Texas Pride - Page 7

“You know him, don’t you?” Sean nodded toward the television. It took Kitt a second to focus his eyes back on the screen and not leer at the overly handsome man stepping from the closet.

“Yep, well, no. Austin Grainger went to my high school. He’s three or four years older than me. I wouldn’t say I know him.” Kitt was now fully focused on the sexiest man alive. Literally, per People Magazine.

“They say he likes the boys. Did he like you back then? Maybe you shared some of this tight ass of yours with him in that high school Ag barn you’re so proud of?” Sean patted Kitt’s ass as he walked by.

“Nah, I don’t think he’s gay. He dated the head cheerleader back then. They got caught on my dad’s land together.” Kitt’s eyes stayed glued to the television screen.

“Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like a guy now and then.” Sean looked at himself in the dresser mirror as he adjusted his tie before placing the cuff links to his wrists.

“Maybe, but I don’t think so. I never saw it,” Kitt said and stepped closer to the TV.

Austin had aged well and was still as hot as ever. There weren’t too many men better looking than Sean, but Austin easily ranked higher. When Kitt was a teenager, no other person on the planet starred in his daydreams as frequently as Austin Grainger. At fifteen years old, he’d woken up plenty of mornings all sticky wet after dreaming some of the most erotic dreams a boy could have, and they all centered on Austin.

“You know. I was thinking with all this talk of commitment and marriage...we aren’t getting any younger, you and I,” Sean said as he watched Kitt from his dresser’s mirror.

Kitt glanced up, but quickly turned his eyes back down at the screen. “Whatever, you’re the old man out of the two of us. I’m still in my twenties.”

Kitt sat down on the side of the bed to slide on his socks and boots. Whatever show Austin was on had finished airing, freeing Kitt from watching the screen. He looked back up at Sean. Something serious crossed his face, a point he was trying to make, and Kitt’s mind raced to remember what they were talking about.

“…and I sure like the way you fuck. Clearly, I do. I’ve known you for five years, and I only have to see your text, and I start backing out of whatever I’ve got going on. Maybe, we should consider making this more permanent.” Sean finally turned toward him, leaning back against the dresser and stared at Kitt.

“You don’t have to cancel plans for me. Just tell me when’s good.” Kitt tugged hard at the leather loops at the top of his boot until his heel slid inside.

“You’re missing my point, Kitt. Let me try again. There’s a bigger picture here. While you were buried deep inside my ass last night, I realized how much I like you there. I’m thirty-five, not a kid anymore. Perhaps it’s time I settle down…with you.”

The words stopped Kitt cold while he pushed the tails of his shirt into his blue jeans. He looked over at Sean with surprise evident on his face. Never, did he ever think Sean would say something like this. Sean was a stereotypical gay man. Stockbroker by day, man whore by night. Kitt narrowed his eyes and watched him closely, wondering if he could have interpreted the words incorrectly. Sean chose then to leave his spot by the dresser to come to Kitt. He wrapped his arms around Kitt and tucked his shirt in from the back.

“I see you’re as surprised by my suggestion as I am. It’s not such a crazy idea if you think about it. You’re about the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. I’ve told you over and over you’re like a smoke free version of the Marlboro man.” Sean stopped speaking and looked up at Kitt’s face while wrapping his arms tighter, tugging them closer together.

“I can see by the look in your eyes you never believe me…Kitt, it’s time for you to think better of yourself. You’re gorgeous, babe. You’ve got a strong jaw, high cheek bones, sexy full lips and that slightly crooked nose turns my shit on. You rock these Wranglers like they were made just for your body, but I digress. Say you’ll think about it.” Sean slid his hands along Kitt’s arms hanging loosely at his sides and wrapped them around his waist in the same manner he held Kitt.

They were about the same height, about the same build; muscular, but not too bulky. It felt right to hold Sean, especially when he lowered his hands down on Kitt’s ass, tugging their hips tighter together. Kitt felt Sean grow harder as he spoke, and the realization hit him: this conversation turned Sean on. He was serious.

“What about the problem of the hour and a half between our houses? I can’t come up here much more than I already do.” Kitt stopped, shocked at his own words. Was he really considering it?

“You could let me come to you.” Sean’s stare never faltered.

“Sean…” The thought made Kitt cringe. Secrets only held when nothing broke through the carefully planned lies.

“No, I see that look in your eyes. I could be discreet for a while. Keep it hidden while we decide if it’s working,” Sean said.

“Yeah, no...You don’t have a discreet bone in your body.” Kitt laughed at the thought. “No way. It’s impossible, Sean. You drive a Fisker. You look like a male model! You draw attention like honey draws flies, and you do it on purpose.”

Sean completely ignored him, holding him in place as Kitt tried to pull free.

“I was thinking. If you came up here once a week, and I came to you once a week, we could make it work until one of us gives and moves to the other.”

Okay, well that sentence just proved to Kitt this was more than a spur of the moment thought, and way more than just bumping up the regularity of their sex partnership. Sean had to have been thinking about this for a while. It left Kitt with no words.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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