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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

Page 67

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“From a $6,500 dollar bottle of champagne?” Jonathan glared. “I think not.”

Dimitri is here.

I widened my eyes.

Jonathan pointed at the waiter. “Send it back, and tell Mr. Ivanov that I don’t need any guidance on my date.”

The waiter’s bottom lip quivered. “Sir, I really don’t want to upset Mr. Ivanov. Could you please take this?”

“Don’t worry. We’ll take it.” I looked around the restaurant, wondering where Dimitri could be. My heart beat fast in my chest.

Jonathan spoke through clenched teeth, “We’ll keep it then.”

“Also. . .” Sweat beaded on the water’s forehead. “My manager makes me say a special spiel when this bottle is ordered.”

Jonathan crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Get on with it.”

The waiter’s hands shook as he held the bottle. “The Ace of Spades is a perfect blend of Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir, and Chardonnay wine.”

I checked my right. Banks and Sid looked on with humorous expressions. I did a slow glance over my shoulder and didn’t see Dimitri there.

The waiter continued, “Together, it creates a non-vintage, full-bodied sparkling wine with a creamy texture and subtle accents.”

I felt uncomfortable knowing that Dimitri could see me, and I had no idea where he was. I slightly turned to my left, half expecting Dimitri to be sitting with some hot blonde at his stable.

He wasn’t there either.

The waiter poured us both a glass.

I took mine. “Thank you.”

Jonathan didn’t grab his.

The waiter pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Jonathan. “Mr. Ivanov also wanted me to give you this message.”

“I’m so excited.” Jonathan snatched it from him.

The waiter hurried away.

Helpless, I looked at Banks.

He put his hand under his table and pointed behind him.

I already checked there.

Sighing, I turned my head further to the left and froze in shock.

Dimitri stared right at me. And there was no humor on his face. Even several tables away, I could make out the fury in his eyes.

Really? What are you mad about? I’ve been calling you all week. Does your phone work? You could have at least sent a text.

Marcelo sat on his right and had been talking to him. Dimitri didn’t appear that he’d heard one word. Two other men sat across them. Marcelo waved at him, gave up, and then put his attention on the men.

Meanwhile, Dimitri moved his body in the chair toward my direction as if he were close to leaping out of the chair and coming for me.

Holy shit.

Swallowing, I turned away.

“Not bad.” Jonathan sipped his champagne and set the glass down. “And there he is over there, flaunting his dirty wealth in my face.”

Nervous, I finished my white wine, but didn’t touch the champagne.

“Have you ever tried this?”


“It’s excellent.” Jonathan poured more into his half-filled glass.

I wanted to look back to Dimitri’s side, but I could feel him staring me down.

How the hell am I going to eat with Dmitri watching? Hopefully, he leaves soon.

“At least Ivanov has taste.” Jonathan gulped down the liquid and then poured more of it. “Did you see the message he gave me? I can’t wait to get him out of Paradise and behind bars.”

“What did the message say?”

“See for yourself. You probably wouldn’t believe me.”

I picked up the message and turned it over. It read, “You can't afford her. And you would never know how to pleasure her, even if I wrote down the instructions.”

I frowned and turned his way, showing him that I wasn’t pleased with that message.

Dimitri gave a shrug as if daring me to say something to him.

I finished my wine.

Jonathan drank more of the champagne. “Little does Dimitri know, I can afford you and many other women all at once if I wanted to. And on the topic of pleasuring women—”

“Let’s not.” I moved my empty wine glass to the side.

Jonathan gestured to my glass of champagne. “Try it.”

“I don’t want to.”

Right before Jonathan could speak, the waiter returned. “Before I take your order. Mr. Ivanov would—”

“What does he want now?” Jonathan growled.

The waiter stepped back.

I whispered to Jonathan, “Please, be nice. You must understand how difficult of a position he is in.”

“Difficult position?”

“Currently, our waiter has to referee a Panty Challenge between two of the most powerful men in Paradise.”

Jonathan scowled. “Dimitri is no challenge to me.”

“Just let him give us the message.”


The waiter stepped back forward and looked at Jonathan. “Mr. Ivanov doesn’t want you to worry about paying the bill this evening. He will be taking care of it all.”

“Oh really?” Jonathan crossed his arms back over his chest. “Let Mr. Ivanov know that I’ll be having twenty-five lobsters at market price this evening along with several of your most expensive caviar. And that’s just what I want to-go. Prepare them for me to take home.”

Annoyed, I leaned back in my chair.

Jonathan laughed and looked at me. “What do you want to take home, Rose? Once we get our to-go order in, we can see what we want for the table.”

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