Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 21

For anything.

- Jason

A thrill shot through me, rippling me with goosebumps. A weekend away… and with Jason!

A weekend to forget about work. To forget about financing. To forget about the results of my blood tests, which I still hadn’t gotten back yet.

Somehow it was exactly what I needed.



Aside from the tragedy regarding my parents, I’ve often thought about how lucky I’ve been. How fortunate I was to encounter the guys three years ago, and how everything in my life since then has seemed to really work out.

Of course it wasn’t all luck… not by a longshot. Not according whatever algorithm Kyle had run on an NSA database, courtesy of Jason Briggs. I learned later on I’d been handpicked as the perfect match when it came to what they were looking for. Or rather ‘digitally selected’ from tens of thousands of local candidates, according to my traits and interests.

At one point it even bothered me, that Kyle hadn’t been in that bar by accident. That our relationship hadn’t been plucked strictly by the romantic hand of fate, but rather a blinding stream of ‘1’s and ‘0’s passing through some high-level microprocessor.

I got over it pretty quickly though.

In reality I’d gone from a small one-bedroom apartment to living in one of the most prestigious Victorian mansions I’d ever laid eyes on, much less had the pleasure of renovating myself. I’d also gone from being single and lonely to having four gorgeous boyfriends… all at the same time.

Now that had been a hell of a thing.

I counted my blessings on a regular basis, especially whenever I was up late or couldn’t sleep. I derived a lot of good internalization from just staring up at the ceiling. Thinking about the radical turns my life had taken, and how intensely I’d grown to love these four very different, but very amazing men.


Jason held out his hand. He looked incredibly hot in his black silk shirt, buttoned down to tailored dress slacks and a pair of matte black boots with silver buckles. He smelled good too. Like soap flakes… mixed with leather and steel.

“You look like a rock god.”

He laughed as my hand slid into his. “Then be my groupie.”


To my surprise he’d ordered a car; a sleek black sedan with a hood that shined like a mirror in the moonlight. It was late already, but not too late. Just the right time, actually.

“You hungry?”


“Dinner first then,” he grinned. “Then other stuff.”

In less than ten minutes were on the highway, spinning off toward the city, our driver separated securely behind a frosted glass partition.

Five minutes after that, we were all over each other.

I had fantastic chemistry with all four of my lovers, but Jason and I had a special intensity that transcended normal attraction. Every time we got together it always felt like the first time. Or maybe the first time after a long while, if that makes any sense.

Either way, we made out like teenagers starving to have each other. Jason hoisted me into his lap and held me there, one firm hand traveling boldly up the inside of my thigh with each passing mile. The little blue skirt I’d chosen was cute but short. It showed off even more leg than usual, especially with his hands working their way toward my hips.

“You’re not even gonna stop me?” he teased, sliding upward another inch.

“Stop you?” I chuckled into his mouth. “I’ll even help you!”

I reached down as if to prove the point, but he placed his strong, masculine hand over mine. He seemed content with just kissing me, at least for now. I was equally lost in same dreamy euphoria, our tongues sliding sensuously in and out of each other’s mouth as we traded breath for breath.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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