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Texas Pride

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“You’re mine Kitt. Say it. Say you’re mine.” Austin jackhammered his hips, relentlessly pounding into Kitt. He pushed down harder with the hand holding Kitt’s hips forcing his ass a little higher in the air.

“Say it Kitt. You’ve made me wait too long. Say it,” Austin demanded, panting between deep breaths.

“I’m gonna come,” Kitt said through deep, breathy moans.

His response caused Austin to drive harder into his ass. Austin said something as Kitt’s body felt like it was ripping apart. The lines of pleasure and pain blurred. Kitt reached out fisting the sleeping bag, shoving his ass higher in the air to get his other hand around his own engorged cock.

“Say it,” Austin growled, changing his position when he realized Kitt was stroking himself underneath. He pushed Kitt’s hand away, and gripped Kitt’s dick, squeezing it tightly, refusing to let him come. The pounding never stopped.

“Say it, and I’ll get you off,” Austin bellowed.

“…I’m yours…” It came out in a whimper.

“Yeah you are.” It was all Austin needed to hear. He stroked Kitt erratically, with no skill whatsoever, making Kitt instantly come. Austin shouted his own release just seconds later as he fell forward on Kitt’s back, pushing them both down on top of the sleeping bag.

Chapter 12

The sudden shake of his head startled Kitt awake. A smile came to his lips as he closed his eyes against the early morning sun. His mind fought the urge to fully wake. He ran his nose along the top of Austin’s head breathing in his scent. This morning Austin’s hair was mixed with a little bit of smoke from their fire, and a little bit a sweat from their all night sexual quest. Kitt’s ass was sore. Deliciously sore, he’d heard said somewhere along the way, and now he understood completely what those words meant.

All night, Austin had stayed rough and eager, giving and taking before turning gentler, sweet and tender. The one thing he hadn’t exaggerated about, they went at it all night long. Kitt’s ass got a couple of solid poundings, the kind that would cause this ache to stick around for a few days. Austin told him he intended it to remind Kitt who his ass belonged to while he went away to Los Angeles.

Funny how the thought of commitment and exclusivity with Sean had freaked him out, but now with Austin, his heart felt light and breezy, ready to be Austin’s for however long he wanted it and him. The romantic thought caused Kitt to smile again, and he kissed the top of Austin’s head.

They lay zipped up tight in the sleeping bag. Austin sprawled across Kitt, and they held each other tight. It didn’t look like they changed position much over the last couple of hours. In these early morning hours, Kitt still couldn’t fully wrap his mind around the fact that Austin wanted a long term, exclusive relationship with him. Well, now, relationship was never actually mentioned, but exclusivity was made very clear. A long term fuck buddy with someone who was hiding from the world had to mean a relationship of some sort, right? Kitt felt shockingly great about it all. Maybe shocked better described it, but to know the person you wanted most in the world actually wanted you back…yeah, the word great fit right up there too.

Based on the sun, it had to be early. Kitt guessed it close to seven. A noise caused him to look to the side of their sleeping bag. He figured the cows were making their way down the pasture. It was where they came first thing in the morning. That was probably what woke him. Kitt looked to the left of them but saw nothing. He looked to the right and saw the fire was just embers now. He stroked his hand up Austin’s back thinking if it were early enough, maybe they’d have time for one more round before Austin had to get going. After a minute more of lightly stroking his fingertips across Austin’s back, Kitt ran his hand down to Austin’s ass, sliding a finger into the crease. It was still a little oily from last night and his finger slid in easily. It made Austin finally lift his head. Sleepy, tired eyes met his with a big grin.

“Good morning, sexy….funny how my ass hurts, yet that feels so good. Can we go back to the licking thing you started with last night?” Austin leaned in for a kiss, but something caught his attention and he lifted his gaze. His eyes grew wider as Kitt watched. “Kitt, we aren’t alone.”

Kitt threw his head back, looking upside down at what Austin was staring at. His sister, Kylie, sat on top of her horse between them and the truck. Panic struck his heart. He immediately tried to separate from Austin, but they were zipped up tight. All he could do was jerk his hand from Austin’s ass. “What are you doin’ here?”

“You know what, Kitt? I was gonna quietly leave when I saw you, but then I got so mad! And for the record, I knew! But you should have told me!” Kylie yelled. She was a short fiery little red head, and she dismounted with only the flair and fight of a true Kelly. She didn’t just let go of the reins, she tossed them. Just like with Kitt’s horse, hers was well trained - he ignored her outburst as he sauntered off. He wouldn’t travel far.

“Kylie! What’re you doing here?” Kitt asked again, unzipping the zipper and dislodging from Austin. He pushed away, but there was little room in the sleeping bag. Kitt flipped the top open dumping Austin to the side. Austin tried in vain to cover himself, but he lay partially exposed when Kitt jumped up. Kitt dropped his hands down, covering his package. Kylie was purposefully trying to embarrass him now, standing with her arms crossed over her chest and feet spread apart, tapping her foot, her angry blue-eyed stare trained on him.

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