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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

Page 18

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I looked at the detective. “Keep the bible verses quiet. I don’t want any mention of them in the news.”

Nodding, Treadway pointed at the file. “The autopsy notes on Johnny Cupcakes and Romeo are in the folder too.”

I went through it, found the pages tagged, and pulled them out. In one image, Romeo’s naked body lay on a metal table. I spotted the Diamond Syndicate brand—DS—on his right shoulder. Everyone at the top was branded during their initiation ceremony. I checked the other image. Johnny Cupcakes was naked and positioned in the same way. His shoulder showed the similar brand.

Back and forth, I gazed at both of them. “Same exact positioning of the knife wounds.”

“Both had seven stabs to the heart.” Detective pointed to the images under the ones I was looking at.

I went to those. Romeo’s body was turned over. The other image showed Johnny Cupcakes flipped over too. “Once again, there’s the same wound placement.”

The detective nodded. “Both had seven wounds to their backs.”

I scrunched my face in disgust. “Were the wounds inflicted before or after their deaths?”

“Before. There are rope burns on both victims’ wrists. The perpetrator tied them up and then stabbed.”

Viktor shook his head. “How the hell could someone tie up Romeo against his will?”

Detective Treadway responded, “Flunitrazepam and Gamma-hydroxybutyrate were found in both men’s system, along with Chamomile tea.”

“Date rape drugs.” My chest went heavy with pressure. “They inhibit a person's ability to resist.”

“Alcohol and cocaine were also found in each man’s blood.”

“Suggesting that the killer came to them as a friend wanting to party.” I picked up my chess piece and placed it in my pocket. “The killer slipped the drug into whatever they drank.”

“That’s the likely conclusion,” the detective said. “We’re thinking it is the tea since both had it.”

“Seven knife wounds to the heart. Seven knife wounds in the back.” I touched my chin. “Seven is important to the killer.”

Viktor eyed the pictures. “And God.”

“Especially, God.” I turned to Treadway. “What type of knife did the killer use?”

“We are thinking based on the stab wounds—long and narrow. Perhaps around fifteen inches.”

Viktor asked, “Male or female?”

“Based on the depth of the stab wounds and the force needed to inflict that type of damage we are leaning towards the subject being male.”

I filed away all the new information. “Anything else?”

“I’m guessing that the killer makes the gowns or has someone that does it.”

“This could be a two-person job?”

He nodded.

I hated that. The more people involved, the more ability they had to cover their tracks.

The detective continued, “We can’t find these similar sort of gowns anywhere. Not even in costume stores dedicated to queens. Meanwhile, the fabric and thread can be bought from any store. With the Festival of Laughs coming at the end of the month, there’s been tons of people buying fabric to get their costumes ready.”

“What about the makeup or sword?” I asked.

“Same thing. The sword can be found in tons of craft and toy stores. The makeup comes from a starter kit identified by several police women as a knockoff brand sold in any dollar store.” The detective raised one finger. “However, the wigs give us a possible lead. There’s just a sticky situation involving them. I thought you could help us with that.”

I leaned in closer. “Tell me more.”

“Each wig used was traced back to the same purchaser.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Who?”

“Marcelo Romano.”

Viktor and I exchanged glances.

I sighed. “Put more men on Marcelo and his people.”

“Okay, boss.” Viktor phone rang. He answered. “What? Are you sure? Got it. We’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

I quirked my brows. “What?”

“There’s another body.”

Damn it.

I grabbed the king and stood. “You can ride with us, Detective.”

A nervous expression hit him. “Sounds good.”

“Fuck.” Viktor shut off his game and put the phone away. “This may be fucked up, but I’m going to miss Johnny’s cupcakes.”

I headed off. “Not me. I used to have one weekly until I discovered Johnny’s secret ingredient.”

Viktor raised one brow. “What is it?”

“His wife’s breast milk. He forced her to pump every day. He claimed human breastmilk had more fat which made the icing creamier.”

Viktor stared at me in disgust. “Why wouldn’t you tell me that?”

“You really enjoyed them.”


99 Problems



olice swarmed the hotel room, gathering fingerprints and snapping pictures.

Marcelo and I stood six feet away from Chanel's husband. Frozen in death, Pedro sat on the couch with his legs crossed.

I've been in here earlier, arrived, and assessed the place. My conclusions led me to a darker path that I did not want to walk down. Instantly, I called Marcelo. I would need his support before walking down this path.

I looked at him. “Thank you for coming.”

“When I told Viktor that we needed to talk, I didn’t ask to do it around another dead body.” Marcelo turned away from Pedro’s corpse. “Did you see that stupid reporter on the TV this morning? She’s a problem.”

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