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Up in Arms

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Amused with himself, Reed looked around the room, wondering if anyone witnessed the exchange, but no one looked the wiser. He spotted Trevor at the bar. Reed snaked through the throng of guests, not allowing anyone to sidetrack him. When he finally reached Trevor, just the look on his face made him narrow his brows in question.

“You look surprised to see me, Trevor. Are you? I must apologize for my dating skills, or rather lack thereof, that is. I would ask you to dance, but your girlfriend might not like it.” Reed chuckled at his words, knowing there were some jealous overtones in what he said. He wanted to be the one by Trevor’s side tonight. They stepped forward as the bartender asked for their drink order. Placing his order after Trevor's, Reed turned to the handsome man, his tone apologetic and sincere when he spoke. “I'm so sorry for all of this. I really need some alone time with you. I hear the view from the balcony is quite lovely. Care to meet me there?”

Silence held Trevor for a couple of moments before he spoke. “Let me get this to Kar-ol and excuse myself. I’ll meet you out there in a couple of minutes.” Trevor would barely look his way. Reed thought he saw a hint of sadness lurking in his eyes, but all he could do right now was watch Trevor walk away with both drinks in his hands. Something wasn’t right. Trevor was back to being his super quiet self. What happened? Had he missed something?

Reed excused himself from his family obligations, telling his brother and parents he would be back a little later. Through the exchange, he kept an eye on Trevor as he slid out a side door. He watched as Trevor removed his uniform jacket, and placed it carefully on the back of a chair. The thin material of his shirt stretched over that wide, expansive chest, causing Reed to lose all ability to think for one brief moment. He just stood there staring until Trevor walked to a far corner of the balcony, out of sight, breaking the spell. Trevor West, you gorgeous man, I have to make you mine.

Reed became a man on a mission. He stopped by the band, requesting a song, instructing them to wait twenty minutes before it played. Reed purposefully ignored everyone and everything between him and those balcony doors.

Walking out, Reed vowed he wouldn’t let too many more nights like this happen. Trevor needed to be by his side; that’s all there was to it. And Reed would be proud to have him there. He didn’t want to have to sneak away for a simple touch, or a quick kiss. Hell, with the possessive turmoil coursing through him this entire evening, Reed wanted those touches and kisses to show everyone around them, Trevor was his.

Reed inhaled the fresh scents as he walked out into the night. The unusually warm late April evening gave a perfect feel for any guest who cared to venture outside. Focusing his eyes, Reed scanned the two dark corners Trevor could have retreated to. The balcony was longer than it looked, with a large area completely hidden from the ballroom’s windows. His heart kicked up when he spotted Trevor. He stood next to the railing, facing away from him, looking out into the night. What has you so deep in thought, Mr. West?

“I love spring evenings, don't you?” Reed said, striding over to stand beside Trevor. Reed rested back against the rail. Trevor turned to face him, but didn’t speak. The only words Reed could think to say where the same ones he used just a moment earlier. Trevor had that effect on him. Finally Reed’s gaze left Trevor and moved around the balcony, taking in the view. “It's beautiful out here, isn't it?”

The balcony was draped with thousands of twinkle lights. Beautiful fragrant flowers and greenery filled the space. Several small tables sat to the side, decorated with linens matching the bride’s colors inside. Delicate flower arrangements sat in the center of each table. Large candles filled the empty spaces, giving off a soft romantic glow. It was beautifully decorated and charming, but had nothing on the man standing next to Reed.

“You’re the beautiful one, Reed,” Trevor finally said, turning around to stand in the same position as Reed. Trevor leaned back against the rail, spreading his legs apart. Reed took it as a silent invitation to slide right in between them.

“Ah, finally...I get what I've wanted all night,” Reed purred, his hands slipping around Trevor’s waist, as he slid between his thighs, pulling him close. Holding Trevor in his arms, Reed didn't move, didn't say anything, just held Trevor tightly. I believe I’ve fallen for you, Mr. West...

The emotion had him resting his head on Trevor’s shoulder, breathing him in, watching the candle flames dance in the evening breeze. Everything slowed when Trevor wrapped his arms around him, returning his embrace. And in that moment, everything righted itself in his world.

Reed knew what they shared was different. What he felt was different. Reed felt a connection to this man’s soul. It didn’t matter if it was three days, three hours, three years, thirty years—Trevor belonged with him. If soul mates were real, Reed knew in his heart he'd met his in this man. Holding Trevor this way, tight in his arms, comforted Reed. Never before did his soul feel comforted by the closeness of another. A lump formed in his throat. Emotion rolled through his heart. Please need me like I need you.

Reed looked up at Trevor who quickly averted his eyes. Did Trevor feel this same pull and just couldn’t look him in the eyes from the sheer emotion of it all? He lifted a hand to Trevor’s chin, turning him back to look him in the eyes. Trevor seemed relieved, yet resigned. A sadness lingered in his eyes. Not quite the look Reed hoped for but one which caused him to pull Trevor closer against his body. No words were said, but Reed wondered if this look had anything to do with Brody.

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