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Texas Pride

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“You’re wrong about yourself. You’re a catch. He’d be lucky to have you.”

“Whatever! He could get some of those hot male models, not a scarred up, broken nosed, cowboy.” Kitt said with a laugh. The thought was totally ludicrous. He laughed so hard he choked on the soda he drank from.

“Whatever back! Have you looked in the mirror? You’re hot, and I know the ranch’s failin’, but you’re workin’ through it. And, if nothing else, we could sell the land and it would free you up.” Kylie nodded, shoving the last bite of her sandwich in her mouth.

“No one wants this much land in the middle of the desert down here close to nothing. And, I don’t want to have this conversation. Now, seriously, why’re you here this weekend? It seems like I just dropped you off, and if I remember correctly, there was somethin’ about never comin’ back to this town again.”

“I missed you guys…” Kylie smiled as she said it.

“Why?” Kitt cocked an eyebrow.

“Ha ha! I did miss you, and you must really be out of touch. It’s Homecomin’ and you weren’t returnin’ my phone calls. You should come to the game tonight with me,” she said.

“It’s Homecomin’ already? Really? How did I miss that?”

“My guess is you aren’t spendin’ any time in town, just with Austin freakin’ Grainger!” Kylie dumped her napkin in the trash laughing, and put everything back in the refrigerator while Kitt finished his sandwich.

“How’re your grades?” Kitt asked in an attempt to change the subject as he took his last couple of bites. He refused to say another word about Austin.

“So far so good. I’m strugglin’ in Chemistry, but I have a good tutor. I think I can pull a low A if nothing else.”

“Promise to let me know if you need help before it’s too late. I can get online, do that webcam thing and help you.” He tossed his napkin in the trash and looked around for his phone and keys. It was already after nine, and he needed to get started on the day.

“I will. I’m goin’ back to the house. Mama’s gettin' ready for the parade, and Bryanne was gonna paint her fingernails leopard print to match her bow, just in case she wins Homecomin’ Queen.”

“Y’all have fun,” Kitt said, and Kylie followed him out.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna go with us tonight? Everyone’ll be askin’ about you,” Kylie asked, mounting her horse.

“Nah, I gotta catch up on some stuff and check out the baler, get it ready for next week,” Kitt said, getting in his truck and rolling the window down.

“Alright, brother, I love you. I’ll come see you when we get home. Bring you dinner,” she said, turning the horse around. “Kitt, I get that you don’t wanna talk about Austin, but I can tell you like him. I’m happy for you.”

She didn’t wait for an answer, nor did he give one. He just watched her go in the rearview mirror. As she faded away, he stopped watching her and looked at himself.

He couldn’t see why anyone would find him good looking. He had a deep scar in his eyebrow from one of the fights his dad had tried to pick with him. It started above the eye, threading through the brow and up into his forehead. He also had a scar across his bottom lip. Both were fine, thin lines now, but still there. And his nose had been broken at least three times that he remembered. Nothing about him classified as pretty at all.

He also didn’t have those polished hard bodies you got from trainers and gym workouts. Those guys were sculpted from head to toe to have every muscle toned, fit and flowing together. Austin’s body was like that – just hot from head to toe. Kitt sported muscle, but it was different. His muscle came from hard work. They were two completely different things. His thighs were too thick, his ass too round, and the sun had done its fair share of damage to his skin. At twenty-eight years old, the lines were already forming around his eyes and mouth. He was starting to agree with Sean, he should consider sunscreen.

Kitt switched his gaze to his too long hair. It had grown out past the point of whatever style the hairdresser last cut it in, and it was a strange color. Mostly auburn with gold and blond in it, but it was odd. It was all the sun’s doing. The complete study of his overall physique helped settle some of the hope his runaway heart had let filter in last night. No way did he compare to the Seans and Austins of the world.

Kitt might be momentarily happy, but he couldn’t lose sight of the fact that he was convenient and available. Austin had secluded himself here with no one else. After time faded and people stopped caring, Austin could come out and find someone better suited to him, and it was almost laughable how the thought hurt Kitt’s heart. Kitt pushed the pain aside. He’d made the decision last night, committed to this thing between them until Austin decided to leave. Which Austin technically already did…but, if he came back, Kit would enjoy the regular sex and the friendship. He wasn’t going to make anything more out of it. Looking back at the mirror, he nodded to himself to confirm the thought.

He finally reversed the truck and began to back away from the cabin. Focus on his future required he spend a full day at the barn. No more time for distractions. He pulled out on the trail and his phone vibrated. The message was from Austin.

‘I loved waking up in your arms. It’s something I want to repeat as soon and as often as possible. I enjoyed myself last night. I can never decide what’s better, for you to be buried inside me, or me in you... It’s a tough call, but my ass is sore in all the right ways. I shouldn’t be gone more than a day or two. I’ll call as I can. Think about me while I’m gone. Your sister’s lovely. A’

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