Texas Pride - Page 43

Kitt let it settle between them; gave his heart the minute it needed to slow, to stop the instant jerk of panic and ache. His gaze still searched Austin’s face. “How long are you gonna be gone?”

“I hope not more than a day, maybe two, max,” Austin replied, now back to just staring down at him. He ran a stray finger across Kitt’s cheek.

A day wasn’t so bad. Kitt’s heart begged his brain to listen to Austin’s words. He didn’t want to be the always too practical, negative and analytical one, constantly dissecting everything.

“When I was growin’ up, I always thought I’d be outta here the first chance I got. I hated workin’ with my dad. He took raisin’ me so seriously. I’d get licks for goofin’ off, and the whole time he was wallopin’ me, he’d tell me it was for my own good, to make me strong. But, the first chance I got, I didn’t bolt. I dug my own roots in. I wouldn’t even know what to do if I wasn’t ranchin’ and runnin’ cows on this farm.”

“You’re really good at what you do, Kitt. Mike talks about you all the time.” Austin showed some anger when Kitt spoke of his father, but never mentioned it or said anything.

“We all help each other out. Mike just didn’t come from that kind of life. It always surprised him when I’d show up to help, but he’s always the first one anywhere to lend a hand. He’s a good guy. I liked him from the beginning. Older than his years. He’s only twenty-three, you know,” Kitt said.

“There’s more to it than that. Besides, you act older than your years, too. I think it’s this farming lifestyle. Micah’s kids are the same way.”

“Mike’s a good hire for you,” Kitt replied, not saying anything more. He always shut down when Austin tried to compliment him.

“I can see that.”

Silence fell between them. Austin kept his eyes on Kitt, searching his face. Kitt resisted the urge to run a hand over it to see if any stray food might be left behind.

“You’re a very handsome man,” Austin said a little louder than a whisper. Those eyes of his kept roaming his face, and Kitt couldn’t stop his crooked grin from stretching across his lips.

“Not so much. Not like you. I’m pretty scarred up and broke my nose one too many times,” Kitt said. That was his dad’s doing.

“I’ve been trying to think of anyone I’ve ever seen who was or is as handsome as you,” Austin said quietly. “But, I can’t come up with anyone.”

“You help my ego.” Kitt grinned as he ran a hand through Austin’s thick hair, and then down along his jaw until his fingertip ran the length of his face. Austin was so good with the compliments. He said them so matter-of-factly Kitt wanted to believe them, even the crazy, absurd ones like this one.

“I want this to continue between us. I don’t wanna slow it down. Straight guys have friendships all the time with each other. It can just look like you’re my buddy, but I don’t want this to slow down at all. I like it. You’re unexpected, but very good for me,” Austin said, entwining their fingers together as he spoke.

“Okay. We can see how it goes,” Kitt said cautiously.

“I wish things were different. You need to know I would date you. Take you out, show you a good time and feel privileged to be with you.” Austin brought their joined fingers to his lips.

“I’m havin’ a good time like this. I don’t need to date.” A mischievous smile came to Austin’s lips at Kitt’s words.

“A good enough time to ditch Fisker for good?” Austin lifted his brow in question, but kept his eyes trained on Kitt.

Kitt stared back, not answering. How were they back here again? This was like the third or fourth mention of Sean in the last twenty-four hours. Kitt didn’t want to talk about this at all, and Austin wouldn’t give it up.

He’d already texted Sean, told him he’d met someone unexpectedly. Sean hadn’t taken it well. He’d called Kitt a fool for wasting away over someone who wouldn’t be there in a few months. By the end of the text marathon, Sean made it clear he’d be there for Kitt when it was all over, but Kitt would have to work hard to get him back. Apparently, Sean looked forward to the moment. Kitt knew, without question, Sean was one hundred percent right, but none of that mattered right now because Austin already meant something to him. Even if it was only for a few months, or hell, even if it were only days they shared together, he didn’t regret letting Sean go.

Austin tightened his grip on his fingers. “Don’t avoid the question this time. Answer me.”

“I’ve been with Sean for a long time.” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Kitt saw the hurt they caused Austin although he quickly masked it, hiding behind something Kitt wasn’t sure about.

“I understand.” Austin leaned in to kiss Kitt, deepening it quickly. He pulled his hand free to reach low and stroke Kitt. It brought his half aroused cock to a full rigid hard-on in seconds. Somehow the tables had turned. Now, it was Kitt who stopped Austin by placing a hand on his. He pulled from the massage and the kiss, linking their fingers back together.

“Hold up, Austin. You didn’t let me finish. You need to know I don’t play around. I’ve been with Sean a long time. He’s the only person I’ve been with over the last five years. I can give him up with no problem. It’s just, I don’t know how long you’re gonna be here or even want me. What if you go back tomorrow and decide to stay? And if it’s not tomorrow, then the next time you get called back? What happens when you decide you’ve had enough of this life, of this town, or of me? You’re an international superstar. You’ve experienced life on a level I’ll never understand. This is all I’ve ever done, or will ever do.” Kitt’s voice was low, and he had a hard time keeping eye contact. It felt like he rambled, but he forged on through everything on his mind, hoping he answered whatever question Austin was truly asking him.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
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