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Texas Pride

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“Kitt’s better at it than me. I’d come out today in order to quit hiding.” Austin looked down at the ground as he spoke, still holding her hand.

“You’re in love.” There was a smile in the way Cara said the words.

“I’m so in love. So forever and ever until death do us part in love. He’s everything to me.” Austin words made Kitt’s heart lurch from his chest. It was exactly how he felt. Forever and ever until death do us part…exactly like that!

“Oh Austin, I’m so glad! You deserve that! And, he’s hot as hell. I mean seriously, Austin, you’re good looking, but he might give you a run for your money. I can’t wait to see you two standing next to each other!” They were walking into the yard now. Austin had installed a gate around his back yard to fence in the swimming pool. Some of the cows had found their way back there and stumbled into the pool. Several fell in, and it was a nightmare trying to get them out.

“I can’t tell if he doesn’t know how good looking he is, or if he doesn’t care, but regardless, you should see his body. It’s as good as his face. Every single muscle’s toned. His chest makes me lose my mind, and his ass...I wish he’d get over here. I want him to get to know you guys.” Austin walked up the steps and stopped, turning back toward Kitt’s house.

“Seth thought he was jealous of him,” Cara said, following Austin’s gaze, but looking all around.

“I might’ve been a little jealous.” Kitt stepped up from behind. He walked the distance separating them and Austin opened his arms like it was the most natural thing in the world. Kitt never hesitated as he slid into the embrace. Austin hadn’t ever said those things to him. All the worry of the afternoon faded away after hearing what Austin just so casually said.

“Ah…you are here. Yay!” Cara said. She stepped up to join them in the embrace. “I’m so glad you came along, Kitt. You saved our boy!” She hugged Kitt tighter, making him startle and look up at Austin’s serious face.

“I tell him that all the time, Cara, but he doesn’t believe me.” Austin seemed fine with Cara right there with them. He leaned forward to kiss Kitt’s lips again. Cara stayed with them, smiling big in their faces.

“Well, you can believe me then, Mr. Kitt Kelly! And what a great name! Where’d you get such a name?” Cara asked.

“My parents…”

They were laughing as Seth opened the backdoor. “Rich and Mercedes were standing watch outside the Omni waiting for us to make our move. We got past them no problem. Apparently they’re still there watching.”

“Yay! We got away from them! Rich is just creepy and Mercedes…I mean seriously, what’s wrong with his face? Can you believe they followed us to Dallas on our honeymoon? What did they think was gonna happen?” Cara left the circle of Kitt’s and Austin’s arms, to stand with her husband, circling her arms around him.

“I can’t believe no one’s thought to look out here,” Austin said.

“I can’t believe no one out here has said anything.” Seth’s tone was very matter of fact.

“No one’s even talking about me anymore. I’m finally off the radar. Thank God.” Austin’s breath tickled Kitt’s neck as he spoke.

“The mosquitoes are eating me up, come inside,” Seth said.

“Seth, you’re a serious pansy. Go in, we’ll be a minute.” Austin kept a tight hold on Kitt, not moving.

“How long were you here?” Austin asked as Seth shut the door behind them. Kitt answered the question with his silence.

“I meant everything I said, and I don’t want you to be nervous about it. I’ve wanted to say it to you for so long. I’ve just been trying to give you time. This is forever for me, and you’re so very hot…just one kiss…” Austin wrapped Kitt tightly in his embrace and grabbed his ass, tugging Kitt tighter against him. Right as Austin’s lips descended, Kitt looked over to the right to see Cara and Seth standing in the window. Cara bubbled with excitement at their kiss. Austin’s tongue bounced off Kitt’s cheek as he realized he’d been denied.

“Get a room you two!” Seth yelled. Austin reached up to turn Kitt’s face back to him, and thoroughly kissed him regardless of who may be watching.

Chapter 23

“Stop fidgeting, you look great,” Austin said from behind Kitt who stood in front of his dresser’s mirror adjusting one of the two silk ties he owned. Austin watched him from the bed which made him feel a little more self-conscious wearing the formal clothes he had on. Kitt stepped back, surveyed the knot, and then looked back at his hair before pushing the front pieces back. He hoped he looked the part of a fill-in father for his littlest sister’s Spring Queen nomination.

“Really, you look good.” Their gazes connected in the mirror and a faint blush sprung across Kitt’s cheeks. “Put on the suit jacket. Let me see the whole look.”

“Shouldn’t you be gettin’ up, and goin’ home? You have company at your house.” Kitt shrugged on the suit jacket. He stood back in front of the mirror, fixing the collar, as Austin rose from the bed, naked and came to stand behind him.

“I’m glad you went with the black tie. I like this black and white look you’ve got going on. No talking to strange men tonight, and absolutely no secluded bathroom runs with anyone. You know what just occurred to me? I’m thinkin’ I might need to go out tonight. Show up there so I can keep my eye on you.” Austin looked at him in the mirror, making Kitt roll his eyes as he shoved the short pieces of his hair back off his forehead.

“She cut it too short.” Kitt picked up the hair brush on his dresser.

“No, come here. Let me gel it.” Austin didn’t wait for Kitt to agree, he padded over to the bathroom. Kitt didn’t follow.

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