Secret - Page 83

Neither of them seemed to know what to do or say, and he looked back at the porch to see the kids watching him as Teri hugged Mark.

“I shouldn’t have come. I was just concerned,” Tristan said, still standing several feet away.

“You’ve been here the whole time?”

“Pretty much.” That touched his heart, and Dylan took a couple of steps toward him. “I didn’t expect them to see me.”

“It’s okay, I guess. I mean, I don’t know, but they know about you. You should come inside,” Dylan said, now a step or two away from Tristan. His eyes were better adjusted and Tristan looked so unsure. “How did you get here?”

“A driver.” Tristan didn’t move a muscle. He’d never seen him like this before. Tristan was always so self-assured and strong-willed that he never doubted himself in anything. “You’re too important to me. I don’t know what to do here,” Tristan confessed softly.

“I needed to hear that right now,” Dylan said and that had Tristan taking a step toward him. “They seem okay with it all. Teri did the talking. She’s good at giving just enough information.”

“I can attest to that,” Tristan agreed. They rarely stood this far apart without Tristan touching him in some way.

“Come in. They should meet you again. It looks like Mark’s already inside.” Dylan looked back through the front door, seeing them all standing in the foyer.

“Hang on. I need to pay this guy.” Tristan went to the car, pulled out his wallet and shelled out a stack of bills. Before he stepped away from the curb, the car had started and was already pulling away.

“Where’re your shoes?” Dylan asked.

“I followed you out of the room without the key. I didn’t want to take the time to get a new one and go back upstairs. I felt strongly about being here in case you needed me.”

“You’ve just been sitting out here, waiting?” Dylan asked. By his estimation, Tristan should already be halfway to California by now after how rude he’d been at the hotel.

“I was worried. How do we stand?” Tristan asked. It seemed an unexpected question even for him, and Dylan furrowed his brow, slowing his step. Maybe he wasn’t out of the woods like he’d thought.

“How do you want to stand?” Dylan asked. He came to a stop in the middle of his walkway, dropping his hands inside his slacks pockets. He didn’t want his kids to hear this exchange, and he didn’t want to lead Tristan up to the house if things were coming to an end. Panic raced through him for the second time that night. Except this time, the worry coursing through his veins was worse than earlier. He’d sat inside that living room, listening to Teri confess his secrets, feeling stronger because Tristan would be beside him in the end. Now he wasn’t sure how Tristan felt and his heart was being torn from his chest at the thought of losing him.

“I want a long-term commitment between us and for you to move in with me—whenever that’s possible,” Tristan said, sending his world spinning again. The highs and lows of today were beginning to catch up with him, and his heart pounded violently in his chest. He ducked his head, let out a deep sigh, and absently ran a palm over his heart. He hoped he’d heard right.

“I thought you were backing out,” Dylan confessed, his eyes not meeting Tristan’s as he stared at the ground. He ran his hand up to rub the stiff muscles in his neck.

“I thought you were giving up on us. Is it okay if I touch you?” Tristan questioned. Dylan looked up and then over to the front door where Chloe now stood in the doorway, staring out at them.

“Can we wait on that?” Dylan asked as he watched Chloe.

“Yes. If you say yes to a future with me,” Tristan countered, drawing Dylan’s attention away from his daughter and back to them.

“I would’ve thought that was a given.” Dylan looked Tristan straight in the eyes. God yes, he wanted a future with this man. He was so thankful he had a boyfriend who hadn’t left him tonight and kids that hadn’t turned their backs on him. Everything was turning out so much better than he’d ever imagined. Who would have thought?

“Say it anyway.”

“Yes,” Dylan whispered, his eyes locked onto Tristan’s beautiful gray stare.

“I want to kiss you more than ever before,” Tristan whispered, his eyes dropping down to Dylan’s lips. Dylan could see the passion etched on his face. Tristan’s lips parted slightly. As hot as that was to witness, that meant the kiss was coming, he knew that much already about Tristan. Damn the consequences.

“Wait!” He pivoted on his heel and went to the front door, hoping Tristan followed. He had to get out of that moment; it was too much. Telling his kids he was gay and kissing men in front of them were two different things. Baby steps, he reminded himself. Chloe came out on the porch, meeting him on the first step.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I should have called you first.” Chloe threw herself into his arms, and she was crying again. He took her easily in, hugging her tight and kissing the top of her head.

“You did the right thing, honey. I’m proud of you. I promise.” He lifted her face with his finger. “You did the right thing. Just keep doing the right thing for me and help keep an eye on your sister and brother. Let me know if anything isn’t right for them.”

“I will, I promise,” Chloe said, giving a huge ugly sniffle in his face. That had him smiling.

“Can you say hello to Tristan for me?” She nodded and quickly wiped at her nose and her eyes, running her hands on her shorts before she looked past him. Tristan had stayed on the bottom step, giving them a moment.

“Hi, Mr. Wilder, I need to apologize to you, too. I started this tonight.” Lord, his children were so well-adjusted. He’d have never acted like this at her age. His pride increased ten-fold as he watched her extend a hand toward Tristan.

Tags: Kindle Alexander M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024