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“Yes, I think we’re on the same page.” Wasting no time, he stepped up behind Tristan’s wide-spread legs and ran his hand down and over his lover’s full, round ass then back up again, smiling when Tristan’s muscles quivered beneath his palm.

“So beautiful.” He bent down and placed lingering kisses against Tristan’s back, then bit playfully at his shoulder. Dylan sucked the skin between his lips, lightly marking Tristan as his. Dylan’s dick left a trail of moisture along Tristan’s crevice as his lover groaned and moved against him. His body was in overdrive. He wanted this man, needed this man. He wrapped his arms around Tristan, pulling him up and back against his chest. He slid one hand down his flat stomach, moving lower to push away the thin piece of material and lovingly stroke his cock. Using his other hand, he palmed Tristan’s jaw, angling his head just right for a kiss.

Tristan responded by sucking greedily at his lips. He opened for Tristan’s persistent tongue, meeting it with his own. He raked his fingers down Tristan’s neck and gripped the ice blue tie still hanging there. Wrapping the silk material around his hand, he tugged his lover closer. Dylan let everything out in that kiss—his feelings of inadequacy, his need for Tristan, along with the hunger that had been building from years of denying himself. This was who he was, and Tristan was the man he wanted. The kiss turned intense as they probed and explored each other’s mouth. He could kiss this man forever. Their tongues twisted and swirled in a heated dance that fueled his hunger. Dylan moaned into the kiss as they rocked hard against each other. He loosened his grip on the tie as Tristan broke from the kiss, dropped his head forward, and raised his hips.

“Please…I need you in me, Dylan.”

“And I will be.” Dylan licked and nibbled his way down Tristan’s spine, lowering himself to his knees. He spread Tristan’s ass cheeks wide, his dick twitched at the sight of this beautiful man in front of him. Dylan circled Tristan’s hole with his finger and used his tongue to tease his lover’s entrance. Tristan’s essence burst across his senses, intoxicating him. Dylan pressed his face against Tristan’s ass and worked him with his fingers and tongue. God, he loved the scent of his man, but his taste was even more incredible.

“That feels so fucking amazing.” Tristan gasped and arched his back.

Dylan pointed his tongue, pressed inside, and began fucking Tristan with his mouth. His lover moaned and writhed wantonly against his oral assault. Dylan’s own desire leaked against his skin, leaving the wetness cooling against overheated flesh. His need to be shrouded in his lover’s body became too much to bear. He pressed a kiss against Tristan’s butt cheek and sat back on his heels. “Please tell me you brought supplies.”

“Always.” Tristan dropped several packets on the desk before handing one to Dylan. “Good thing I brought these hoping I’d get lucky tonight.” Dylan heard the teasing tone in his voice.

“Always one step ahead. I like that in a man.” He stood, ripped opened the package, and spread the liquid across his fingers. “I believe we’re both gonna get lucky tonight.”

“Too much talking and not enough action, Reeves. Now, give me what I want and don’t hold back. I’m a big boy.” Tristan lowered his chest back to the desk and spread his ass cheeks. Dylan lost his breath at the sight. It took him a few seconds before words formed and he was able to speak.

“No holding back tonight, I promise.” He pressed two fingers against Tristan’s rim, circling them lightly across his opening before pushing them deep inside his lover in one swift motion. Tristan surged back on his fingers, the movement causing them both to moan. Dylan began driving his fingers in and out of Tristan, twisting and scissoring them as he opened his lover. Tristan kept pushing back on his digits, groaning and breathing hard. He curled his fingers and found that soft spongy knot and pressed. Tristan whimpered and widened his stance.

“Want your dick stretching me…” Tristan hissed, grinding his hips faster against Dylan’s hand. Dylan added another finger and pumped them in time with Tristan’s movements. “I’m ready.”

Dylan withdrew his fingers and hurriedly tore open the package then rolled the condom on. He gripped the base of his dick and positioned himself at Tristan’s opening. Dylan pressed the head of his erection into Tristan, slowly pushing past the tight ring of muscle before fully seating himself deep inside. Dylan froze for a moment, savoring the mind-numbing heat enveloping and drawing him in. After a few seconds, he began to move his hips.

“Oh damn, Tristan.”

“Fuck me. I wanna feel you move faster,” Tristan begged, driving himself back into Dylan.

Dylan did as his lover suggested. He held on to Tristan’s hips and pulled out a fraction of an inch before pushing deeply inside Tristan. He repeated that movement over and over until he was almost pulling out completely and slamming back into his lover with powerful thrusts. Dylan took him hard and fast, driving deeper into Tristan with every snap of his hips. He canted his hips, changing his angle, and pounded into Tristan’s prostate over and over.

“Yes, there…right there.” Tristan moaned, his fingers turning white from the grip he had on the desk.

Dylan’s hips pistoned uncontrollably in and out of his lover’s body. The heat grew and spread through him till Dylan thought he’d combust. The fire breathed at the bottom of his spine, expanding to the base of his skull.

“I’m so close,” Dylan said through clenched teeth. Hunger and need spiraled deep inside his belly.

Thrusting harder into Tristan, he reached around, shoved his hand in Tristan’s jock strap, and found his stiff, leaking cock. He freed him from the damp material and began to stroke him with long, firm movements.

“Harder, fuck me harder,” Tristan demanded.

Tristan cried out and came, hard tremors racking his body as his hot come spilled over Dylan’s fingers. His lover’s ass drew him in, constricting and clenching around him with every spasm, he couldn’t hold off his release any longer. Dylan pushed in deep, thrusting twice more before coming unglued, and completely losing himself in Tristan’s body.

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