The Current Between Us - Page 13

Trent couldn’t even remember the last time he got to partake in real sex, which must mean it was quite a while ago. Even thinking hard, he still didn’t come up with much. Shit. A year ago? Hell, maybe even longer. The bottom line, he needed to have more sex if his response this morning were any indication. It just wouldn’t do for him to be out in public reacting like this on a regular basis. He didn’t want to go back into the life of random, meaningless sex. Okay, he needed to rephrase that thought. He absolutely could go back to a life of frequent, random sex, but that life usually started after ten at night, and being a single parent, he went to bed around nine. Sometimes, if he got lucky, it would be more around eight thirty when he hit the sack.

Before his sister died, Trent was all about the meaningless sex. He could stay up all night, doing whoever presented available. Back in the day, he would get off work, clean himself up, and immerse himself in Chicago’s club scene. He totally lived the stereotypical life of a single gay man. Sex and more sex. He got laid all the time. Then he’d been given responsibility of the kids and everything had changed. He’d had to stop being that guy, and shit got more serious. He took the responsibility to heart because he owed it to Hunter and Emalynn to be there and be the father they needed.

When Emalynn, only a few weeks old, had gotten sick, he’d had the shit scared out of him. He’d loaded up both kids and taken them to the hospital to have her checked out. The staff had given him grief over providing care once he told them he was her guardian, not her father. Social workers got involved; making it a giant fucked up mess.

The next day, he called his attorney and started the paperwork to make them legally his so they would never have to go through all the problems again. But that step changed everything again. In Trent’s mind, a guardian’s job was a way different thing than a dad’s job. He understood how crazy that sounded, but it was true. Being a father meant setting an example, and that didn’t include leaving them at home all night while he partied it up in some random gay club.

Trent had tried dating. It made perfect sense in his mind. He needed to find a committed relationship. He stupidly put self-imposed sex restrictions on his dates, requiring more than one date before allowing himself release. There would be no more random one night stands. And he’d stuck to it. Then again, only a couple of times over the last four years had he found anyone willing to go on more than one date. He did get to have sex a few times during, but it ended pretty quickly after Trent had to cancel a few dates because of a sick child.

Interestingly enough, he found if he were into the ladies, his plan would have worked. Single men with children drew women in like flies to honey. At least once a day some random female would hit on him when he towed his kids around. Funny though, the children weren’t the same magnet to gay men and the restrictions which came along with being a single father kept him from being in the circles needed to meet people like himself or to do the things he liked to do. Like go out to dinner, see a movie, or take an overnight stay away.

He dropped the back of his head against the truck with a thump and kept the phone parked at his ear, listening to the beat of the music coming through the speaker, his foot tapping out the rhythm. He thought it might be some Bee Gee’s classic disco remake, and he let out a huff as he realized how pathetic it was that he knew the tune so well he could tap it out with his work boot without conscious thought.

Images of Gage came back to his mind despite all his effort to stop them. Never had he been in a situation quite like this one, and without question, pulling away from the swipe of Gage’s hand down the front of his jeans had cost him dearly. He wasn’t sure his dick would ever forgive him for turning that down.

If he were being honest, Trent was fine with his life and fine with his lack of sex. He totally bought into the theories of a bigger purpose and a greater good. But Gage Synclair was just too fucking hot. He loved the stories Gage created with his camera. To have Gage Synclair rubbing on his dick, propositioning him with a quick round in the closest restroom truly shocked the shit out of him. The whole thing was beyond incredible. It actually ranged more in the ridiculously unbelievable category of life.

Seriously, how did Trent not say ‘screw the big picture’ and go in the bathroom to fuck the guy’s brains out? Trent sighed. He knew the reason. Nothing was worth jeopardizing what he built with the kids or their future. Not even fifteen minutes alone with the super-hot, apparently gay, celebrity Gage Synclair sucking him hard. And boy would he make Gage… Suck. Him. Hard. Who knew what Gage’s preferences were, but it would have been required to have those lips on his dick for a certain amount of time.

“Mr. Cooper, thank you for holding. I’ve got the information you need,” the nasal tone of his supplier interrupted his dangerous thoughts. Shaking his head, he forced himself back into the moment to take down the quote on parts.

Focus Trenton Cooper. You need this business to support your babies all the way through their lives. Getting caught with Gage Synclair would ruin it all.


Gage listened carefully to Trent’s researched explanation, and completely ignored his project manager sitting in the chair beside Trent. “The cost will be around forty-five hundred dollars. My company can do it Saturday evening and through the night. My supplier’s able to work with me on anything we need, no problem. I can have guys out here at six that evening, and I’ll be here as I can, and stay through the night. Twelve hours should give us the time to pull new wire and replace the box. We can temporary it in. The city will come out first thing Monday morning, I’ve been assured. Now, ComEd says they’ll work with us. I’m not so sure of that, but the temporary power should provide for the crews on Monday until it’s all taken care of.” Trent sat there, all business, drawing out his plan to keep this remodel on schedule.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024