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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

Page 15

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The phone rang again.

Viktor looked up from the phone. “She may not answer.”

“She will.”

The phone rang one more time.

Rose’s seductive voice came on the phone. “Hello?”

“I like the pearl earrings.” I winked at Viktor. He shook his head and returned to his game. I put my phone on speaker and lay it on the table. “You were already beautiful, Rose. Now you’re stunning.”

Silence came.

She must’ve been taken aback.

My butler, Edwin stepped onto the balcony, carrying a silver tray. A plate of food lay on top along with a glass of orange juice. Always classy and stylish, he wore a freshly pressed gray waistcoat with his black pants, white shirt, and gray bowtie. White gloves covered his hands.

Edwin told me once that a butler’s shoes should reflect his principal. I checked them today. They were shiny, newly polished, and with clean, neat laces.

Rose sounded nervous on the line. “Thank you for the. . .compliment on my pearl earrings.”

I returned my attention to the phone call. “Did you know that pearls are unique among gemstones?”

“I didn’t.”

Edwin placed the full silver tray in front of me and then waited by the table for my approval.

“It’s because pearls don’t come from the depths of the earth but from the sea.” I looked at the dish and frowned.

Sliced bananas topped two flaxseed waffles. An odd-looking cheese melted over a small egg white omelet. My mother had been on a health kick lately and wanted me to share her journey. Apparently, she’d bullied my chef to join her quest.

I glared at Edwin.

He rushed away.

Rose grabbed my attention. “Is that why you called—to tell me about pearls?”

“That was one of my reasons.” Shaking my head at the food, I picked up my fork and knife. “The other reason is to warn you.”

“I doubt a warning is necessary. I know what I’m dealing with—”

“You don’t.”

She went silent.

I tried a piece of the waffle. It was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. I swallowed, appreciating the flavor, but not loving it. “Ms. Walsh, if you continue on this path that you’re eager to walk down, you will find a violent storm raging toward you—one that no umbrella or shelter can protect you from.”

“Mr. Ivanov, I’ve been threatened before—”

“I’m not surprised by that. Surely, you’ve inspired me to threaten you twice. That’s a record for me. Usually, the person gets the picture from the beginning.”

“I have the picture. I just—”

“Don’t have the capability to challenge me.”

“I won’t back down—”

“You will and you will do so immediately.” Anger rose within me. “I don’t have time for anything else.”

“My job is to report on corruption—”

“Do so in another city. In Paradise, you write articles about our beautiful beaches and excellent cuisine.” I forked some of the omelet and studied it. “Do we have an understanding, Rose?”


Annoyance gathered in my shoulders. I set the fork down and wiped my hands on the cloth napkin. “This annoys me, Ms. Walsh.”

“Oh, you’re annoyed? I’m pissed.”

“Hmmm.” I leaned back in my chair. “I bet you fuck better when you’re angry.”

Viktor snorted.

No response came from her. That didn’t shock me. I bet she blushed. Part of me wished we were having this conversation face to face.

To my surprise, she spoke, “If that’s all, then we can end this here.”

“Unfortunately, I understand why you think you’re protected.”

“Oh really?”

“Let me inform you that, the Walsh name means nothing here.”

She lowered her voice. “I don’t need that name for protection.”

“Yet, it protects you in many places, but again. . .not here.”

“I didn’t come down here with that last name.”

I raised my eyebrows. “But, why did you keep it a secret?”

“Because it’s no one’s business—including yours.”

“You don’t want people to make that connection?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Perhaps, I let that secret out. Tell everyone your real last name.”

“You can’t blackmail me. If it came out, then fine.”

I rolled my eyes. “So, then it’s back to the basics.”


“The typical threats of death.”

“You don’t scare me, Dima.”

My cock jerked in my pants. I held in my groan and whispered, “I love my nickname rolling off your tongue.”

She went silent again.

My lips spread into a wicked smile. “One day I hope to taste that tongue too.”

“That. . .won’t happen.”

“It will.” I inhaled the air and only breathed in the aroma of waffles riding the ocean breeze. Instantly, I needed her close, if only to feast on her scent.

“You’re wasting your time, Mr. Ivanov.”

“Mr. Ivanov?” I leaned my head to the side. “We’re back to formalities?”

“Don’t call me again—”

“I won’t. Next time we talk, I’ll be in front of you, teaching you how to properly speak to me.”

She snorted. “Oh really?”

“Ms. Walsh, have you ever been fucked hard until you screamed?”

A soft gasp sounded on the line.

“Have you ever had your ass spread wide open and stuffed with cock?”

She cleared her throat. “I’m. . .ending this call.”

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