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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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“Sounds awesome.”

“But you didn’t come to Paradise to feast on fruit or the great food of this city.” Xandi pointed at me. “You came here to research the city’s major export.”

I swallowed. “Export?”

Don’t you do it.

“Yep. Paradise’s biggest export,” Xandi continued, “Gangs and everything to do with gangs.”

Kelly waved her arms behind the cameras, trying to get our attention.

I kept my fake smile. “I have. . .been intrigued by the crime here.”

“Or lack of crime. According to the police commissioner Kane, this city has no crime at all.” Xandi held her hands out. “Perhaps, Kane lives in another city.”

“It is true. I did come down here to understand the violence and crime that plagues Paradise.”

“While others turn away and ignore corruption and crime, you once again are trying to deal with it,” Xandi added. “What’s your plan?”

All right. We’re really going to do this.

I let out a long breath. “If possible. . .I plan to investigate the extensive gang network working underground here. Many know them as the Diamond Syndicate—”

“Shut the cameras off!” Kelly gestured to the crew. “This interview is done!”

The lights went out on stage.

Then, chaos ensued. Xandi left her seat. Kelly rushed forward. Staff hustled to one side or the other. Some of the lights dimmed on the right. Curse words shot out of Xandi’s mouth like a machine gun. Kelly met the assault with words of her own.

And they argued for several minutes.

Stunned, I rose from my seat and headed over to them, needing to get in the middle. Regardless of anything, I had my bestie’s back. That being said, I knew Xandi’s fierce temper. If the arguing continued, I would need to help Kelly escape.

Someone tapped my shoulder. Then, a man spoke behind me, “Ms. Walsh?”

I spun around, shocked that someone had used my real last name. “Excuse me?”

“Ms. Walsh, this is for you.” A tall man held a big box that was elegantly wrapped. It looked like an artist had personally painted gold roses onto sparkling red paper. A huge black bow sat on top of it.

Kelly and Xandi paused from arguing.

I didn’t take the gift. “What’s this?”

“Mr. Ivanov would like to welcome you to Paradise City.” The man placed the pretty box on a table near us. “Have a lovely day.”

The man walked off.

Dimitri knows my real last name is Walsh. How did he find that out?

I’d changed my name many years ago and kept that fact private. His people had truly done some digging in less than twenty four hours.

While the rest of the crew shut things down, Xandi and Kelly headed over to me.

Xandie gazed at the box. “What is this?”

I tapped my side. “Ivanov sent it.”

“See!” Kelly touched her chest. “This is why we have to be careful. You foolishly saying their name brought this down on you.”

“No way.” Xandi shook her head. “He already planned to give her this. The guy showed up before Ivanov would have heard her say it on TV. Plus, he wouldn’t have had any idea that she was going to say it.”

I touched the bow and took it off the box. “Either way, this is crazy.”

“Wait!” Kelly waved her hands. “Don’t open it. It could be a bomb.”

“We would have already blown up, if that was true.” Xandi eyed me. “What else happened last night? He’s sending you gifts.”

Kelly looked at me too. “Last night? What did you do, Rose?”

I pulled the top off the box. A new digital recorder lay inside with a yellow bow. An iPhone was next to it.

“Why would he get me a new phone?” I picked it up.

The phone rang.

I jumped, almost dropping it.

The screen read Dima.

I looked at Xandi. “What the hell?”

It rang again.

Xandi backed up. “Shit.”

Kelly screeched, “You have to answer it. And then, let him know the station and I had nothing to do with that interview. It was you two. I have kids!”

Another rang came.

Holy shit.

I put the phone to my ear. “Hello?”


Wild Rose



esterday was horrible. Today will be better.

On my large balcony, I waited at the table for my butler to bring breakfast. I’d placed the king chess piece on the table next to my tea, letting it get some air. Sunlight sparkled on the diamonds, and even the rubies glittered within the gold.

Together, we enjoyed the best view on Platinum Row. I may have ruled the North, but I rested my head in the wealthy West of Paradise.

“Yes, my friend.” I smiled at the chess piece. “Today will be a peaceful and productive day.”

Powder white sand ran along my private beach. Ocean waves crashed against each other. Seagulls soared among the clear blue sky, hunting the colorful fish swimming within indigo waters.

It was a sight that I’d never gotten tired of since moving to this penthouse two years ago. Always, I drowned in its beauty.

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