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Up in Arms

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“I know, I heard. I can’t imagine what you must have gone through,” Reed said quietly.

Trevor pulled his face forward, looking at Reed for several long moments. He reached up, touching Reed’s cheek, trying to force a small smile, but nothing would come. His heart was just too heavy. Reed seemed to sense his struggle and leaned in to kiss his lips. Reed still kept a tight hold on him; he didn’t seem ready to let him go.

“I truly can’t imagine, and am at a loss as to what to say. I hoped you wouldn’t ever remember the pain. Rylie told us you woke when he called. It was more than I could bear for you.”

Trevor pulled completely out of Reed’s arms, needing to be done with this conversation. It was all too much. Trevor didn’t like the pity Reed held in his eyes. His stomach let out a grumble of angry protest, saving him from having to say anything more. He hadn’t eaten since the plane ride. Reed’s brows lifted. The look in his eyes changed instantly, holding an amused twinkle.

“Dinner’s ready. And just in time, I think. It sounds like you’re hungry, handsome?”

“I’m hungry, but it’s hard for me to have you doing all this.” While Trevor spoke, he started lifting his arm, doing small rotations of his left arm and shoulder. The pain wasn’t bad so he increased the circles in his range of motion, going as far as he could stand the pain while looking over at the bedside clock. “It’s eight thirty at night? Wow, I slept all day, I’m sorry.”

“You need rest, sexy. It’s critical at this stage of the game. Let’s get you to the restroom and I’ll bring dinner in. Come on, let’s get you up,” Reed said, pulling Trevor from bed.

The move to the restroom turned out a much easier process now that his arm was no longer bound to his side. It made all the difference being able to use his left hand and arm. Trevor’s left leg was still sore but not unbearable. The movement and swing of his leg only caused a mild throbbing, something he could easily live with.

The restroom matched the bedroom on the spectacular factor, with a wide sunken in bathtub and a massive open shower. Reed helped Trevor to the commode, giving him a minute, then to the sink, handing him a hand towel and showing Trevor a drawer with toothpaste, shaving supplies, and an assortment of colognes and hair gel, all in brand new bottles.

“This is what I wear,” Trevor said, surprise crossing his face. He lifted the bottle of cologne. “How did you know?”

“I love your scent. When I took you home after the bachelor party, I saw it on your dresser. I remembered it. You also wore it the first time we were together. I’ll never forget that night. And have I mentioned how I love your blush yet today? Trevor, you’ve completely stolen my heart. Now, I’m going to step outside the door and give you a few moments alone. Please use whatever you need. Call when you’re finished. Then I’ll get you back to bed.”

Reed spoke casually, saying it all with his hip perched against the granite counter top where he stood. His arms crossed casually over his broad chest, his eyes staring playfully at Trevor. The moment lasted until Trevor tugged his eyes away. Years of practice taught Trevor to hide his spastic nerves, but the blush always gave him away. Hearing those words from Reed made everything right in his heart, but the heat staining his cheeks robbed him of any reply he may want to make. A moment later, Reed stepped outside the bathroom door with that sexy grin in place.

Trevor watched Reed retreat through the mirror, not looking at himself until the door closed with a decidedly loud click. Then he turned his gaze to the decorative mirror and horror flashed through his eyes as he quickly raked his fingers through his hair. It didn’t help. His auburn hair stood in every direction, and his face was in desperate need of a close shave. Trevor’s teeth looked as fuzzy as they felt, and he was sure the breath coming from a mouth looking like his couldn’t be pleasant at all.

With a critical eye, Trevor looked himself over. Even at his best, he just couldn’t see how someone like him could capture the attention of someone like Reed. Trevor loved hearing all those sweet, easily said terms of endearment. And all those small hints of love at first sight always stole his heart. He desperately wanted Reed to be his fated soul mate, wanted all those romantically sweet fairytales to be true. But Trevor just couldn’t see how this man in the mirror was able to capture the attention, little alone the heart, of a man like Reed Kensington.

He forced himself again to stop the wayward thoughts. Even if everything Reed did and said were laced with pity, he would take it for as long as it was offered. Trevor would worry about the future tomorrow. Tonight, he needed focus on a shave and clean teeth, then food in his stomach. Making fast work of the necessities, Trevor slowly headed to the door. Reed stood ready, grabbing him by the waist, helping him back to his bed.

“I think I could handle dinner at the kitchen table. You don’t have to serve me dinner in bed,” Trevor said, leaning into Reed as he moved his leg forward step after step.

“Oh, really? I believe that’s completely against the advice of your physician, who wants you in bed, resting for tomorrow,” Reed said, halting their progress to his bed, giving Trevor a look of absurdity that caused him to laugh out loud.

“My mom use to give me that exact same look. For her, it would usually be followed with her signature line for me, ‘Trevor we have to find your brain. It just fell out of your head.’”

Reed’s laughter showed in his eyes while he started them forward again. “I’ve spent the last ten days with you, and I must admit your mother’s expression does have merit. Now, handsome, lay down. I’ll be back with dinner. No argument, please.”

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