him.

“If everyone will grab a glass, please, I have something I would like to say. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Reed, and for those of you that do, well, consider yourself extremely blessed. My full name is actually ‘Reed-would-you-like-a-drink’ for those of you who I meet in the bar later tonight. Please don't forget what I look like and I’d appreciate it if you could use my full name.” Trevor watched Reed look over at his brother, giving a wink, letting the joke settle.

“I’m actually Rylie’s older brother, and isn’t it good to see that I’m finally receiving the recognition I deserve by being named as Best Man for the nuptials of Rylie and Elise? It’s well known that I can talk, and I couldn’t help but notice that there’s a bet about the length of my speech. Well, just to let you know, having backed myself at two hours thirty-seven minutes and with the kitty currently standing at somewhere around nine hundred ninety-three dollars, I must apologize in advance. So please make yourself comfortable and enjoy the ride.”

Reed laughed, this time with the guests while turning to his brother and Elise. “All kidding aside, I’m honored to stand here this evening, and celebrate the love and life you have chosen to share with one another. When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. I get that, so I will be brief.” Reed looked back over the guests until his eyes locked on Trevor’s. In that moment, it felt like Reed spoke directly to him. All others in the room just simply faded away. “A wise person once told me that magic happens at the most unexpected moments. I would have to disagree to an extent.” Breaking the stare, Reed turned back to his brother and new sister-in-law. “Today has been planned for months and months, and it was still filled with unexpected magic. I've known Rylie for all his life and I've never seen him happier than when he’s with Elise. And I haven't seen Elise without a smile when she and Rylie are together. This magic that makes them glow today is love. Love, however, isn't always simple. You will fight and disagree, but as long as you love each other, the magic you feel at this moment will never die. May the rest of your lives be filled with magical moments. I love you both.” Reed raised his glass. “Finally, it gives me great pleasure to invite you all to raise your glasses to Rylie and Elise Kensington. I’m sure everyone here today would like to wish the newest Mr. and Mrs. Kensington love, life, laughter, and happily ever after.”

Trevor stood fixated on Reed, watching everything about him as he spoke. The guy was so polished, so sophisticated, and he held this audience in the palm of his hand. The respect this room held for Reed transcended his bed partner choices, and focused in on respect. Trevor was in awe, wondering what someone so magnificent could possibly see in him. Reed needed someone who matched him, who equaled him on every level.

Out of nowhere, Brody came barreling for Trevor. He grabbed his uniform jacket and pushed Trevor back several feet from Kar-ol, who stood there clapping with everyone else for Rylie and Elise.

“Dude, seriously, why do you keep staring at him? He’s a player. You were played. Get the fucking stars out of your eyes. You look love sick. It’s pathetic, even for you.” Brody got up in Trevor’s face, standing nose to nose with him. Seeing where this conversation was headed, Trevor flipped Brody through a side door to the kitchen, pulling him away from anyone who might hear.

Tags: Kindle Alexander M-M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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