Texas Pride - Page 14

How could Austin still be so good looking after all these years? He wasn’t that same youthful, sunny, blond boy running around town who charmed everyone in his path. Instead, he’d grown into a gorgeous man with thick, sandy colored hair, and strong, alluring facial features. His cheekbones were high and accented a long straight nose that flared just slightly at the end. His mouth was wide and his lips – Dear God, those thick, full lips! – spread into a glorious, easy going smile.

Kitt always imagined his cock would fit perfectly inside Austin’s mouth, and a groan resonated in his chest just from the thought of Austin giving him a blow job. God, he wanted that so badly! He could see Austin on his knees in front of him. His fingertips running along Austin’s strong, chiseled jaw and chin, Austin’s deep cobalt eyes lifting up to lock on Kitt’s as he sucked him deeper inside his mouth. Austin’s hair was just long enough to thread his fingers through, to grip on to and guide himself deeper down Austin’s throat. Man did he want to fuck Austin’s mouth…

Refusing to allow another image to conjure in his overactive brain, Kitt forced himself to think of anything else, and his eyes landed on the pile of dirty clothes. He needed to do his laundry. He rose from bed, gathered the clothes and tossed them into the washing machine. Kitt started the machine with a push of a button and leaned a hip on its side. He may not have wanted to think about Austin anymore, but he didn’t seem to have a choice. His brow furrowed as he thought about Austin’s movie career.

Kitt owned every single one of Austin’s movies, all the magazines from his modeling days up until now and regularly jacked off to every one of them during the long, lonely spells between visits with Sean. He’d heard Austin planned to retire. How had it never occurred to him that Austin Grainger could be the person buying his land? And what the fuck would happen now?

Kitt took a chance and grabbed his phone as the time ticked closer to five in the morning. He sat with a thump on his small sofa in the living room. He began a text to Mike. They’d been friends since college. Kitt had been in the graduate program. He’d just finished his Master’s degree, working on his PhD, when he first met Mike who was just starting school. Mike came up and helped him when his dad died and when Kitt fired his dad’s foreman. Those were dark days. The foreman didn’t go easily, but Mike stood by him the entire time. Now, Kitt stumbled on his words, typing, erasing, and typing again.

‘Hey man, sorry about yesterday. I was pissed off.’ Kitt finally hit send and cringed at the time.

Mike’s text came back immediately. ‘No worries. I knew you were and you had every right. They didn’t talk it over with me first. Sorry man.’

‘No sorry necessary. I don’t normally let myself get that upset anymore. I need to apologize to your ranch owner. Was I just pissed off or was that really Austin Grainger in front of me?’

‘It’s him. I couldn’t say anything, part of my agreement. It’s grounds for termination and a lawsuit. He said he grew up around here.’

Kitt laid back, propped against the back of the sofa thinking that over.

‘Yeah, I went to high school with him.’ Kitt didn’t say anything more. It would be utter humiliation if anyone ever found his stash of photos.

‘He asked me to ask you not to say anything. He doesn’t want people to know he’s here. Did you know him back in school?’

Kitt barked with laughter at the thought of knowing Austin. ‘Not really, he’s a few years older. He was out the door as I was coming in. Are we still set for the cattle coming in tomorrow?’

‘So far we are. I need to check their schedule, but the first load should be here tomorrow. If you’re still willing to come? Micah’s coming, he signed an agreement, but it flows better with you here.’

‘Of course I’m coming! Text me and let me know the time, I’ll meet the trucks there.’ Kitt had offered to help unload and register three semi’s full of cattle. His only saving grace, it would be true manual labor, something he couldn’t see a famous movie star signing up to do.

‘Thanks, man. And seriously, Grainger seemed fine. He said he understood and agreed. He remembered the Kelly temper.’ Mike replied.

‘I hate that. I try not to be my dad.’ Kitt typed in a rare moment of honesty about his father’s reputation.

‘Don’t worry, you aren’t. I gotta go. I have a ranch hand meeting this morning at five. I need to lay down the law about your pond. Take care. I’ll text you later about tomorrow.’

And, with that, Kitt technically knew nothing more than before he’d sent the first text. As he sat back resting his head on the back of the sofa, he pulled up the message he’d received around midnight from Sean and re-read it.

‘Kitt, I turned away a hot little number tonight. It’s a first for me, but I’m texting you to let you know how serious I am about my offer. I’m planning to head down there tomorrow night. Don’t stop me. Just send me directions. As time goes on, we can plan it better. I’ll rent a truck, isn’t that what all you cowboys drive? Now, think about the positive side. Sex, twice in one week. How long has it been since that last happened for you?’

Kitt planned to again ignore the text, just like he had when he first read it, until he looked down at his still partially erect cock sticking up in his underwear. The underwear was Sean’s gift to him last Christmas. Kitt should have been set for a few weeks after last night, but then Mr. Hollywood made his presence known this afternoon effectively ruining the sex buzz from the morning. Kitt finally texted Sean back, ‘I’ll send directions through email.’ It was all the enthusiasm he could muster.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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