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Up in Arms

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“This is private property and you’re forbidden to film here, but I’m sure you know this. What would it take to relieve you of this camera? I’m willing to pay a substantial amount for this camera right now, but only right now,” Reed demanded, walking her backward several feet around the corner from Trevor while he reached up to turn the camera off. To her own utter amazement, she never stopped throwing out questions.

“Did these injuries really occur by the insurgents or is there more to the story? Does it have anything to do with being a gay man in the military?” Hospital security barreled down the hall toward her, obviously called by the medical staff. She knew time just ran out. Rushing her last question before they got to her, Laurie needed to get a reaction from Reed. Otherwise, this could all back-fire on her by making Reed and Trevor look victimized by her and her station.

“Mr. Kensington, you can set the record straight. I’m offering you an exclusive interview. You can stop the rumors before they start.”

Reed gave her the smallest sneer. He took a couple of steps back, watching security take hold of the situation and begin to remove her in their normal, not too friendly way. Then Reed did something Laurie absolutely hated; he dismissed her without a backward glance. Laurie held the camera, walking backward as they dragged her through the facility, but her focus stayed on Reed Kensington. He just stayed too irritatingly smooth and too together. She couldn’t break him, no matter how many questions she flung in his direction and it just pissed her off that he gave her nothing to work with for her report. The highest ratings came from people flipping out on camera, making her look better or even justified for interrupting the privacy of their lives. Now, if she didn’t think of something quick, she would just look like an ambulance chaser, trying to hurt a beloved veteran.

Laurie stumbled back, but stayed on her feet as she was shoved from the front doors of the hospital. Righting her shirt, she tucked it back in before shoving the hair from her face. Laurie decided then she would dig up all the dirt she could find on Reed Kensington. Between her and Reed, if one of them needed to look bad, it wasn’t going to be her. And then she would see how smooth he stayed after it all aired. Reed was too good looking and too shrewd to not have a past. Somewhere there must be some damning information to help turn this around. Hell, if not, she would just make it up. Her whole angle of this story could be Truth or Tales protecting Trevor West, the beloved hero of the United States Military, against the international playboy!

With a sly grin forming, Laurie felt herself getting back into journalist mode, out of the sappy bleeding heart she felt like in the center just a few minutes before. Dropping the camera back in her purse, she put her Jimmy Choos back on as Josh stumbled out the door and fell on his ass at her feet. She kicked him out of her way, stalking to the car while digging her phone out, sending a text to her research team to pull everything possible on Reed Kensington. Laurie had only a couple of hours to pull this together and get on air.

“Did you get it?” Josh grunted, rolling from her before pulling to his feet.

“Got it. Now come on! We don’t have much time,” Laurie began to jog to the car oblivious of Josh’s limp, or the blood pouring from the cut on his head.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Trevor sat in the exam room, staring off at nothing more than the blue floral print wall paper in a room becoming smaller by the minute. A male physical therapist, who looked more like a bouncer from a seedy biker bar than a medical professional, stood on guard by the thick oversized mahogany door. There were no words exchanged between the two of them. After a few minutes, Reed came barreling through the door, proud at the aggression he was greeted with. This physical therapist guarded his man, which could never be a bad thing.

Trevor gave a slight movement with his hand on the wheel, turning the chair toward Reed. The look Trevor gave caused his heart to sink, and the bouncer/therapist excused himself, quickly leaving the room. Reed gave a small smile at the hurried exit of the therapist, watching the door close solidly behind him. Being an attorney, Reed appreciated the ability of one to speak so clearly with just his eyes. He turned back to Trevor, who sat there with his face void of emotion, his eyes hollow, his jaw clenched tight. Right then, Reed could see every bit of ground he made was lost at the hands of an overzealous, two bit reporter trying to make a name for herself. Reed’s heart slammed hard against his chest, hard enough to have him absently rub his palm against the thin material of his shirt, rubbing the ache in the center of his chest.

“Did she leave?” Trevor asked, his face remaining uninterested.

““Yes. Are you okay, baby?” Reed slowly, carefully walked to Trevor. His mind told him not to make any sudden moves, and he bent at the knee in front of the wheelchair, meeting Trevor at eye level.

“How did she find me?” Trevor kept his voice even, his stare still distant, but he did meet Reed’s gaze. Reed reached forward to run a hand up and down his thigh, willing his touch to bring Trevor emotionally back to him.

“At this point, I’m not sure, but I promise I will find out where this leak originated. They will be dealt with. Babe, talk to me. What’re you thinking? Please don’t close back up. We agreed this morning, we’re a team,” Reed pleaded. Leaning in, Reed traced a finger down Trevor’s cheek, but Trevor moved his head out from under the touch.

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