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Texas Pride

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Kitt worked Austin from behind, moving as fast as his thighs would go. Kitt was his perfect lover. The exact height, perfect position; Kitt instinctively knew just how to move to keep Austin on the edge. Austin gripped a hand on Kitt’s hip and the other on the post holding the rail in place. Austin held off, not touching his own cock, knowing it would be all it took to come. Kitt kept up the pace from behind, and Austin dripped in anticipation. Austin’s cock begged him to finish the job. He gritted his teeth, and held on for dear life.

“You feel so fuckin’ good! Goddamn you were made for me…for this… ” Kitt ground his teeth together as he grunted out the words. Austin was so tight. This was so perfect. He gripped Kitt, milking him until nothing else mattered.

It was their sacs hitting against one another that undid Austin. He came on a shout, not even stroking himself off. Kitt never stopped moving, but Austin couldn’t hold it. He fell forward, wrenching free of Kitt’s hold as his legs buckled out from underneath him. The rail caught him as his orgasm exploded from his body. Austin felt Kitt reaching for him, trying to bring him back to finish the job.

“Noo…” Kitt moaned, but Austin could do nothing more than breathe. It was Kitt’s very first time to go without a condom, and Austin smiled. It made them one during these times, nothing separating them, and it was shocking at how good it felt to finally make love with a trusted one, skin to skin.

Austin anchored against the rail, not more than a minute had passed, but Kitt seemed to have none of it. Austin heard movement behind them. He forced one eye open and looked back to see Kitt’s shirt coming over his head. He wiped down his cock.

Kitt moved quick. He lowered Austin to the porch floor with the moonlight in perfect position for Kitt to see Austin’s face. He straddled Austin’s chest, working his plump, erect cock. “I’m not done. Suck me.”

Austin wasn’t given a chance to respond. Kitt shoved his dick down his throat.

He deep throated Kitt on the first thrust. Kitt slid down his throat on the second push. Kitt leaned forward, landing on all fours and fucked Austin’s mouth. He pistoned his hips back and forth. Austin was completely relaxed and able to open even further than normal, willing himself to take all of Kitt, and just breathe when he could. The deep moans Kitt made had Austin lifting his hand to massage his ass and sac, running the balls through his palm. When he slid a finger in Kitt’s ass, massaging the gland, it was all it took. Kitt tightened and roared, shoving himself as far down Austin’s throat as he could. His release jerked and spewed from his body.

Apparently, Austin just rocked Kitt’s world. Kitt fell to the side, slipping from Austin’s mouth. Austin took a deep breath in through his nose, swallowing down everything Kitt left behind. The timing worked out perfectly, breathing was as important to him as sucking Kitt off, and now, he had both.

“Goddamn, how do you do that?” Kitt asked. He was laying on his back now, his arm thrown over his eyes as if the moonlight was too bright to look at. Kitt was panting, his chest heaved, and he had already begun to drift off to sleep.

Austin grinned, wiping at the side of his mouth. As much as he loved Kitt’s taste, he loved to kiss Kitt after they sucked each other off to share the taste. Austin pulled up, climbing up on Kitt and did just that. He kissed Kitt thoroughly, holding his head in place with his hands, his tongue swirling and suckling, tenderly making love to Kitt’s mouth.

Both missed the car lights pulling in next to Austin’s truck.

“For God’s sake, the house was like three steps from where you’re lyin’, couldn’t you have made it inside?” The sheriff’s voice ripped them apart as it came through the night over a loud speaker.

“I’ll give you one minute from right now to get up and get your clothes right before I come up there. Don’t make me see anything that might permanently scar me for life, Kelly. I’ve seen enough of you recently. I might arrest you just for that.”

They bolted up, moving quickly. Both Austin and Kitt were dressed in a matter of seconds. Austin had no idea what this was about, or why the sheriff was here, but it couldn’t be good at this hour of the night. They were down the steps as the sheriff met them in the backyard.

“I’m sorry to come out so late. I figured you might be here. The town was buzzin’ tonight, and I heard Austin drove,” the sheriff said.

“Yes, sir.” Kitt responded and Austin followed with a nod because it was the only thing he thought to do. “Is everything alright?”

“Son, they took Verne off life support this evening. He died almost immediately. Part of my job was to notify next of kin. I also went and got his belongings from the room he rented. I found this.” The sheriff held a shoe box and he handed it to Kitt.

“As best as I know, no one else saw it, but I can’t be sure of that. I’m breakin’ the law, but I just figured you’d been through enough, and Lily and the girls didn’t need any more stress.” The sheriff said it, trying hard to hold eye contact, but finally lost the battle. He lowered his head and nodded.

“Sorry to bother you two so late. I’d say I’m sorry about Verne, but he caused you lots of bullshit for no reason. Maybe that’ll show you why.” The sheriff turned on his heels with a simple goodnight and took off without another word.

“Come inside, let’s see what’s in there,” Austin said, putting an arm around Kitt.


Kitt followed Austin up the steps, lifting the lid to the shoe box. It was too dark to see much, but he could make out some old photographs of his dad. As Austin opened the backdoor, the images struck Kitt hard, causing him to stumble a bit as he walked inside. Austin went through the living room, turning on the lights, and Kitt shuffled a hand inside the box, moving the contents around. There were photos of his dad as a younger man, even before Kitt was born. Kitt dumped everything from the box on the table.

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