Texas Pride - Page 39

By day four, Austin seemed to eat, drink, and sleep Kitt Kelly. He craved everything about him, thinking of little else for most of each day. Without question, Austin was totally taken with his super-hot cowboy, and he felt like Kitt shared his feelings. It seemed like a win-win situation for them both.

Yet, something changed last night. He’d watched Kitt sitting outside on his porch, relaxing and waiting for him. The moonlight hit Kitt just right, and Austin lost his mind for a moment. Kitt looked stunningly handsome. His strong jaw and chiseled hard features were softened by the long sweep of hair falling down across his forehead. The moonlight shone right down on him. In that moment, Kitt literally took his breath away. Austin took the steps separating them, and the strong emotion he felt for Kitt grew with each step.

In every way, Kitt was perfect for Austin. He didn’t make a big deal about Austin’s celebrity status or fame. He never wanted anything from Austin. If Austin made a meal for Kitt, Kitt insisted on returning the favor. They spent as much time at Kitt’s house as they did at Austin’s. Kitt seemed to just be happy with his company, and he seemed to like their sex just as much as Austin did. Those were both such foreign concepts to Austin that they helped seal the deal for him. But, as he took the porch steps up to Kitt, jealousy racked through him like nothing he’d ever experienced before.

Austin hadn’t asked about Fisker since the first day, and Kitt hadn’t volunteered a word. But, if he was going out of town, it gave Kitt the opportunity to see the guy. That would never do. Austin might have to order one of his security guards to shoot Fisker on sight for daring to touch what Austin claimed as his….and then, having Fisker killed would create all sorts of complications for him, because surely, there was someone who might miss him. However satisfying the idea of killing Fisker was, he quickly decided it also would be a very bad idea. Besides, Austin didn’t truly have a killing bone in his body. So, instead of having the guy offed and buried six feet under, he needed to ask Kitt about him.

Kitt owned the title of Expert Dodger. He excelled at avoiding direct questions. But, Austin had learned; the best way to get answers from Kitt was through sex. Kitt couldn’t lie during pleasure, and it was the coolest thing in the world to know he could have that effect on another. So, as any normal person might do, Austin manipulated the situation, moved them past dinner and straight into bed. In return, Austin promptly forgot the questions he wanted to ask and lost track of what he tried to accomplish when Kitt put his lips on Austin’s ass.

Armed with new-found determination, Austin decided he’d find those answers tonight. If everything went the way he hoped, by tomorrow night he’d have an exclusive commitment from Kitt, Fisker no longer in the picture – without bodily harming the man – and Cara in rehab. Please God, let it end like he wanted it to!


Austin got a good look at Kitt as he climbed over the fence, and realized Kitt had dressed up for him. His sexy almost boyfriend could easily be a male model for Wrangler. The thought tugged a smile on his lips.

Kitt wore starched jeans, a pearl button, button down, shiny belt buckle and equally shiny boots. His cowboy hat, that Austin had grown to love, rested on the hood of his truck as he worked to load their gear in the back of his Silverado. Kitt wore that hat regularly, and it fit him and his style perfectly.

Austin didn’t say a word on his approach. He carefully positioned his backpack with their dinner in the bed of the truck. Kitt kept it casual as the air between them intensified. It crackled as Kitt started to walk past Austin back to the cabin, never willingly doing a PDA even out here so isolated from everyone. They were clearly the only two around. Austin grabbed Kitt by the waist, easily gathering him in his arms. He leaned in to give a tender kiss, adding only a small swipe of his tongue in the chaste kiss. He loved kissing Kitt. His reward was the slight tremble of Kitt’s lips. God, he loved that tremble!

“I’m sorry I’m late again. I missed you.” Austin’s voice emerged low as he looked down between their bodies, letting his eyes freely roam over Kitt. “You look seriously hot all cowboyed up like this...” He let his palms push down over Kitt’s ass to grab each cheek.

“Are you sure it’s safe for some of your security to know about us?” Kitt’s body stayed tense in the embrace, causing Austin to narrow his brow. No simple hello or I missed you too, just straight to the point.

This morning Kitt finally noticed the security lurking around when Austin left. He’d only spotted one of them, and Austin tried to play it off as the man being his bodyguard. He should have known better than to think Kitt bought it. He was too smart. The look Kitt gave him just now made it clear he’d figured it all out in his head.

“They’re keeping everyone else away, I promise. They keep me hidden, and the cameras away. They keep Mike, or Jose, or anyone else from finding my four-wheeler out here or yours at my house. I’ve never had a problem with any of my security staff. They sign all sorts of confidentiality agreements. And, I asked them to stay away tonight, so it’ll be just us,” Austin said. Kitt listened, but tugged free of him to finish loading the last few things from the cabin into the back of the truck.

“It worries me,” Kitt said on a pass by he made a minute or two later.

“I know it does and I’m sorry for that, but it can’t be helped.” Austin didn’t let Kitt pass by again without taking his hand. Austin walked beside him up to the house. “What else do we need?”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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