Texas Pride - Page 64

Seth knew the drill. He’d been part of several duck out situations in the past. They walked into the barn together, Seth first, but he stopped soon, having no idea what to do or where to go. It gave Austin the second to look around, make sure the coast was clear before he guided Seth to the horse stall everyone stood around.

They walked side by side. Seth was clearly out of his element as a disinterested sneer splayed across his face. Seth’s only concern seemed centered on dodging the dirt and other possibilities lying on the barn floor. Seth so wasn’t feeling this ranch life like Austin had hoped he might. There was just way too much city boy in his agent, and it was something he’d never realized about Seth until right now. Over the years, they had always been in sync with one another, Seth being the peanut butter to Austin’s jelly. But, by the end of the ranch tour, Seth was past the fun of the four-wheeler and ready to be back on his laptop, looking for messages from Cara.

Austin’s gut told him he didn’t see Seth sticking around the farm too much longer, and Austin couldn’t seem to want him to stay. Their lives were different now. Austin’s one hundred percent different, and he was happy with the change.

Austin picked a darkened corner and perched a leg on the bottom rail. He looked over the side of the stall. Seth came in beside him. No one paid any attention to either of them; every eye was on Kitt who stood in the stall with Lady.

Based on Mike’s last call, Kitt had only been back about half an hour. He’d worked a fourteen hour day and looked a sweaty, dirty mess, which was interesting because at the same time Kitt looked hot as hell bent over rubbing Lady down. He spoke directly to her in soft soothing tones. Austin couldn’t hear the words he said, but he watched every move Kitt made. Kitt handled the horse with such tenderness Austin yearned for those hands to be rubbing him down just the same way.

Before his dick grew too hard, Austin noticed the vet stood close by in the stall, watching everything Kitt did. Mike, Jose, and Lily were like he and Seth: on the outside looking in. Austin pulled his ball cap a little lower on his head, and stayed in the dark. He turned his full attention back to Kitt. It was so easy to see this was where he belonged. Kitt had some innate understanding here, and this horse responded to him on a level of which Austin had no knowledge. The man and the animal watched one another closely, and Kitt rubbed her down until he got close enough for her to move her head and knock his ball cap off. Austin realized Kitt got in the position intentionally to let the horse do the move.

“So you aren’t so sore that you can play games? I think that’s a good sign, big girl.” Kitt nuzzled her head, rubbing behind her ears. He scooped his hat up and ran a hand down her nose as he rested the ball cap back on his head. Austin could see everything great about this horse was due to the tender loving care Kitt gave her. Based on everything he’d heard, she was most comfortable with Kitt in there with her.

“We can see what’s goin’ on in there, Kitt. Make sure he can come on his own, but it’s risky. I’m not sure it’s needed,” the vet said.

“Nah, he’s facin’ right. I don’t wanna risk it. Let’s give her time. If we need that exam, I’ll do it,” Kitt said in that same loving tone. He spoke to the vet, but looked at the horse.

“What’s going on?” Austin asked Mike quietly trying to get caught up.

“They’re talkin’ about maybe needin’ to turn the position. She’s in full labor and they’re just eliminatin’ he may be breech. They don’t think he is. The last ultrasound showed him in the right position,” Mike said equally quiet, keeping his eyes on the horse. Seth stood beside him with horror in his eyes as the doctor shoved a long plastic glove back in his bag.

“Can Kitt do things like that?” Austin’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“Yeah, he’s done it for us quite a bit. He knows what he’s doin’, Lady would respond best to him,” Mike said.

All eyes stayed on Kitt who positioned himself behind the horse rubbing from high on her belly to her back legs. He kept a steady stream of conversation going and ran his hands over her udder. Kitt looked totally absorbed in what he did, as if it were just the two of them and no one else in the barn. The vet stayed back and let Kitt work. The horse whined a little, nodded her head, but stayed still. Kitt never stopped the flow of conversation with her. His tender, gentle touch never changed.

“That’s it. Her milks droppin’, he’s comin’ soon,” Kitt said to the vet seconds later.

“I’m guessin’ a couple of hours,” the vet replied, his eyes trained on the horse.

“I don’t know. She’s too early for this. It could still be a day.”

“You know it’s an estimate.” Doc nodded at him. “She’s close. It’ll be tonight.”

“It’s an estimate when it’s not an absolute firm date. Hers is a firm date,” Kitt challenged back. The horse turned to Kitt as he stood talking to the doctor. His body faced her, but his head was cocked to the side, deep in thought. She took a step or two toward him, and Kitt reached out to rub her as he spoke to the vet. She had other plans. She lifted her nose and knocked his hat off again.

“You have all these jokes tonight?” He turned back to her. Austin saw it then. He gave all his attention to his animals. They were most comfortable with him, because he was most comfortable with them. Kitt didn’t hide anything from his animals. Kitt reached down and grabbed the cap, but kept it in his hands.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
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