Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 32

“Nothing,” said Sammara. “Not now, anyway.”

She leaned forward and took my face in her hands. Her long, beautiful fingers felt warm on my skin.

“Give her time,” she said. “Give her space. Let your momma chew on this for a while, and after a while who knows? Maybe it’ll seem a little more normal, a little more permissible each passing day.”

I doubted that. At least right now. But even I had to admit, time was generally a good thing.

“Time smooths all things over,” she said. “Trust me. Pain. Heartache. Grief…”

I could see her drifting, but this time she caught herself. She shook a bunch of things out of her head and smiled again.

“I’ll deal with your momma Dakota,” she told me. “When the times comes.”

At that, I raised both eyebrows. “Uhh… I’m not entirely sure you know what you’re getting into.”

Sammara chuckled adorably. She stood up, kissing me on the forehead as she rose.

“Then we’ll deal with her,” she said. “Together.”



It wasn’t until Halloween that we lit the fireplace for the first time. A few cold snaps aside, the warm Indian summer had finally given way to consistently chilly temperatures. I think we were ready for it. Looking forward to it, actually.

“C’mon,” growled Dakota, pushing his way forward. “It’s my turn.”

I shifted sideways, and his hands found my hips in the flickering shadows. Ryan slid away to make room for him, holding the lace trim of my little gingham dress up until he could get into position.

“There we go.”



thick fingers made their way between my legs, finding me already wet. Dakota replaced them with the head of his cock, all slick and slippery and warm.

God, do I love Halloween…

Dressing up was a tradition, as much as anything else we did together. We’d gone as football players and a slutty cheerleader our first year together, and of course the guys had picked our outfits that time around. The next year was my turn, and I became a sexy police officer, with three escaped prisoners in tow. That evening ended with them using my own handcuffs on me, something I’d enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would… and something we’d definitely do again.

Last year had been very last minute, and Ryan was off on assignment. Kyle, Dakota and Jason had simply gone as Army Rangers, dressing me in torn-up fatigues, spiked combat boots, and camouflage underwear. I wore all three of their dog-tags dangling between my breasts, which for some reason I found very sexy. It made me feel owned by them. Even if just for the night.

This year however, we’d gone all out. Since there were once again three of them, I played Dorothy… and we dressed as the Wizard of Oz.

Dakota was the lion, of course. Right now only his mane remained, as the rest of his — and most of our costumes, really — lay scattered across the living room floor.

“God, just feel her! She’s soaked…”

I arched my back as he entered me from behind, sliding all the way up inside. I wanted to scream it felt so good. But it would’ve been hard, with Kyle feeding himself into my mouth.

“I know,” chuckled Ryan. “Who do you think made her that way?”

“The not-so-cowardly lion,” Dakota grinned. “That’s who.”

It was another historic Halloween night; bouncing between two of our favorite local dive bars before walking crookedly home. The cool air was invigorating. Sobering, even. And Ryan’s tin-man outfit was making so much noise, we laughingly made him peel half of it off right there in the street.

I really loved these times, these unspoken yearly rituals we’d somehow formed. It was like having a secret, just between us. Little events that bonded us that much closer as a tight-knit group, even when one or more of us couldn’t be there that particular time around.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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