Texas Pride - Page 36

Even if Kitt had come home and stayed, it wouldn’t have helped anything. He and his dad always butted heads. His dad had no problem maintaining the role of strict disciplinarian even after Kitt became an educated, full grown man. His father demanded Kitt use his fists when they were at odds, and Kitt took the beating. He never doubled his fist up at his father. Even during the times he grew stronger and knew he could take him, Kitt never fought back. His father considered that a weakness in him.

They’d been in a big fight the day his dad died. The hard headed fool of an old man refused to listen to him even in the days leading up to his death when his left arm was hurting so badly for no reason. His dad just wasn’t going to be told what to do by his brainiac, worthless son.

The longer Kitt sat out on the porch, the more the memories flooded. Stuff he’d pushed away and refused to deal with for so long. His dad’s foreman, Verne, sabotaged him in so many ways after he took over the farm. Hell, he even suspected Verne was responsible for some of his recent broken contracts, but there was no way to prove it. Verne was an old drunk. He’d been with the farm since Kitt’s birth, and he blamed Kitt for his father’s death. Verne forced his hand one too many times, and Kitt had to fire him within the first month of being back. He hadn’t taken that well at all.

His stepmom and sisters were completely clueless to the true state of the farm. He’d had to stop all their spending. The last few years had been tough on them. Changing this rundown place into a productive, progressive working ranch took everything Kitt had and it was still iffy. One bad move, one extended drought would wreck everything they worked for.

As Kitt’s attitude began to take a full nose dive, the lights of Austin’s four-wheeler appeared over the ridge. Funny how just seeing Austin in the distance made Kitt’s mood pick up. He watched the headlights get closer and closer as Austin took form in the night.

Kitt’s smile turned into a chuckle as he remembered the first night Austin approached him. He’d been stunned stupid over Austin’s admission he was gay. He’d half expected the producers of candid camera to pop out and laugh at the big practical joke Austin just played on him, but the pounding his ass took a few minutes later propelled his brain forward, catching him quickly up to speed.

Without question, Kitt knew Austin wouldn’t stick it out here in Texas for long term. Once Austin remembered what drove him away in the first place, it was sure to have him take off again. No matter how much Austin tried to deny it, he was still the Austin Grainger, for God’s sake. And the Austin Grainger was worldly, elegant and just on a higher plane than the little people in the world. Everyone either wanted to be Austin, or get a piece of him, but for right now, Kitt was fully invested in this fantastic fuck fest. He wanted to capture every memory of their shared time together. He cherished each night and spent his days reveling in the fact that sometimes dreams did come true. As long as he could keep his heart somewhat separated from it all, he’d be okay when Austin eventually left.

Kitt watched Austin park the four-wheeler and climb over the fence, weaving through the cows as he made it to the front porch steps. Kitt stayed seated with his feet kicked up.

“Sorry I’m late. I had to take a call,” Austin said coming to stand in front of Kitt. He extended his hand to Kitt, pulling him up from his seat.

“Everything okay?” Kitt asked looking closely at the worry in Austin’s eyes.

“I don’t know, I’ve got to fly back to LA. Cara’s having some problems,” Austin said. He was usually so forthcoming, he told Kitt everything. Actually, Austin talked a lot, but this time he didn’t elaborate and his expression made it clear things weren’t good.

“While I was on the phone, all I could think about was being here with you,” Austin added, leaning in for a kiss. “You’re already making my life better.”

Both of Kitt’s hands entwined with Austin’s. Normally, Kitt didn’t do these kinds of public displays, not even being out here so completely alone. But, Austin was a touchy, feely kind of guy, and the obvious concern he felt for Cara worried Kitt.

It took a second for it to even register on Kitt’s brain Austin said something about already flying back to LA, and then he was hurting. He’d thought he might have as much as six months with Austin here, maybe even a year, before he got bored and left. Now, just a few days after they got started, Austin was already making plans to leave.

“How long will you be gone?” Kitt asked trying to school his facial features so that none of his feelings showed on his face. Unfortunately, Austin had a knack at reading him, an uncanny way of seeing through him.

“It should only be for a day or two. Are you gonna miss me?” Austin teased as he stepped forward, closing the little bit of distance between them.

“Hmm… Have you eaten, yet? I got chili from Lily, enough for both of us.” Kitt ignored the question pulling free of Austin’s hold. He turned toward the front door to his cabin only to have Austin grab his hand back in his own and tug him back to look him in the eyes.

“I’m gonna miss you. I’ve enjoyed these last few days,” Austin said, wrapping Kitt in his arms.

“Me, too. Come inside.” Kitt’s eyes darted out across the pasture. Only the cows were out, but it was an involuntary scan he couldn’t help. Maybe, it was because for the first time ever he’d brought all this to his home, but lately, he hadn’t been able shake the feeling that someone was out there watching. He’d never found a soul, but he couldn’t lose the feeling. He tugged free of Austin’s hold and stepped into the house with Austin following close on his heels.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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