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Up in Arms

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“Mmmm...good morning to you, sexy. You smell delicious. Are you wearing my favorite cologne? You know what it does to me,” Reed growled, his deep voice even huskier from sleep. “It can’t be time to wake. Please just give me five more minutes. And it would be better if you laid here with me that same five more minutes...” Reed tried to turn over, tucking the pillow under his head.

“No, no... Come on, honey, dress quickly and meet me in the kitchen. I’ll have breakfast ready. But you have to open your eyes and get out of bed to do all those things, Reed Kensington. Shake a leg! I have something I need to tell you before we go.” Trevor popped Reed on his partially exposed naked butt. He grabbed the bed covers, moving quickly around the mattress, trying to get as far away from Reed’s reaching hands as he could while Reed darted up, making a grab at him.

“Damn, you’re too quick on that leg already. I think we should revisit the rule in which you don’t wear the leg in the house, so I can catch you better! Come back here. We have plenty of time. I need my morning lovin’ from my sexy boyfriend.” Reed sprawled across the bed now. His head lying on his elbow, his nude body fully exposed, showing a nice enticing view of the curve of his tight ass.

“Get dressed! Meet me in the kitchen.” Trevor waded up the bed covers, laying them on a side chair, not looking back. He made his way to the kitchen. Reed was too handsome and convincing. If he stayed in the room any longer, he would be back in that bed, making love to Reed, forgetting about the importance of what they were about to do.

Pulling bagels and fresh fruit from the refrigerator, Trevor opted for as easy breakfast. He didn’t want to mess up his clothes before the big event. Reed always ate breakfast in the morning, and usually ate it with a sweet tooth. Trevor had slowly removed the bad foods from the house over the last few months, loading the cupboards with healthier brands and items. Reed still snuck a few bad things in, but Trevor always pretended not to notice.

Setting the table, Trevor heard Reed enter the room. He smiled when his man wrapped his arms around him from behind. Trevor’s shoulder and chest were still not completely back to normal, but coming along better than expected. So much so, he would be starting his new permanent training job at the pentagon in the next couple of weeks. Trevor leaned his head back, reaching his left arm up to wrap it around Reed’s head. He pulled Reed to him for a small but thorough kiss.

“Sexy, you could tell me your little secret back in bed. Do you feel how badly I want you?” Reed whispered into his ear, while brushing his rock hard dick against Trevor’s ass.

“We made love all night last night. You can’t possibly be ready for more. Besides, it’s time to get moving! It’s not every day someone gets the Medal of Honor and meets the President of the United States. Chop, chop, baby, get to movin’!” Trevor tried to pull from Reed’s arms, but he wouldn’t let go. Instead, Reed began to place small kisses along his neck ignoring Trevor completely.

“You know, you need to look your best. My beautiful boyfriend will be all over the tabloids as he stands beside me today,” Trevor said. Reed gave a little groan; he could almost see him stomping his feet. All he could do in return was laugh. It wasn’t often Reed didn’t get what he wanted, but this morning held too much importance to give in. Reaching across the table, Trevor grabbed a little box he placed there earlier this morning, close to Reed’s normal place setting. He saw now a sit down breakfast wouldn’t be happening for them.

“Okay, wait. I have something for you. I’ve had it for a couple of months. Rylie and I picked this up right after he got back into town. I just waited for the right time. And then I chickened out. But I want you to have it before we go today. I want you to wear it, if you want to.” Turning on his heel, Trevor forced Reed back a step, not letting him go in for the kiss he intended.

“Stop making this harder than it has to be, and listen to me.” Carefully, Trevor dropped to one knee. He wasn’t completely comfortable on the prosthesis yet, so he lowered his right knee to keep balanced properly, praying it all worked. This seemed to finally capture Reed’s attention, making Trevor all the more nervous. Heat rushed to his cheeks as he opened the little box before turning it up for Reed to see. Trevor forced himself to man up, and ignored his pounding heart. After a second, Trevor lifted his gaze to Reed’s deep green eyes and watched his perfectly arched brows lift in surprise.

“We’ve only known each other for a little over three months, but it’s been the best three months of my life. I’ve fallen deeply and completely in love with you. You make every one of my days better, and nights special. You’re my best friend, my lover, my life.” Taking a deep breath, Trevor exhaled on a huff, nervous as hell, but forging on. “Reed Kensington, you would make me the happiest man in the world if you would promise to someday marry me. One day. In the future...I’m not saying right now, just someday, but sooner rather than later. If you agree.” Trevor’s heart pounded so hard in his chest he couldn’t hear his own words, but knew he was rambling. Just like he had to force himself to speak, he now forced himself to shut up, waiting for Reed’s reactions.

Reed took Trevor’s hand and lowered to his knees. His emerald eyes twinkled as his smile widened. “YES! Yes, Trevor West, I will marry you. I want nothing more than to share the rest of my life with you! I’ve loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. And these past few months have been the best of my life. I never thought I would be lucky enough to find my soul mate...but I’ve been so blessed and I’ve found him in you...” Reed lifted his hand, placing his palm tenderly on the side of Trevor’s face. “Baby, you are the reason my heart beats, you are my love, my life, my everything.”

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