Texas Pride - Page 93

Once it became clear that no amount of talking would sway Austin, Julie became a dog with a bone helping him with exactly the right words to say as he spoke to Donnie Cliff tonight. Austin’s whole game plan came down to him getting the word out first. Maybe no one would care about Kitt’s photos if he was honest with the world. If Austin was lucky, it might only be a passing interest as to who the guy was that finally caught his eye.

After a four hour flight, and a whirlwind of activity, Austin was back to having solidly blond hair again. His dark tan didn’t need any sort of spray refresher, but he was plucked, clipped, cut, manicured and pedicured all before being outfitted in a tailored, classically cut, modest, yet expensive as hell, suit.

Austin ran late getting to the Late Show. Donnie stood on stage, already doing his opening monologue as Austin arrived in studio well after eight. It gave Donnie’s staff very little time for edits before the program aired. Donnie held the show as long as he could, well past the point of anything safe, just to get Austin on as his guest tonight. There was no time for them to talk first, or for him to prep Donnie before he took the stage. Tonight, they’d wing it.

It wasn’t ten minutes after Austin came to the theater that he walked out on stage, waving his hand to the audience, his sexy signature grin in place. He casually shook hands with Donnie, waved at the band, and then the audience again. They went wild having had no idea he was planned for the show tonight. Several minutes passed with the audience standing and applauding just for him. He waved, bowed, smiled, and Donnie stood beside him trying to get a hold of the audience. Nothing worked until they got it out of their system and were ready to sit again.

It was the standard late night talk show set-up: a desk for Donnie with a couple of chairs to the side for the guests. Austin took a seat to Donnie’s right. He sat casually, hoping he pulled off the calm exterior of a man with easy confidence, not showing the reality of his heart frantically hammering in his chest. Internally, his focus centered on Kitt, but he kept the outward calm like he’d been trained to do. After the first couple polite pleasantries, Donnie just looked at Austin, not sure what to say. Donnie was a trained comedian, his timing perfect, and he got a big laugh from the audience as the two of them sat in silence, staring at one another.

“So…whatcha been up to since we last saw you, oh, eight months ago?” Donnie finally asked.

“Well, I’ve been farming. I bought a farm in Texas.” Several Texans from the audience hooped and hollered at the mention of their home state. Austin could tell Donnie hadn’t been expecting a truthful answer, and was now trying to piece the right questions together to get to exactly why Austin sat before him.

“Really now? Farming. Aren’t you from Texas?”

“Yep. I bought some land in the same area I grew up. It’s a little secluded out there, but about the same area.” Austin crossed his leg over the other, making a show of getting comfortable. He looked at Donnie like he was a simple, simple man. It caused another round of laughter from the audience.

“And after all these months of looking for you, no one thought to look out there?” Donnie asked in his way of making the press and media look like a bunch of dumbasses.

“Nope, haven’t had a single incidence.”

“Those paparazzi aren’t nearly as smart as they think they are. Wish they couldn’t find me. So is that the reason you and Cara broke up. She wasn’t into becoming a farm girl?”

“No, I think she took to the farm really well. Seth hasn’t at all, but Cara enjoys her time there.” Austin nodded, understanding he was being purposefully vague.

“Okay. Since this is only an hour long show maybe after this break you could fill us in,” Donnie said and waggled his eyebrows, turning to the cameras. He made another comment, something Austin didn’t pay attention to, and they went to commercial break. He was off the spotlight, both figuratively and literally, for only two minutes. Austin took a long drink of the vodka, not water, sitting behind his chair. Donnie leaned in whispering to him as the cameras panned out.

“I don’t know how far you want me to take it.” They were both smiling, giving the audience a visual they were sharing something personal as they spoke.

“Just lead me into how my life’s goin’, and I’ll tell you. You won’t need to fish around for it.” The camera crew counted off again and Donnie sat back to take his position and to reintroduce Austin to the show. After a moment he turned back to Austin. “So, have I asked, whatcha been up to on that farm of yours? Raising chickens?”

“Mainly horses and cattle. It’s a cattle farm, but dabbling in some purebred horses.”

“And you’re just on the farm playing old McDonald?” Donnie asked and the audience laughed, even Austin laughed. He supposed he’d done everything Julie told him to do. He’d drawn out the speculation, come off as relaxed and as in control as he possibly could. Now he needed to get to the point.

“A little more than that…Donnie, I came out here tonight—”

“It’s about damn time you got to the point!”

“—I’ve decided on putting something out in the world on my terms for a change. Not let the media spin it out of control. I’m just gonna be truthful. I’ve met someone—”

The audience cut him off as they stood and gave him applause. Austin grinned, waved his hand and bowed again, but Donnie got a hold of them quick.

“Sit down! I don’t think he’s finished. Sit. Down!” Donnie stood using his hands to lower everyone back in their seats. “Now go on. You’ve what?”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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