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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

Page 46

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Noise sounded from the kitchen.

I looked that way.

Viktor had on my apron. Xandi had bought me it during our graduate years. The frilly, red and black, polka dot smock looked absolutely ridiculous on the big man.

What is he doing?!

Viktor placed a bottle of olive oil on the counter next to an opened carton of eggs. Sliced bananas and strawberries lay in separate piles on a plate. My whole wheat bagels rested next to an opened jar of strawberry jelly that I had not bought.

Viktor spotted me. “Good morning, Ms. Walsh. How do you like your eggs?”

Dimitri answered for me. “She likes them over-easy. I can tell that she’s a soft-yolk-type of girl. Give her two eggs, even though she’ll say that she only wants one.”

It was exactly how I liked my eggs. And it was true that I was trying to cut back on cholesterol. However, I wouldn't let that cocky bastard know that he was right.

Clearing my throat, I found my voice. “Actually, Viktor, I would like an omelet today, since you’re going to cook in my kitchen.”

“Liar. You hate omelets.” Dimitri flipped the page in the book and then returned to petting Barbara. “How did you sleep?”

“Fine.” I glared at him. “I will remind you that my condo does not reside in the United States of Dima. Why are you here?”

He grinned at something he read on the page and then turned it. “Was my jacket warm enough for you?”

I swallowed. “Don’t come into my condo again or go into my bedroom—”

“I didn’t go into your bedroom.” He didn’t look up. “I simply opened the door and assessed the sexy situation that greeted me.”

“I’m going to call the police.”

“Will you need my phone?” He flipped the next page. “It’s on the table.”

Barbara loudly purred and turned to the side as Dimitri rubbed her back. “What did you dream about, Ms. Walsh?”

I placed my hands on my hips and stepped inside the living room. “Before we get to that, can you explain why you’re in my living room and your man is cooking in my kitchen?”

Viktor waved the spatula. “What do you want with your two over-easy eggs? I have a few options.”

“Oh really, Viktor? Go ahead and tell me what’s in my fridge.” I raised my hand. “Or. . .and this may be a crazy alternative, but you two can get out of my condo.”

“I could, but I’m enjoying this book.” Dimitri flipped to the next page. “While I thought I would love the pirate, Jackson, I’m more excited to read the sections in Mariam’s point-of-view. Her thieving journey is action packed and violent. She’s an underdog. Strong, yet not in obvious ways. Smart, yet doesn't brag about it—”

“Why are you here?”

Dimitri loudly sighed as if I was the rude person this morning. He pulled out a thin leather bookmark from within his suit jacket, placed it on the open romance, and then closed it.

He turned his view to me, and continued to massage Barbara. “I’ll answer you since you won’t let me finish this chapter.”

“Well, I’m so sorry to interrupt your reading—”

“You’re forgiven.”

“I don’t care. You were not invited into my place to begin with.”

“I don’t need an invitation when I own the building.”

“Since when?”

“Since this morning.”

Barbara’s purring rose. She stretched her legs out and all, riding the waves of soothing ecstasy. Dimitri smiled down at her. “I’m thinking that a better name could be Scoop.”

“Against my will, I settled with Barbara Whiskers.”

He returned to massaging her neck. “Hmmm.”

About to lose it, I fisted my hands at my sides. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Viktor put the pan on the stove. “Ms. Walsh, do you want a little cheesy sautéed spinach with your eggs?”

Dimitri answered for me, “No cheese on the spinach. Make her some potatoes too. Add onions and peppers. Not too much salt.”

It was exactly what I wanted. For some reason that enraged me even more. However, I had to admit defeat. I sneered at him. “How do you know what I like?”

“Your upbringing. The way you walk. The style of your dress. Your stubborn personality, but most of all it was based on the contents of your fridge.”

“And from that you can guess what type of breakfast I like?”

“From that I can guess a lot of things.” Dimitri gently picked up Barbara and placed her on the couch next to the book. “Now let’s talk about why I’m here and so thoroughly annoyed with you.”

“With me?” I touched my chest.

He rose and brushed off his pants. “Mayor Parks made some powerful phone calls last night.”

Oh. . .

I tried to feign innocence. “What sort of phone calls?”

He hit me with a skeptical look. “You know exactly what sort of phone calls. The mayor phoned Governor Wiley and Senator Ellis. The governor is nobody, but Senator Ellis. . .Have you met him?”

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