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Tristan pressed his face into the pillow and ground his ass back against him, mumbling incoherently. Dylan held Tristan in place, exactly where he wanted him and thrust into him one more time.

“Aghh… Holy hell!” His body shook uncontrollably as his release crashed into him. His balls emptied in powerful spurts. Pleasure overwhelmed him, drowning him in a torrent of sensation. His legs gave way, and he collapsed against Tristan.

Dylan managed to hold the condom in place and withdrew his softening dick from Tristan’s ass. Tristan groaned and rolled to his side, his chest still heaving as he sucked in air. Dylan rolled with him, then knotted the condom and dropped it in the wastebasket beside the bed. Strong arms embraced him as Tristan drew him close. He turned in his lover’s arms and gazed into his eyes. He couldn’t miss the smile on Tristan’s face.

“You just rocked my world. I don’t think I’ve been so close to having a heart attack in my entire life,” Tristan said and kissed him. Tristan pulled back from the kiss and grinned at him. “Well, except for that time you made me go running with you.”

Hours later Dylan lay back against Tristan in the oversized bathtub, letting the warm water relax his overworked and exhausted body. Tristan sat behind him, his arms wrapped tightly around him, and his skilled hands massaged anywhere they could touch. Tristan’s half erect cock was perfectly positioned at the crease of his ass.

“I’ve kept you busy. Do you need to call home?” Tristan asked.

“I got a text from Teri. She already took care of things for me. She told the kids I was gone for the night.” Dylan rested his head against Tristan’s shoulder, his eyes closed, and he fought against the sleep his body seemed to want.

“Where did she say you were?” Tristan questioned. With his palm, he pushed the warm water up over Dylan’s chest. He also did that breathing thing, caressing his neck as he spoke right against his ear. The two sensations always collided, and like every other time, his cock plumped at the sensual assault coursing through him.

“They’re older teenagers. They don’t really care unless it directly affects them,” Dylan said, smiling and glancing back up at Tristan.

“Good. So you don’t have to lie. You don’t seem to like lying,” Tristan said, smiling back at him.

“Except my whole life’s a lie.”

“Not really. You’re taking care of your responsibilities. Someday it’ll be different.”

“I hope so,” Dylan replied and went back to just enjoying their time together. His eyes closed as he snuggled back against Tristan. Blissfully content in listening to the cadence of Tristan’s breathing.

“Me too,” Tristan said softly. Dylan thought about the kiss they’d shared after dinner. He couldn’t remember if the waitstaff had left the hotel room or not. Dylan hadn’t considered them as he dropped to the sofa and let Tristan suck him. Nor had Dylan considered them while Tristan rimmed him and he gave Tristan a blow job. He’d even fucked Tristan into the mattress not minutes later, right there on the big king bed with the bedroom door wide open.

God, it was such a turn-on to be wanted.

“Why do you look a little different?” Tristan asked. “You’re a hot guy, but something’s different.”

“I changed things up a little bit. Actually my hair person did.”

“Does she know about me?”

“No, he’s been chomping at the bit to make me over for years,” Dylan said, his eyes still closed.

“He?” Tristan sounded surprised.

“Yeah.” Dylan hadn’t missed the tone in Tristan’s voice and glanced over his shoulder questioningly.

“I like being the only he in your life.” Tristan nudged him, then bit at his shoulder.

“You are. He doesn’t know. No one but you and Teri know. I told you that.”

“So what did he do?” Tristan asked.

“Added some very small pieces of color to my hair and did a subtle spray tan.”

“Ahhh, yes, now I can see that. You looked stunning when you walked in, made my mouth water. Did you do all that for me?” That drew silence and Tristan chuckled.

“I bought new clothes for you and spent over a thousand dollars on flowers. I also added blond to my hair, too, and was waxed professionally downstairs just in case you changed your mind,” Tristan confessed.

“Really?” Dylan gave another glance over his shoulder.

“Yeah,” Tristan chuckled. “I hoped you wanted me as much as I want you.”

One of Tristan’s hands slid to his ass, while the other moved to his cock. At the same moment a finger began to massage his rim, Tristan’s grip tightened around his cock and stroked up. His dick grew painfully hard at the sensation.

“I’ve been looking forward to this night and I didn’t even think we were having sex. I planned on just spending time with you, but I can’t keep my hands to myself,” Tristan said and kissed the back of his neck sending chills down his spine.

“I thought I could come here and just talk about whatever interested you, too. I made up my mind nothing would happen. But right now I need you to make love to me, Tristan.” Dylan lifted an arm, snaking his hand through the back of Tristan’s hair, pulling him closer as he turned slightly in his arms.

Tristan angled Dylan’s head and kissed him. Dylan continued to turn in his arms. Coming up on his knees, he straddled Tristan’s thighs. “You have to help me. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I want this.”

He didn’t say anything, but kissed him soft and oh so fucking sweet. The kiss never got heated or frenzied, just a lazy licking and sampling of Dylan’s mouth. Tristan let his tongue slip between Dylan’s lips, tasting him. He would never get enough of this man. Dylan was one of a kind and until this moment he hadn’t realized exactly how hard he’d tumbled.

“You’re perfect. Do what feels right to you,” Tristan said, using the slick suds to stroke Dylan’s dick. Dylan lifted up on his knees, and sat on the side of the tub. Tristan bent in, licking circles around his soapy dick. Dylan held his head and pressed a thumb into the corner of his mouth, watching intently while he sucked on Dylan’s thumb and dick at the same time.

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