Texas Pride - Page 12

“Hey, brother, what’s goin’ on?” Mike called out speaking directly to Kitt.

“These your men?” Kitt’s tone held a hint of threat as he asked the question he already knew the answer to. The words emerged more an accusation than a question, and in that moment, something happened to Austin. His heart picked up a beat, his body hardened and his eyes focused fully on Kitt’s face. He remembered Kitt from high school. Kitt played on the Varsity baseball team during Austin’s senior year. His dick stirred to life as Kitt turned his angry gaze toward Mike. No one but his security men paid Austin any attention, and he clearly saw they waited for him to take control of the situation. An arrogant assumption on their part, and after being treated like an elitist for so many years, Austin liked being ignored.

“They are. What’s goin’ on, man?” Mike repeated calmly as he came to the fence line separating them.

“This pond feeds all my animals. I can’t have it destroyed with a fence built from the bottom up. That’s just fuckin’ ridiculous! And, absolutely no electrical wirin’s gonna run across it. I’m not takin’ the chance of any of my herd gettin' electrocuted after the first fuckin’ storm exposes a live wire to that damn water. Mike, you need to get a hold of these people and teach them right from wrong. Some dumbass citified pretend cowboy’s not gonna fuck up everything I own because they’re a stupid motherfucker!” Kitt sneered the last sentence, aiming his furious gaze toward the group of men who pissed him off. It issued a challenge and Kitt’s shoulders involuntarily rolled as his fist clenched. He appeared ready to take them all on, no questions asked. He was fuming mad, no mistaking it. Mike held up his hands, trying for calm, and began to walk a little more cautiously as he moved forward to the water’s edge.

“Kitt, buddy, I’d like you and Jose to meet the new owner.” Mike turned his eyes back to Austin who finally made his presence known, stepping out from behind Mike.

Kitt, the cowboy, was sweaty, covered in dust, and hot as freaking hell. His chest was bare, showing broad sculpted shoulders leading down to a thin waist and a tight six-pack. The dusty blue jeans he wore rode low on his hips, revealing a hint of the waist band of his underwear. Andrew Christian underwear! Austin immediately lifted his gaze while trying to hide his smile.

The brand was greatly favored by gay men; they proudly wore their Andrew Christian’s. Of course, straight men wore them too, but Austin’s gut told him the man standing fuming in front of him was gay, thereby automatically making him the perfect neighbor. Austin’s day skyrocketed to fan-fucking-tastic.

Recognition hit the two men standing beside Kitt, but he didn’t see any change of expression in Kitt’s face. Those red hot angry eyes focused on him, and he seemed to be prepared to do whatever necessary to stop such a clearly ludicrous act. At least, it was ludicrous to Kitt.

“I’m Austin Grainger, nice to —”

He was cut off as Kitt raged at him, all control on his temper gone. “I don’t give a fuck who you are! You aren’t gonna put my herd in danger for any reason. Our contract was very clear. You aren’t to mess with the integrity of this pond for any reason. Period!” Kitt bellowed as he stalked toward both Austin and Mike with just the current barbed wire fence separating the three of them. Kitt’s hand moved in Austin’s face, a finger pointing directly at him. Kitt stated very clearly in both word and action as to what would happen to this piece of land and how he planned to back it up. Austin held up a hand to his men who were paid to protect him.

“You know, your dad got me in some serious trouble when he found me and Wanda-Sue Atkinson parked somewhere back here smoking pot and having se…fun. If I remember correctly, it was probably right here at this pond. She brought me out here, and I didn’t know where we were until your dad showed up. You sound just like him. I appreciate that memory...” Austin said, looking down for a minute with a small smile spreading on his face. Unlike everyone else around, he wasn’t intimidated by Kitt’s outburst at all. His wet dream in a pair of Wranglers had his dick rigid, almost dripping with anticipation. Austin needed to diffuse the situation.

“He told my dad about it, but honestly, I still think I was more scared of your dad than mine. I knew my dad wouldn’t physically kill me, but your dad…yeah, I wasn’t quite so sure about him.” Austin said it still smiling with his real grin, not the fake one he usually plastered on his face. He hadn’t thought about that memory in years and years. He’d been fifteen to Wanda’s eighteen, and she’d taught him well…well enough for him to know he didn’t like girls at all.

“You know what? I’m real fuckin’ glad for your trip down memory lane, but your men have me good and pissed off. This barb wire fence is the only thing I’m allowin’ over this water and I’m only allowin’ it because I live right there. I can monitor it and fix it before anything bad happens to any of our animals.” Kitt stepped up closer to Mike and Austin, hooking his thumb toward the log cabin while he spoke. The barb wire had to be cutting into his jeans, but Kitt didn’t even seem to notice it. Once he was done speaking, Kitt turned back to glare at Austin’s security men. Austin got the distinct impression Kitt was ready to throw down with them all right now. End all discussion and duke it out. The idea of this sexy ass man going to blows to protect his animals turned Austin on like nothing ever had before.

“There’s no problem with that. We can work within those guidelines,” Austin said easily. He lifted his hand as Sam, his head security guard, started to speak. “I think we need to get together though. Go over things. See what we can work out. I have a high-end security system designed to keep—”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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