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Texas Pride

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An odd mix of emotion poured through Austin. It was obvious Kitt was gay. At the very least, he was bi-sexual, but for some reason Austin doubted that theory and went straight for gay. Which meant, Austin was the luckiest guy on the planet. He could eventually work Kitt into his bed. Relief hit him hard. He looked up saying a quick prayer of thanks to the big man upstairs for letting his hideaway include such a sexy, hot gay man. His eyes returned to the photo, immediately zeroing in on Fisker. Who was he? He certainly didn’t look like the farmer type. The car alone didn’t fit down here. He was handsome, and he and Kitt looked good together. Jealousy snaked through Austin’s heart, and wasn’t that just the oddest emotion ever?

Moving the photo and whatever crazy emotions went with it aside, Austin flipped back to the first image and made it full size on the screen. The image captivated him completely. It took several minutes for Austin to realize how badly he’d broken Kitt’s privacy by having the photos taken. Based on Mike’s conversation earlier, Kitt must clearly be hiding his sexuality. A life choice Austin knew only too well. It struck him as he stared at the screen that perhaps he and his sexy as hell neighbor were more alike than either realized. Kitt would hate to know Austin had these pictures, but at the same time, for the first time in his celebrity life, Austin understood why the paparazzi had their jobs. He finally got the draw of taking candid shots of people who interested him. For the life of him, he couldn’t turn away from this photo of his neighbor in the nude.

He had no idea how much time passed before he saved the photo to his computer. Leaving it open on the screen, he picked his phone up and dialed Sam. His eyes never left the picture as his head of security answered on the first ring. “I want these pictures destroyed, ASAP. Please tell me I’m the only one who got them.”

“You are, sir. They’ll be destroyed now. I have all the media cards, myself.”

“Good. Do you have anything more on Fisker?”

“A full background report’s coming our way right now.”

“Good. Text me when it comes in.” Austin didn’t say goodbye. Instead, he just disconnected the call, his eyes still glued to the screen. Kitt was a beautifully made man. Austin witnessed it firsthand the first day they met when he and Mike drove up on Kitt with his shirt off. But staring at the picture, he could tell the thick cord of his muscle ran from head to toe. Kitt had solid, heavily muscled thighs that led to what could very possibly be one of the best bubble butts Austin had ever seen. Kitt sported manbliques; those perfect muscles forming a V from his hips to his pelvis, pointing straight down to that mouth watering dick. And dear God, Austin wanted to track those abdominal muscles with his tongue.

Austin tugged the t-shirt over his head. While it was wrong of him to keep the photos, especially with how badly he hated having his picture secretly taken, he cast the thought aside and pushed his pants all the way down and gripped his cock. His release wouldn’t take long with the images of his dream still within easy reach in his mind. Austin leaned back on the sofa and exhaled a deep breath. Already stroking himself from tip to base, his hips rolled. His heart began to pound, his breathing turned into panting and his lips parted. He never lost focus of the image on his screen. Kitt’s lips were thick and full. They would fit so easily around his cock. Austin wondered if Kitt gave good head. A smile tore from his lips with the anticipation of finding out the answer. On a huff, he thrust his hips forward, driving his cock harder in his hand and dropped his head back. The t-shirt barely made it in place to capture the hot jets of his come as the orgasm exploded from him.

The sensation was perfect, and even as his head rested back on the sofa, Austin never took his eyes from Kitt’s image on the laptop. He planned to have a similar moment with the man very soon. Austin was determined. And, as if to prove he could, he left the picture open, but lowered the screen and walked back to his bedroom dropping his shorts on the floor as he went. He needed to sleep, and then formulate his plan.


Without turning on the overhead lights, Kitt saddled Bullet, his six year old chestnut mustang, in the dark barn. It couldn’t have been much past four-thirty in the morning, and the sun would be rising soon. In about an hour, the barn would come alive, but for now Kitt needed the aloneness of wide open spaces. He needed fresh air, and Bullet was always up for a good run. If Kitt hurried, they could make it to the furthest ridge to watch the sunrise, and he might be able to settle some of this anxiety coursing through his body.

He tugged the brow of his cowboy hat down low on his forehead as he guided Bullet out of the barn, and then out of the corral. Kitt couldn’t quite put a finger on what got him so worked up. He’d had good, fulfilling sex all night long, and twice in a matter of a few days. He searched his memory, but couldn’t even remember the last time that happened. He should be relaxed, sated and sleeping heavily right now. But instead, for some unexplainable reason, he was all wound up like a bow. He mounted Bullet and kicked him into a trot.

The warm up passed quickly, and soon, they were in a full out run. Both knew the way. Bullet needed no guidance from Kitt on the direction. It meant something to Kitt to have a mount who knew him so well. They rode in perfect fluid motion as the first rays of morning made their presence known.

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