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The Current Between Us

Page 39

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It would be more appropriate for him to buy Gage’s meal. After all, Gage was technically considered his client. Trent turned back in his seat and lifted the menu again, studying it hard. Surely to God his meal wouldn’t be over a hundred dollars, even in such a fine place. But what if it were? What were his options? He scanned the menu, trying to decipher anything that might look like a price. The only option he could see, he would have to call Sophia, and ask her to bring him his debit card and wouldn’t that be totally embarrassing? He could feel the heat of a blush coming to his cheeks as those thoughts caused his brow to narrow even further.

“Do you read Italian?” Gage asked, drawing Trent’s attention back to him.

“No, not at all,” he said, but bit his lip as the answer dawned on him. He should order something simple. A salad or maybe an appetizer, surely even in a place like this neither of those would cost over a hundred dollars.

“You sure look like you’re trying to,” Gage said with a wink.

“No, I was trying to decide how hungry I am. I think something simple… Maybe a soup,” Trent said and lowered the menu, placing it carefully on the place setting beside him.

“Ahh, Trent, I think you should try the special tonight. It’s a marvelous dish from an extremely sought after chef. I remember doing a tour in Italy and running across him back when he first started out. I’ll never forget the extraordinary meal he cooked for me. It didn’t take too long to get him here. His filets are the most tender you have ever eaten. Please allow me the opportunity to order for you. If you aren’t hungry, you can just taste it.”

Gage said it all while reaching across the table to place the menu on top of his before reaching over to retake Trent’s hand, lacing their fingers together. Gage rested their joined hands on the table before starting the slow, sensual rub of his thumb along his skin. Gage’s thumb reached in and gently caressed his palm. A small electrical current shot up his arm and landed in both his heart and his dick with every swipe. Before things went much further, and he lost all his ability to think straight, Trent decided to try honesty.

“Gage, I’m not sure I brought enough money to cover this meal. I don’t know what I was thinking. Well, I know what I thought… I thought we would be at the Chili’s close to my house and then back home within a couple of hours. It didn’t occur to me we might come downtown. It should have, but it didn’t,” he said, and the blush in his cheeks grew hotter with each word he spoke.

“Babe,” Gage said, leaning in closer to him as the waiter came forward with a wine bucket to sit beside Gage. The waiter went through the steps of opening the bottle of wine with a friendly smile in place. Gage sat back, pausing so the waiter could complete his task.

“Hello, Mr. Synclair. It’s a nice evening out. Will you be having the special, sir?” the waiter asked while working the cork out of the bottle and pouring one glass, allowing Gage to test the wine first.

“Yes, I do believe we’ve decided on two specials please.” Gage took a sip of the wine, savoring the taste. “And the wine’s perfect.” The waiter poured another glass for Trent, placing it in front of him. As the waiter looked at him, the warm smile he gave Gage was gone. Something close to animosity radiated from the young man’s face before he looked away. Trent recognized that look. This waiter had spent time with Gage, probably recently if the guy were this upset by Trent’s presence.

Gage took up the conversation again once the waiter retreated from the table. “Babe, listen to me. I invited you out. I did the asking. This is my date to pay. You invited me to your McDonald’s last night. I let you pay and never said a word. I also let you get the doors. Now it’s my turn.”

“A Coke is a way different thing than a menu with no pricing, Gage,” Trent shot back.

“That may be, but it’s still where I chose to bring you. You’re my date tonight,” Gage reiterated, sitting back in his seat, picking up his glass of wine with his free hand and taking a long drink.

“All right, I can’t see how I have much of an argument, but the next time is mine, if there is a next time. I have a change in subject though. You were with the waiter who served us, but I can tell by the look on your face you don’t even remember, do you?” Trent asked.

“Of course, I remember. Well, I try to remember… Do you remember all your times?” Gage asked. He never released Trent’s hand and sat there looking perfectly relaxed.

“No, I guess I don’t, but you haven’t been back in town for more than a couple of months,” Trent said.

“Hmm… Yes, that’s true…” Gage sat forward and placed his wine glass back on the table. He leaned in toward Trent drawing their joined hands up for a small swipe of a kiss across Trent’s knuckles. “Let’s talk about how you’ve followed my career. It may help in rebuilding my confidence back to my fragile heart. You’ve given me a good run, Trent Cooper. I was convinced I lusted after a straight married man. I do believe you’ll have to spend some time making it all up to me in the very near future.”

He watched as if the world were in slow motion. When those lips caressed his hand, the sensation sent his heart slamming wildly in his chest and his skin tickled under the touch. After a small pause, he finally asked, “You thought I was married?”

“Yes, your Auntie Crazy came to the gallery with the kids the afternoon before the panel change. Since my new favorite pastime includes watching you do anything and everything, I saw you all outside. I must confess I eavesdropped on much of the conversation while you were outside. I could hear them calling you Daddy. You’re all a very pretty family. The kids look like you, Emalynn especially. I would have no idea they weren’t your natural born children. You must have resembled your sister,” Gage said.

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