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Moonshine & Mistletoe (Black Rebel Devils MC 1)

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A smile flickers on his face and his lip twitches. “No. I didn’t have the honor.” His words slice through me. They shouldn’t I know my father was bad and he was hated and feared by many but hearing the words from the mouth of the guy you just fucked messes with your head. He gives me a soft look. “Don’t take it personally. He did some fucked up shit to my family.”

I nod. “Are you a Devils Rejects member?”

“Nope.” He pops the p and grabs his pack of cigarettes.

“Smoking is bad for your health,” I tell him.

He places the cancer stick between his teeth, cups his hand around the lighter and ignites. A ring of smoke moves toward me and I fan my hand in front of my face. “I do a lot of things I shouldn’t, Ainsley.” The way he says my name I take it he means he regrets sleeping with me.

“Okay…then. I’m just gonna find something to sleep in and I won’t bother you again.” I don’t even know why I am upset. I rub the back of my hand over my eyes in a poor attempt to hide the tears as they start to fall. “Good night, Axel,” I choke the words out and start out the door.

Chapter 6


Ainsley starts to walk away, and I don’t even know why I feel bad for her, but I do. Tiny Leone was a monster but to her he was a father. I go to grab her arm but miss her shoulder and yank her towel off instead. Her spine is rigid as she spins around with the saddest expression, I have seen anyone have in my life. “Shit, my bad,” I apologize, bending down to grab the towel from the floor. I take a hard drag from my cigarette. “Don’t go anywhere.”

She doesn’t respond but she doesn’t move to leave. I go downstairs to the kitchen and put my cigarette out in the kitchen sink. In the fridge I find a roll of cookie dough. I grab a spoon, a knife, and a plate. When I get back upstairs, she is sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her head in her hands. She looks up at me. Her tears have disappeared, and she sniffles. “I’m sorry.”

“For what? Being a girl?” I shake my head. “I have two sisters. I know all about girls and tears.” I grin and sit at the head of the bed after placing the plate on the nightstand. “C’mere.” I pat the empty spot next to me. She moves up the bed, struggling to keep her towel on. I wipe her cheek. “You’re freezing.” I get up and take a t-shirt out of my bag and toss it to her. “Wear this.”

A sheepish smile spreads across her face. “Thanks,” she says softly.

I pull the purple blanket up over her legs and reclaim my spot next to her. I don’t say anything for a few minutes. I just sit next to her and feed her bites of chocolate chip cookie dough. “Tell me about your Dad.”

“You don’t…we don’t have to talk about him.” I pull her into me and hug her body to mine.

“No but if it will make you feel better, I am willing to listen.” I hated the bastard, but he was still her Dad, so he couldn’t be a complete monster, could he?

She shrugs with a frown. “I know he was a bad man. I know he sold women. I know he dealt in illegal drugs, guns, and money. He killed people. He hurt people, but he was different with me. I have so many mixed feelings. I don’t even know where to start.” She picks at a loose thread on the hem of the t-shirt.

“What about your mother?”

“I never knew her. She was scared of my father or, so my Grandmother told me. When I was three, she tried to flee the country with me and he caught her. She was ever heard from again. I don’t even know her name. She was some girl he had probably taking a liking too and knocked up.”

“Damn.” I pop the spoonful of dough in my mouth not sure how to respond. I thought my family was fucked up. “So you don’t have anyone?”

“Nope. I turn eighteen on Christmas Day. And then my stepmother will be rid of me and I will inherit half of my trust fund.”

“Wait…you’re only seventeen?”

“Is that a problem? How old are you?”

“Too fucking old to be laying here with you wearing nothing but my shirt.” Fuck. We didn’t use protection. I don’t want to be a dickhead but we need to talk about shit, especially now.

She pulls away. “I’m sorry…I wasn’t thinking.”

“Neither of us were. It will be fine. We’ll get up tomorrow and go to the nearest pharmacy. They sell that morning after pill over the counter.” I sigh. “It’s not a big deal. Happens all the time.”

Her face pales.

“I mean not that I rely on it or anything. It just you know we weren’t safe, and we hardly know each other. You’re fucking in high school.” I rub a hand over my face. “Why are you alone on Christmas? Did you drive yourself here?” My old man is going to kill me. He sent me down here to keep me out of trouble and the first thing I do is fuck the daughter of Tiny Leone and possibly get her pregnant.

“I’m going to go brush my teeth and get some sleep.”

“Good idea,” I agree knowing I won’t sleep a damn wink until she has taken that fucking pill.

My cell phone buzzes from the pocket of my pants but I ignore it. It’s probably my old man wanting to know if I made it here. I don’t think right now is a good time to talk to him. I have too much shit on my mind.

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