Up in Arms - Page 38

Trevor’s stump came crashing back into his focus. Stump...Trevor had a stump. And Reed needed to go. He must focus on his recovery and the new game plan for his life. He couldn’t afford to have an injury of this magnitude along with a completely broken heart. People didn’t recover from shit like that, and the double whammy carried the potential to completely destroy him. His resolve broke free, squaring his shoulders. He decided he could do this. He didn’t need anyone’s pity or help. Pulling the IV from his arm, Trevor began to release himself from the tubes stuck inside his body. Carefully, he moved to the side of the bed. He needed a drink of water and to brush his teeth.

Placing his right foot on the floor, Trevor looked through the room trying to decide how to make it to the bathroom. He wasn’t sure he could hop his way there without tearing open some of his incisions. Edging Reed’s chair closer to the bed, Trevor gripped its armrest and slowly rose. He lowered his weight on his right arm and leg, using both for complete support. His muscles flexed and strained from his neck down. Trevor’s right knee immediately gave completely out, buckling under him. His natural instinct was to balance himself with his left leg. The movement made him awkward, pitching him forward. Trevor clutched the chair. He used every muscle in his arm to keep the chair in place, only to land in a hard thump on the soft fabric. He panted. Pain ripped across his body in burst after agonizing burst. He gripped the side of the armrest, digging his fingers tightly into the plastic. Trevor hung his head, breathing through the pain, trying to gather himself to try again.

“What are you doing?” Reed came into the room, panic filling his voice. “Why the hell are you out of bed?”

Trevor didn’t look up at him, nor did he speak. He just sat there with his head lowered, trying to find the distance he needed to put between them. Reed came straight to him, dropping to one knee.

“Trevor...hey, handsome, what’s going on? What’re you trying to do?” Reed placed his thumb under his chin, and a small struggle began. Finally, Trevor lifted his eyes to meet Reed's.

“I wanted to brush my teeth. I thought I could manage it. I probably could, but my shoulder is too fucked up, and I can’t move my fucking arm. Why’s it bound to my chest?” Anger filled Trevor’s words. He started to rip the bandage from his chest to free his arm.

“Stop. They’re there for a reason. Come on, I’ll help you.” Reed said, moving to Trevor’s right side to pull him up.

“You’ve done enough. Look, I think you should go.” Trevor refused the immediate help, and tried to look Reed in the eyes but couldn’t. He ended up casting his gaze away when telling him to go.

“Come on, handsome, wrap your arm around my shoulder. I’ll get you in there. You can handle the rest once you get there.” Reed never acknowledged the words Trevor said, but bent toward him and tried to wrap Trevor’s arm around his shoulder.

Trevor looked at Reed for several long moments, trying to decide what to do. Reed stayed bent, looking directly at him, Trevor’s arm in his hand. There was a standoff between them. Trevor desperately wanted to be able to get across the room by himself, and Reed insisted he help. Trevor finally gave. He reached up, wrapping his good arm around Reed’s strong shoulder. Reed smelled incredible; not the scent he wore the entire time they were together at the wedding, but something else just as nice. His stomach clenched, his body stirred to life, even under all the pain medicine he consumed in the last twenty four hours. With an inward groan, he did the one thing assured to take his mind off Reed. Trevor anchored his good arm and pulled himself up. His weakened leg started to buckle again, and pain shot through his left shoulder and chest.

Reed struggled to find a good holding point along the left side of his body. Bandages were wrapped around Trevor’s shoulder, chest, hip, and leg. More bandages reached lower around his hip and all the way down to his stump. After several attempts, Reed found a good spot, but the steps were awkward and difficult, causing immense pain with every slide of his leg. He had no idea what he was thinking getting out of bed at all.

Reed finally wrapped both his hands around Trevor’s waist, pulling him tightly against his body, gently tugging him across the floor. Even then, it took time getting him to the rest room. If there was even a small hope of a possible relationship between them, this move across the floor killed it. This whole scene strengthened Trevor’s resolve: Reed needed to go. As much as he wanted a life with Reed, it wouldn't be fair to continue a relationship with him. Trevor must make Reed understand and leave.

Reed got Trevor inside the small bathroom, leaving him at the sink. He pulled Trevor’s toiletries out, placing them and a towel within reach, before stepping from the bathroom. The door was left opened a crack and he stood just outside, waiting for him. “I’ve been talking to my dad. There are great rehab hospitals in the states. I think you would do well there. Your shoulder’s healing nicely. They think it should have a complete recovery with some hard work, and you’re used to hard work. No way would your body look like that if you weren’t a hard worker. Rylie had to go back to deal with the paperwork. Brody left to deal with something, but I really don’t remember what. You all are being called a hero for taking Carlos Mendez down. Every news station’s covering it. Your name hasn’t been released, but everyone’s trying to find you. The President and his office were watching it all happen. They got to see you dive into the room. The President wants to talk to you. They’ve already talked to Dad.”

Tags: Kindle Alexander M-M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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