Secret - Page 70

“You promised.” The uncertainty showed on Dylan’s face as he spoke.

“Yes, I did, but I didn’t bend you over the desk and hump you like I really wanted to do. It was a celebratory kiss on a very special day. I think Teri and the kids liked me. That was important to me.” Tristan smiled, trying for nonchalant, hoping to banish that look from Dylan’s eyes.

“Of course they would like you. Who doesn’t like you, but I have an open-door policy for anyone to walk in,” Dylan explained, turning back to the mirror and pushing the ends of his hair where Tristan’s hands had been back in place.

“That’s why I locked the door,” Tristan rumbled and leaned suggestively against the neatly polished wooden desk, glancing at Dylan in the mirror. He inclined his head toward the locked door. “See, it’s locked. I’m catching on to how things are done around here.” He gave Dylan a wink and pushed off the desk. “So, are you ready for today? I’ve done these things many times before. Once you go down, it’s non-stop until the end of the day.”

“I think I’m ready. It’s a great day for Secret.” Dylan gave him a genuine smile and stepped closer. “I really love your tie…it brings out the color of your eyes,” Dylan said as he adjusted Tristan’s ice blue tie. After he finished, he turned without a word and headed toward the office door.

That made Tristan smile. Dylan should be proud, and he was glad he got to be here to enjoy the day with him. He’d managed to do something most people only dreamed of accomplishing.

“It’s a hugely great day for Wilder. I hoped you would like it. Hey, before you go out there.” Tristan took several steps forward and placed his palm on the door before Dylan could get it open. They were inches apart, and startled eyes met his as the scent of Dylan’s cologne surrounded him. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I’m not sure I’ve told you that.”

Confusion replaced the startled look as Dylan absorbed those words. Tristan didn’t give him time to ask any questions. He nodded his head toward the door and turned the knob. “Put your big smile on.”

He placed a hand on Dylan’s lower back, guiding him out.

“What have I done for you? I think it’s more the other way around.” They hadn’t taken more than a step outside the main office doors before Dylan broke his self-imposed protocol, leaning over to ask that question. They were only a few feet from the bank of elevators where he knew Dylan’s family stood, waiting on them.

“I’ll tell you later,” he whispered back. How did he explain everything to Dylan in the few seconds they had. How could he tell Dylan how much he’d changed his life, made everything better just by meeting him? Tristan experienced a wealth of emotion knowing Dylan waited for his call or visit. He couldn’t put into words what Dylan’s love had grown to mean to him. Tristan looked forward to every single day now that he woke up with this man in his life. There were so many things he needed to say. He didn’t want to weigh Dylan down with all of that heavy stuff on his big day. As for Tristan, he’d attended several of these merger deals in the past. He was usually bored out of his mind at these functions, but it kept Wilder, Inc. in the media which was technically priceless for his organization. Since Secret was the hottest thing going right now, associating his two companies would help balance the budgets. And he got to spend the entire day close to Dylan. He angled his head, getting Dylan to move again.

“Are you guys ready?” Tristan asked as he rounded the corner to the bank of elevators.

“Yes, I think I have my job description down. I’m to stand there and smile,” Cate said and did just that. She put on a giant toothy grin as Teri hit the down button for the elevators.

“She’s funny,” Tristan said, knocking Dylan in the arm with his elbow.

“Yeah, all I see is six thousand dollars’ worth of orthodontics at its finest,” Dylan responded, and Teri began nodding her head in agreement. Tristan’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He didn’t need to look at caller ID to know Landry was calling. He answered on the third ring.

“I’m going down now. Are you ready?” The overall companywide transition would take some time, and he suspected Landry of dragging his feet in the beginning, making everything a little harder than it had to be, but today served two purposes—the formal announcement of the merger as well as revealing the new WilderNation-Secret logo for the search engine. They were set to go live the moment he introduced the world to its existence.

“We are, just waiting for the word,” Landry said.

“Good. Our people are in place. Get Amy to monitor the initial responses and message me. I know Market Research will, but they’ll take some time.”

“Already planned. Good luck today. Feels off not being there.” He could hear the sulk still in his voice.

“Funny, I don’t feel that way. I’m getting on the elevator,” Tristan said, stepping on after everyone else. “I’ll lose you soon. Hang up now. Stop whining.”

“I should be there,” Landry tossed out as Tristan disconnected the call. Landry was the kink in his otherwise perfect life. He still hadn’t given in and adapted to these changes. Tristan forced those thoughts away. Now was not the time to dwell on his pain-in-the-ass COO. Instead he looked around and found Cate standing closest to him. He casually draped an arm over her shoulders.

“The staff can be difficult sometimes.” He rolled his eyes for dramatic effect.

“My dad loves his staff. We’re always giving or going to parties with them,” Cate said.

“Hmm…I think I need to take lessons from him then. My operation’s guy is a pain in my butt. Good thing I found your dad, maybe he can help me find the good in him again.”

Tags: Kindle Alexander M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024