Texas Pride - Page 5

“Austin, a car’s waiting to take you to the airport.” They walked briskly, now side by side as he shrugged off his jacket handing it over to his agent.

“Where’s Cara?” Austin loosened the cuff links on his shirt as he entered the small room.

“She’s at one of the parties.” Seth reached for the shirt before it hit the floor.

“Is she being watched?” Austin asked. He dropped his slacks, looking Seth directly in the eye.

“Yep,” Seth said. “She’s got a couple of guards on her. I’ll go there when we’re done.”

Austin didn’t say anything more. Instead, he turned to dig through the small backpack for his jeans. As good as Cara was at putting on airs in this fake world of Hollywood, she had also entrenched herself deeply in its culture. Up until recently, she’d always been discreet with her partying, but lately, things had changed. Her drug and alcohol use spiraled out of control. Her bed partners changed weekly, causing a new cast of characters to constantly filter through their lives. It was risky and the leaks were starting to fill the tabloids. They were watched too closely for it not to be noticed.

Austin’s game plan involved getting her acting jobs in the majors. She wasn’t ready for the big roles, but she could handle the romantic comedies, no problem. Austin called in favors signing her on to several back to back films. He hoped it might push her back to getting control over some of her wayward ways. Seth agreed to be her agent. He’d watch her, keep her focused and on task.

“Stay with her all the time and let me know if I need to get involved. I’m hoping it calms when she gets on set and I get gone,” Austin said shrugging his jeans up over his hips.

“You know I will.” Seth nodded keeping it brief. He didn’t agree with Austin taking off like this. They’d been over it so many times, but Seth never could sway him from his course. Austin needed this too badly to let anything stand in his way.

Austin tugged on his t-shirt while walking out the back doors of the studio to his waiting car. For the first time in ten years, the clothes he wore were his choice, not from the collection of the highest bidding designer who paid him to wear their clothes anytime a camera might be around. It felt good to wear a pair of Wranglers and a vintage MTV t-shirt he’d owned before he ever got started acting.

The back door of the Kodak Theater opened to a parking lot. A chain link fence surrounded the lot where about a hundred fans stood behind security waiting for him. Austin took the rare minute and went over to the fence. These times were too few anymore when he just got to be one on one with his fans.

Austin stayed and signed every last autograph. He spoke quietly with each fan. Seth and his bodyguards stood close by waiting for him, but no one rushed him. They let him have this moment. When he got through it all, he slid in the backseat of his car. He watched the crowd as he pulled away and gave a wave. Without question, Austin knew this would be the only thing he missed in leaving Hollywood behind.

Chapter 2

A vibration jarred Kitt awake and it took him a second to acclimate to his surroundings. White and black chrome took shape as he opened his eyes, not the polished finish of his hand built log cabin back on the farm. The bed felt about the same – or maybe not. Kitt had just spent lots of time in this bed over the last few years; maybe that’s why it felt like home.

Kitt turned his head to look over at the nightstand. The alarm clock read a quarter after six in the morning. He was alone in bed so he took the minute to stretch his long body out. A smile came to his lips at the rolling ache in his sore muscles after hours of deeply gratifying marathon style sex he’d shared with his super hot bed partner. Sean knew him well and easily manipulated him with all the right moves. Sean also loved to bottom letting Kitt bend, torture and dominate him in every way.

“Good morning. I knew you would want to get on the road. I made coffee and have a bagel wrapped and ready to go.” Sean came through the bedroom door carrying two cups of steaming hot coffee. Kitt scooted up on the bed, leaning against the headboard to take the cup, not quite ready to give up the comfort of the moment. Sean sat on the end of the bed, tucking one of his long legs underneath him. He was tall, dark and exceedingly handsome. There had to be some Spanish or Mediterranean deep his ancestry. Over all the years spent together, Kitt had never asked about it, but saw it so clearly in the deep dark chocolate eyes and olive complexion. Sean also had a thick brush of long eyelashes sweeping up and down every time he blinked. Kitt’s arousal stirred to life just looking at the man.

“You were incredible last night, Kitt. I’m glad you finally got the time to come up and see me,” Sean said before taking a sip of his coffee.

“I’ve been busy. I needed it though. Thanks for fittin’ me in.” He gave a small kick in Sean’s direction and brushed a hand through his light brown hair.

“You’ve been spending time in the sun with no sunscreen, Kitt. I keep telling you it’s bad for your skin. You need to spray tan, it’s healthier and everyone’s doing it.” Sean eyed Kitt closely. “The sun’s changed your hair color, I like the gold and auburn highlights. It’s longer than I’ve ever seen you wear it. I like this new look, but you need sunscreen!” Sean scooted closer to Kitt as he spoke. He laid his coffee on the night stand. They had been in this relationship for the past five years, ever since meeting when Kitt was on spring break from Grad school, floating the river in New Braunfels.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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