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The Current Between Us

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“I enjoyed tonight, thank you for letting me tag along,” Gage said quietly, tucking his hands in his slacks pockets.

“I can’t imagine how you enjoyed this.” Trent replied, and following Gage’s lead, he tucked his hands in his pockets.

“I’m looking forward to tomorrow night, Trent,” Gage said, taking a step away from the truck, backing out into the parking lot. When Trent didn’t reply, Gage gave a quick wink, before turning and heading to his car. Trent tracked him the entire way, feeling breathless, and warm all over. When Gage turned back to him, before getting in the driver’s side, he lifted his hand in a small wave.

“Me too,” Trent finally said, watching Gage pull out of the parking lot.

Chapter 10

Work started bright and early Monday morning, but something about clearing the air with Gage made everything a little less complicated in Trent’s life. The job definitely got better, he seemed to make far fewer mistakes, and didn’t quite have the problem of meeting Gage’s direct stare today. The heavy weight of the last few days lifted, and in its place a sense of contentment settled.

One thing he did notice, Gage seemed to stare at him quite a bit today. While Trent had stayed vigilant on his avoid-Gage-at-all-cost regime, he never noticed how much Gage might be looking at him, but today, every time he turned around, Gage’s eyes were on him.

On his knees, Trent worked the wiring to the wall sockets his crew had installed on Sunday afternoon. Remarkably, everything managed to stay on track, even with the unexpected electrical panel change. It said a lot to Gage’s involvement with the job. As he tucked the wire into the socket, his phone vibrated at his belt, alerting him to an incoming text. He sat back on his heels, palming his phone to see an unknown number. He clicked the message to read it.

Your ass is what my dreams are made of… it looks good bent over like that. It’s driven me crazy for five straight days. I thought you should know.

Trent read the message and looked over his shoulder to the glass walls of Gage’s office to see him sitting at his desk, feet kicked up on the corner, staring at Trent. Gage’s sexy grin was in place and he winked at Trent.

I’m sorry, who is this? Trent teasingly texted back, and then turned back to finish screwing the cover over the socket. As he moved to the next socket his phone vibrated again, alerting him of another text.

As I suspected! I’m sure there are many men paying homage to that tight ass of yours. I’m your date for the night and I need your address to pick you up.

He didn’t look back at Gage this time, but texted back quickly.

I can meet you, just tell me where.

He didn’t get a second before a new text came in. Oh no… I’m picking my date up this evening. I asked, you accepted, it’s the proper thing to do. What’s your address?

Trent replied back quickly. Really, it’s not necessary. I can meet you.

Sexy, and that’s just one of the many names I’ve come up to describe you over the last five days…don’t make me come out there and force your address out of you. Just tell me where you live. I made dinner reservations for seven. Sports coat required. I should pick you up no later than six thirty.

Trent couldn’t help but love the little name Gage used on him. The last few years battered both his heart and ego pretty badly, but Gage had already begun to mend those broken pieces, without even realizing it, healing his soul from the inside out. After a second, he allowed himself another quick look over his shoulder. Gage still sat in the same spot, his eyes focused on Trent and the grin spread again across his lips. His heart tripped. Oh dear God, Trent was in over his head. A call came through to Gage’s office. Trent watched him pick up the phone on the first ring. After a minute, Gage rose and shut the office door.

Then the windows darkened, blocking anyone from seeing into the office. Those moments happened several times a day, and they were all so mysterious. Only once, in passing, did he hear any mention of anything related to a possible report. He assumed all this secrecy went along with the investigation. It was how he imagined it would all go down, the private conversations, held in out of the way, remote locations… Wrapped up in thoughts of double agents and secret missions, Trent worked until jarred back to the real world with another incoming text.

Your address,… still waiting. Well, the text blew the image of Gage posing as James Bond, hiding in some seedy back room gathering his information through extreme interrogation tactics. He texted his address with the disclaimer he could absolutely meet him anywhere and finished working the sockets in the main showroom.

He saw glimpses of photo’s matted and framed, being placed around the room for hanging. They were beginning to arrive daily, and he heard the official grand opening was scheduled for Thursday, three days from now. After today, they were moving upstairs to finish Gage’s personal space and then on to the basement to rough it out for storage, both would be done by the end of the week.

Gage stayed locked up in his office for the rest of the afternoon, and Trent decided to take off a little early to get a haircut. On a whim, he swung by Men’s Warehouse and picked out a new suit, something a little more modern than the years old versions hanging in his closet. As he drove home, the early rush hour traffic didn’t bother him like it normally would. Every one of his thoughts stayed centered on Gage. His anticipation levels were all in overdrive, and he knew the pull his heart felt wasn’t a good sign. He tried hard to rein in the runaway thoughts of future dates or of the times he and Gage might take the kids to the park, or to the movies…

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