Texas Pride - Page 28

From spending time with Kitt and the others Austin learned Kitt usually came to the answer first in the group, but he always let the others settle into it before pushing forward with the plan. There was no doubt Kitt was the boss out there. The one the others looked up to, and the one Austin desperately wanted be buried deep inside.

That thought lead Austin to another: he prayed again Kitt would bottom at least on occasion. Natural born leaders like Kitt were rarely bottoms, but the more Austin waited, the more he wanted in Kitt’s tight ass. He wanted it real bad. It was absolutely the most prominent thought in his head.

Austin opted for a pair of blue jeans and a polo going commando in the process. His big plan for the evening was to cook dinner, maybe grill a steak and watch some television before turning in. It might seem a boring night to many, but for him it sounded perfect. As he walked through the house, a stray thought slammed into his head and a smile hit his lips. The only question, would he be able to pull it off?

The warm water of the pond soaked into Kitt’s skin as he floated on his back. The evening was coming on quick. A cool breeze blew across his skin in contrast to the warm water, sending goose bump springing up along his arms and legs. They were in the midst of a true Indian summer. It was quickly becoming one of the hottest October’s on record with a heat wave breaking century old temperature highs during the day, but the nights were still cooling down nicely. Kitt fought back a yawn, hoping he’d be so badly worn out from the day’s work, he’d have no choice but to get some sleep tonight.

Thank God, Mike didn’t need his help anymore today. This morning, Kitt made the official announcement to his staff at the barn, that he’d be sending Jose over in his place for anything Mike needed in the foreseeable future. He figured Mike would need some help in breaking the herd up and sending them out to pasture. Jose should have no problem filling in for Kitt.

After their impromptu meeting, Kitt worked himself into the ground. Anything requiring manual labor, he did himself. He still hadn’t called Sean to let him know of his decision and decided to put it off another day. He needed to talk to Jose and Lily first, check their schedules to find the best time to go up to Dallas this weekend.

A bonus, as if to reiterate Kitt’s need to exhaust himself, one mishap after another happened all the way up until dinner. Once he got done over at Mike’s place where he successfully managed to dodge Austin, he got a call about a fence break on his property. The repair only took a minute, but corralling the herd back inside took some time.

As they broke for dinner, Kitt’s stepmom met him at the barn, panicked. Some four legged something got into her prized garden and apparently ate quite a bit. She’d found enough to know that whatever the culprit, it dug under the fence this time instead of going over it. While she finished preparing everyone’s dinner, Kitt repaired the damage to the garden’s fence and anchored it better into the ground, making this long day even longer. This time when the yawn threatened to come out, he didn’t stop it. Thank God, tonight, he would finally sleep!

He’d opted to skip having dinner at the house. Instead, he’d fixed a plate to eat later and took it back to his cabin. He’d driven the four-wheeler to the pond, parked it and jumped off, stripping as he stalked over to the water and dove in. He had spent almost every night of his youth in this pond, and it felt just as good now as it did then. As Kitt gently kicked his way in a circle, he dove under the water head first and came back up again, flipping on to his back as two blue jean clad horizontal legs caught his eye. Kitt flipped back around again lifting his head, slinging water with his wet hair. Austin stood before him.

“I didn’t think you heard me, even though I wasn’t being quiet,” Austin said smiling while resting an arm on the fence. He stood on his side of the divide. His four-wheeler sat parked a few feet away, and it looked like he’d been there for a while.

“No, I didn’t.” It sounded lame even to Kitt, and he checked the urge to roll his eyes at the obvious.

“I didn’t think so.” That crooked, charming as hell smile still graced Austin’s face. Neither of them spoke for what felt like a long time, but in reality, it couldn’t have been more than a minute.

“Did you need somethin’?” Kitt finally asked ending the silence.

“Mike and I were talking about artificial insemination, and I was wondering if maybe we could talk about it tonight. If you’re not busy. I got three big, thick steaks ready to go on the grill. It won’t take long,” Austin added, still perched in the same position.

“Umm… Sure…” Kitt begged his brain to find a way out.

“So, you’ll come?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Kitt said, still treading water to keep his head above the surface.

“Alright. So I’ll see you in like thirty minutes?” Austin’s eyes seemed to be glued to his. Why was he staring at him like that?

“Sure.” No! His brain rejected this so solidly he worried he’d said the word out loud.

“Alright then, I’ll just go get the grill started.” Austin slowly sauntered off back to his four-wheeler. Kitt watched him the entire time, never moving just keeping his body underwater until the four-wheeler drove out of sight.

“Fuck! What the fuck?” Kitt yelled out into the night slapping at the water with his fist. He swam hard to the side, almost running to his clothes. His giant hard-on stuck out like the pain in the ass it had become.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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