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Up in Arms

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Pulling the Escalade to the back of the hospital, Reed snaked through the underground garage to the secure patient entry far below. This rehabilitation hospital held many high profile patients who, for one reason or another, wanted to remain anonymous. It was one of the biggest reasons Reed decided on this one over the many other hospital options. Making a wide turn into an oversized parking space, Reed put the SUV in park and turned the ignition off before looking over at Trevor, who won the battle of the front seat.

“You drive like my grandmother used to,” Trevor said, looking down at the clock on the dashboard. The twenty minute ride took almost an hour with Reed taking the back roads, never going over thirty five miles an hour.

“I wanted you to be safe, my stubborn boyfriend.” Reed leaned over to kiss Trevor lightly on the lips. “I can’t seem to keep my hands or my lips to myself. It must be such a hazard to be you.” Chuckling, Reed unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the driver’s side door. He hurried to the back of the truck and pulled Trevor’s wheelchair out. By the time Reed got to the passenger side, Trevor stood waiting, holding on to the passenger side door.

“Handsome, please let me help you. I don’t want you to fall.”

Trevor leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips, effectively pacifying and silencing him. Reed could never let the cronies in his office know how easily he could be manipulated for fear he may never live it down in the office or in the courtroom. Another thought crossed Reed’s mind, which was far more important. Although they were completely alone in the garage, Trevor just kissed him without any prodding. It would be Trevor’s very first public display of affection. Reed’s heart soared with the thoughts of many more that might be coming his way.

“I’m fine, but thank you. It’s just me getting out of the car,” Trevor said, staying close to Reed’s face. He lifted a finger to run it down Reed’s narrow, frustrated brow before turning to sit in the chair. The slight finger move from Trevor removed all the worry and concern, leaving Reed just staring at the stunning man in front of him. It had only been a couple of hours since their confessions of love and deeply gratifying sex. For the first time since meeting Trevor, Reed felt like he finally returned his feelings.

Trevor no longer held himself back, and didn’t shy away from his touch. Their ride to the hospital did take an extraordinary long time, but Trevor held Reed’s hand the entire way. Their entwined fingers and the small swipes of Trevor’s thumb across his palm caused Reed’s heart to flutter, relinquishing some of his newfound insecurities.

“This rehab is world renowned. It was between here and one in San Antonio, but this one has pioneered some new technologies in prosthesis, which could aid you better in recovery. Plus, my home is more comfortable for us than trying to stay in a San Antonio hotel.”

Reed continued talking as he pushed Trevor through the sliding doors of the garage and into a private elevator. Trevor didn’t respond at all, which Reed was beginning to understand meant he was getting nervous. Trevor always became eerily quiet, pulling within himself, when he became uncertain of things. Reed laid a hand on Trevor’s shoulder, running a finger along his neck. He felt the increase in Trevor’s heart rate at his touch, and bent down to whisper quietly in Trevor’s ear.

“Did I tell you how much I loved hearing you moan while I rode you this morning? I can’t wait to get home for a repeat performance, sexy. I love you and I love the way you love me. Making love to you every day for the rest of my life is quite an appealing thought.”

Trevor lifted his gaze up to Reed. A blush spread across his cheeks and a smile lit up his face. Leaning in, Reed placed a small kiss on those perfectly pouty lips smiling up at him.

“Every part of your rehab will be here in this facility if it suits you, handsome. The prosthesis company will come here to measure and fit you. All your doctor’s appointments and physical therapy will take place here.” He placed small kisses on Trevor’s lips between each sentence he spoke. Each ring of the bell sounded off as the floors passed by. It cost Reed quite a bit to work it this way, but in the end he hoped Trevor’s recovery would be more complete.

Their first order of business was to clear Trevor to begin rehab. Dr. McBride would be present at the initial exam today and would work with Trevor’s new orthopedist, Dr. Carlton, to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan for the rest of Trevor’s care. Both physicians were working together for Trevor’s best possible outcome, all on Reed’s dime. And they were never to let Trevor know.

The elevator opened to a short, perky, young woman standing in the standard professional garb of a crisp navy blue business suit. Her pencil skirt fell just below the knee, blazer to the hip, a cream colored, modestly cut matching shirt, with a set of matching pearl earrings and necklace completed her professional business attire. The little woman also came with a giant toothy smile and clipboard in her well-manicured hands.

“Sgt. West, Mr. Kensington, welcome to National Rehab. I’m Natalie, your Patient Liaison. It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I have your exam room ready if you will follow me this way.” With a sweep of the arm, the little woman walked through the foyer, small heels clicking on the marble tile floor. She turned back to them every couple of seconds as she spoke. “First let me start off by telling you how happy we are you have chosen our facility. I have a folder of information for you with my telephone numbers. I’ll be here with you each step of the way. Any question or concern you may have, I’m happy to help you find the best answers for you. We truly feel privileged you have chosen us to provide your care through this stage of your recovery.”

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