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Texas Pride

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As they drove to check out a problem with a back fence, Austin was already back on the list of actors he planned to take various roles. For the most part, Kitt kept his nervousness to himself. Austin was just so excited about acting again, but it concerned Kitt. They were together now, and he needed to live in the now for as long as he got the opportunity. It’s what his father and Verne’s relationship had taught him, so he sat in the truck, watching the fence line, letting Austin talk.

It was already dusk outside. They needed to get a move on it to see the fence line properly. Kitt started to say something, but Austin kept the flow of conversation going every time he opened his mouth to speak. Austin kept taking his time until he diverted from the path heading out into the open pasture. The move caused Kitt to narrow his brow, and he looked over at Austin, who continued the steady stream of talking, not letting him interrupt. Out of nowhere Kitt saw lights. It looked like maybe a small fire until they drove closer. There were candles burning. A smiled spread across Austin’s lips and he sighed.

“I was afraid I was gonna have to start talkin’ about the declaration of independence…Surprise!”

“What is it?”

Austin laughed at Kitt’s confusion.

“It’s the house, honey. See it roped off?” Austin stopped the truck, turned off the ignition, but left the lights on and jumped out. “This is the first floor. Come on, I’ll give you a tour.”

The first floor was huge, it took Kitt a minute to even comprehend the size of the place, and there were two more floors in the plans. Austin made a production of walking them through the front door, stepping into a huge grand entrance with a stairwell separating the living room. The kitchen and guest rooms were at one end, their bedroom at the other. It was the part Austin had sectioned off with candles. In the middle of the room was a sleeping bag, pillow and an air mattress. To the side of it sat a picnic basket, champagne bucket, and a fire pit was close by. Austin slowed a little, walking to the bed. It was getting darker outside, not quite night, but it took a minute to see the small black velvet box and envelope in the middle of the bed.

“Marry me.” Austin simply said, bending down to take the box and the envelope. “Kitt, I can sometimes see the anxiety of all this in your eyes. This is the only way I know how to relieve it. Marry me and honeymoon here with me.”

Kitt opened the envelope as Austin opened the box for him to see a simple gold band sitting on the dark velvet. Austin used his cell phone for light and Kitt got the gist of what was in the envelope. Their honeymoon would be at the Kentucky derby with a signed contract from the trainer Kitt had wanted, agreeing to come work with their horses.

Kitt’s smile must have said it all. Austin grabbed him up, wrapping him in his arms.

“Thank you. Thank you, I love you! Now let’s get Hooch ready to race!”

The End

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