Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 114

“And only one with the family,” Ryan pointed out.

“Yeah,” Kyle laughed. “They’ll be fun to have here for a little while. Stomping around the grounds. Visiting the little towns, the pubs within walking distance…”

Jason put a hand on two different merlons. He leaned out dangerously far, staring straight down at a point that made me dizzy to even think about.

“Our friends and family will definitely be fun,” he agreed. “But that second week? When it’s just us…”

I felt a hand go over my ass. It gave it a gentle squeeze.

“That’ll be even more fun,” said Kyle. “Chasing you naked around a whole castle.”

“Pinning you against the walls,” added Ryan. “Kissing you senseless.”

“Screwing you in every one of these bedrooms,” Dakota went on. “Turning you into a human pincushion!”

I laughed, bringing my thighs gingerly together. The pleasant soreness would eventually go away. The memories wouldn’t.

“Seems like you did that one already,” I said. “How many times did you wake me again last night?”

“Two?” Jason offered.

“At least three,” I shot back.

“Maybe four,” said Kyle, “if you count the time you just lay there, purring like a happy kitten while we took turns—”

“Okay, okay,” I smiled. “Four.”

Four wake-ups was a personal record. But then again it was our honeymoon…

“It was the dress that did it for me,” said Dakota.

“Same,” said Kyle. “And the stockings.”

“And the underwear,” said Jason. “Don’t forget those.” His eyes shifted mischievously to mine. “Whatever’s left of them.”

Another arm went around my waist. I found myself leaning on Ryan’s shoulder. Holding hands with Dakota, and Jason..

“We should get a place like this,” Kyle chuckled. “When we get home.”

“You mean a kingdom?” laughed Jason.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “A kingdom. Let’s build a kingdom.”

“Together,” Ryan shrugged. “I bet we could.”

“Oh I know we could,” said Dakota confidently. “Without a doubt.”

Another moment passed. The sun glimmered off something in the distance, and I felt a serene sense of contentment.

“Would I still be the princess?” I asked. “Of our kingdom?”

“Nah,” said Ryan. “More like the queen.”

“And we’d be the four kings,” said Kyle. He gestured over the green field with one arm, grandly. “We could fill our kingdom with princes and princesses. As many as—”

“Easy…” I laughed. “Remember, I’m one. You’re four.”

“So? Four times the love, remember? Four times the fatherhood, too.”

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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