Texas Pride - Page 45

Kitt gave him a sideways glance, but turned back to the fire not trusting himself. Austin rose and held out a hand. “Come on, I’m really sorry for bringing all this up. Come back to bed.”

Kitt took the hand and stood, but wrapped his arm around Austin’s waist, anchoring him tightly against his chest. Kitt’s eyes trained on Austin’s with an intensity he was sure he couldn’t hide. Kitt was learning that although Austin was an accomplished actor, there were a few seconds after every word spoken that Austin was raw, showing his honest feeling before reminding himself to hide behind his skill.

“I already told Sean I couldn’t see him anymore. I was clear that I’d met someone down here. He thinks I’m a fool to trust it.” Kitt finally cut his eyes from Austin’s, landing his gaze somewhere around his chin. “I’m not comfortable being photographed without knowin’ it, but I get you need the protection. I want you safe. We’re gonna have to work somethin’ out, somethin’ in the middle that’s good for both of us, because I like the idea of the future you just drew out. But, you have to know I won’t ever willingly come out. Not as long as I’m responsible for my stepmother and sisters and this farm. They need me to be at the top of my game, and this industry’s too redneck. They’re never gonna accept a gay ranch owner. They would never take me seriously; all they would ever see when they looked at me is whether I topped or bottomed, nothing else would matter. I can’t have that, Austin.”

Austin used his thumb of their joined hands to push Kitt’s chin up, forcing his eyes to follow.

“What is it you need? Is it money? I have enough money to keep you and everyone in this town livin’ in style—” Austin began, but Kitt cut him right off.

“No, I’m not takin’ your money! I’m workin’ my way out of a financial mess my father left behind. It’s for me to deal with, no one else, but I can’t risk anything right now. I don’t have the luxury to gamble at anything,” Kitt said firmly.

“Is that why you sold me the land?” Austin asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it anymore. It’s my responsibility, and I’ll get through it on my own. I’ve got the hay baler now, cows about to go on sale and four quarter horses about to pop. I’ll handle it myself.” Kitt had already said more than he intended and refused to say another word.

“If this lasts between us we’re going to have to talk about it because that’s what couples do. Not that I’m jumping us ahead to couple status so get that look off your face. You frustrate me, Kitt. You never give. Ever. What would be so bad about being a couple? No, don’t answer. I don’t want to argue anymore tonight.” Austin brought both his hands up to cup Kitt’s face, holding him right there as he spoke.

“There are far more important things we should be concentrating on…I want to fuck you like crazy and then do it again! I’m celebrating. Fisker worried me…” Austin leaned in to capture Kitt’s lips with his own. He thrust his tongue forward, swiping at the seam of Kitt’s mouth until he gained entrance. He wasn’t going for the sweet tender kiss Kitt planned. No matter what angle Kitt came in, he never got the upper hand in the kiss. Austin dominated him at every turn, and Kitt grinned when he found himself being pushed down to the sleeping bag.

“Lay down, Kitt, before I drop you to your knees on this hard ground. I’m feeling possessive as hell right now. You made me work too hard for that commitment. You make me work too hard for even your simplest smile. I need to fully fuck you until you get it through that thick skull of yours that you’re mine.” Austin meant every word said.

It was pitch black outside with only the stars and fire giving off any light. Kitt stumbled as Austin flipped him around. He landed on his knees on the sleeping bag. Austin was right there on him. His movements were forceful as Austin spread his legs, sliding two dry fingers in his rim, stretching him quickly.

“I can’t see the lube,” Austin grumbled still working Kitt, adding a third finger. Kitt felt around on the ground in the general direction of where he thought he laid it earlier and grinned when he found the lube and condoms. For a short moment, Kitt thought he might tease Austin, say he couldn’t find them, but he gave the guy at his ass a break and tossed them over his shoulder.

Austin wasted no time. He condomed up and burrowed deep inside Kitt in the first mind blowing thrust of his eager hips. Austin easily conquered the tight rim, going straight for the spot, massaging there as he dove inside.

There was only a momentary hiss from both men before Austin pushed Kitt down between his shoulder blades. Austin kept his hand there to hold Kitt in place. Kitt’s head was smashed on the sleeping bag, or it may have been the ground, who knew for sure.

Austin kept one had on Kitt’s back and anchored the other hand against his hip. He rose up on his feet for a better angle and used the leverage from Kitt’s body to help better pound into him. Those sweet moments of gentle caresses and loving words were long gone. Austin worked Kitt over like he had a right to be there. Austin’s balls slapped Kitt’s ass with every single fast thrust he made moving deeper and deeper inside him. He had no choice but to take it and open wider. Austin wasn’t going to be done until he claimed Kitt in both body and soul. There was no formality to it, definitely no foreplay, just the hard fucking they both seemed to desperately need.

“It feels good...move a little to the left….Yeah! Fuck, Austin! That feels good.”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
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