Secret - Page 42

“That Julian was adorable,” he said, watching Tristan closely as he let him guide him backward.

“You liked him? I would have never guessed that by the way you drop-kicked him in the jaw.” That had Tristan laughing.

“I did not,” Dylan said, stopping their progression. Tristan’s chest collided with his.

“Wait—I got the impression you didn’t want him here.” Tristan’s tone changed, his demeanor did too as they stood face-to-face.

“I don’t want him. But I can see why you’d like him. He’s a good-looking guy,” Dylan admitted, and that smoothed Tristan’s facial features. He started pushing Dylan back through the house again.

“I found I didn’t want him here either. I think I just encouraged it to get you back here tonight.” Tristan led them through the kitchen, not letting Dylan turn around or slow down. “Are you hungry? Once I get you in that bed, it’s gonna be a good long while before I let you out.” Tristan kept him pressed snuggly against his chest, steering him through the house.

“I’m good,” Dylan said, and Tristan turned him, guiding him into the bedroom. It was an abrupt move, and he stumbled a bit, but Tristan righted him with a laugh, pulling him back up against his broad chest.

“Keep the buzz a little while longer,” Tristan whispered in his ear.

“I’m not sure I even have…” He turned his head to tell Tristan he wasn’t as buzzed as he had been. Tristan didn’t give him time to finish his sentence. He grasped his face in between his palms and kissed him passionately. Seconds later, he found himself against the bed.

“Trust me, remember?” Tristan soothed. He kept Dylan in his arms, but reached down to fold the covers back before lowering him to the mattress. “Center of the bed.”

Tristan went to his bathroom for the massage oils and a towel. When he returned, Dylan was just where he’d instructed, lying there, arms behind his head and a knee bent so his foot rested flat on the mattress. That flaccid cock plumping as Dylan watched him move closer. He stumbled on his feet at the sight awaiting him and realized he liked Dylan in his bed. He wanted more nights just like this. In a matter of about an hour, Tristan had jealousy coursing through him and now wanting the guy to regularly inhabit his life. How in the world did this resistant and stubborn man manage to evoke such emotion from him?

“Julian doesn’t have anything on you,” Tristan said honestly, averting his eyes, trying to hide all the emotions strumming through him.

“Yeah, right,” Dylan barked, laughing out loud as Tristan placed the oils and towels on the nightstand and opened the drawer. Dylan’s genuine smile took his breath. He abandoned the task at the nightstand and climbed on the bed, his eyes on that smile. He couldn’t even remember what he’d said to cause such a reaction. The true, broad grin changed Dylan’s already alluring face into something magical.

“What’s so funny?” Tristan asked as he settled beside Dylan, drawing him into his arms.

“Julian’s young and hot, and I’m an old man.”

“You aren’t that old. How old are you? Hold up. I know this answer. You’re like thirty-eight, thirty-nine?” Tristan knew Dylan’s age, but liked the smile and wanted to keep it going by teasing him.

“Don’t make me older than I am. I’m thirty-seven. How old are you?” Dylan playfully frowned at him.

“Well, I’m much younger than you. So you caught yourself a younger man. I guess that makes you my sugar-daddy,” Tristan said, laughing at Dylan’s laugh. He’d never loosened up this much. He was always serious. What had happened to cause this? Did he dare hope that Dylan was getting comfortable around him?

“Much younger, huh?” Dylan eyed him closely.

“Absolutely.” Tristan nodded, running a palm down Dylan’s chest, then back up again. He let his fingers linger over those smiling lips. “I’m a very young thirty-six.”

That had Dylan laughing out loud. “Yeah, a mere babe in the woods. I think I’m a bad influence.”

“I agree and I really like this side of you.” Tristan leaned in to lightly kiss Dylan’s lips.

“I’m comfortable,” he muttered, lying back on the bed. His eyes never left Tristan’s and the smile remained in place.

“I hoped that was it! I’ll have to remember this.” Tristan bent in again, and Dylan met him halfway, his mouth open.

“Turn over. Let me give you a massage,” Tristan said against his skin, before the kiss could go too far. “I want to make you feel good, but you have to trust me.”

Dylan didn’t respond at first and his face slowly morphed back into that serious guy he’d been earlier.

“Trust me?” Tristan asked, reaching for the oil. “Massage oil, see? I’m an expert.” He helped Dylan roll over, pushing at his shoulder. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

Dylan turned, but kept his head leaned back, watching Tristan’s every move.

“Relax.” Tristan straddled the back of Dylan’s thighs. “It’s gonna be a little cold,” he said, drizzling the oil directly over Dylan’s back.

“No shit! You could have at least warmed it in your hand.” Dylan whined.

“Stop moving and lie down,” he said as he slid his hands through the oil. “I’m romancing you.”

That had Dylan lifting his head and looking back over his shoulder. “I’m a sure bet. Besides, romancing me would have been warming that up.”

“We’ll see. Turn around. Put your head down. You’re ruining the moment.” Tristan chuckled, slapping his hand on Dylan’s raised shoulder. Dylan laid his head back down and his body eased. Tristan took time working Dylan’s muscles, slowly but completely relaxing him. He worked from top to bottom on Dylan’s back, sliding his hands across his ass, ignoring his own aching cock as he caressed Dylan’s skin. God, it would be so easy to just give himself a quick tug. It wouldn’t take much, but he refused. He had his goal in sight.

When he heard the soft snores, he smiled and began to knead the firm round globes of Dylan’s ass, sliding his hands toward the center crevice. He reached out for the lubricant and condoms, dripping some on his fingers before he decided to switch up his strategy. He parted Dylan’s ass cheeks and bent in, sliding his tongue along the rim. That stirred the sleeping man. When he pressed his tongue inside Dylan’s ass, the deep moan that came from above let him know he was doing something right.

Tags: Kindle Alexander M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024