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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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That brought joy to my heart. I curved my lips into a smile.

Sound came from behind me. I nodded at Lei as he entered with his men—Chen and Duck. He had his black trench over a black shirt and pants. He suspiciously studied me as if wondering if I would bring up his killing Pedro.


“How are you doing, Lei?”

He eyed me. “Fine.”


Lei frowned. “Have you found any suspects?”

Sighing, I turned back to the stage. “I really wish everyone would calm down. There are other things that you all can ask me, like how I’m doing or if I’m enjoying my day.”

Viktor scooted down to give Lei space.

“How are you doing, Dima?” Lei got to my left. “Are you enjoying your day?”

“I am fine and today has been interesting.”


“Lots of murder and intrigue.”

“But any suspects?”

“Not any obvious suspects.” I scowled at him. “I wish the killer were lazy and messy. You know like killing the guy and then throwing a wig on him. Perhaps, leaving obvious clues or something in the room where he murdered him. Then, I could solve it just like that.”

Lei frowned.

“Unfortunately, Romeo’s killer has been too smart.” I returned my view to the stage. “Thankfully, no one else has died.”

Lei sighed.

Surely, he was ready for Pedro’s death to be announced. I didn’t know what he expected. Perhaps, he thought Chanel would hear the news and run to his arms.

Pedro’s death will give Chanel a war in the West, Lei. It will not give you a marriage in the East.

Lei placed his hands in his pockets. “Where’s Chanel?”

“She was already supposed to be here.” Marcelo checked his watch. “I had the cages being timed to lower after she said a speech. Chanel didn’t show, so I had my singer do it.”

“Alright. The cages are coming.” Viktor clapped. “Dima, check these chicks out!”

We all glared at him.

He cleared his throat.

I thought about how much she’d been drinking this afternoon. “Maybe, Chanel is resting at home.”

“She’s not.” Lei shook his head. “She left a few hours ago.”

You would know that.

Marcelo raised his hand and pointed toward the entrance. “Is that the reporter with Mayor Parks?”

Excuse me?

I checked and confirmed it. Rage rose inside of me.

“Who’s working on the reporter?” Lei asked. “I saw the Wild Show. She mentioned our names. I’m bored, so I could kill her.”

“I’ve got the reporter.” I sneered. “Back off, Lei.”

Paradise’s slimy mayor, Jonathan Parks, smiled and waved at everyone. Many shook his hand.

Wearing a sexy black strapless dress, Rose had her arm hooked around his. Many people waved at her. She looked to be caught off guard as she waved back. And it was hard for me to not watch her with that tight black dress on.

“She cleans up well,” Marcelo admitted.

“Keep your eyes on your little singer. I’ll worry about how clean she is.”

Marcelo eyed me. “Interesting.”

“What is?”


Mayor Parks and she headed to the bar. Many men glanced Rose’s way, taking in her curvy ass.

I stuck my hand in my pocket and gripped the king.

I’ll have to kill him, but first. . .I’ll make sure he doesn’t take her home this evening.

“Don’t you think so, Dima?” Lei asked.

I continued to watch Rose. “What?”

“Did you hear anything I said?”

The mayor whispered something in her ear.

Rose laughed.

Annoyance filled me. “No. I didn’t hear you, Lei.”

“That answers my question. In fact, maybe that answers more questions.”

I watched the mayor hand Rose a glass of champagne. She took it and gave him a sweet smile. If it wasn’t Romeo’s Memorial, I may have gone down there and taken her away. That slimy bastard didn’t deserve to be in her space.

Lei spoke, “The reporter is the reason you’re dragging your ass with dealing with her. You’re not thinking with your brain. You’re thinking with your dick.”

“You should try that sometimes, Lei.” I tightened my grip on the chess piece. “Pussy is an enjoyable experience.”

Lei frowned. “I don’t think you’re working on this.”

“Johnny Cupcakes and Romeo are both dead and killed in the same way. One from the old generation. The other from the new. One living in the East. The other living in the West. But, what do those two have in common?”

“The Diamond Syndicate”

I glared at him. “Which means that Syndicate members have targets on our backs. Trust me when I say this. The reporter is not our biggest problem.”

Marcelo spoke, “Perhaps, I handle the reporter and you—”

“Stay the fuck away from her!” I reached for my gun. “Do you understand me?”

Marcelo studied me. “I do.”

“Well done.” I moved my hand from my gun and returned my gaze to Rose.

Mayor Parks ordered another drink. Like a true reporter, Rose scanned around. She was a perceptive feminine creature. Her gaze darted from here and there. Then, it rose and fell on us as we all watched her.

Horror hit her face.

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