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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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Everyone else stood on the left and right. The left showed grieving Paradise residents—from rich to poor, from saints to sinners. It made me happy to see so much love given to Romeo and Chanel.

The right had politicians making a show of mourning in the hopes of getting more votes in the election. Mayor Parks, Governor Wiley, and even Senator Ellis stood together in black and wore fake masks of grief on their faces. However, Parks couldn’t keep his mask on as long as the other men. From time to time, he glanced my way and glared.

“He restores my soul.” Pastor Martin’s voice rose. “He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”

“Lord, why?” Romeo’s and Chanel’s grandmother raised her fist in the air and shook it. The movement caused her red fur to fall from her shoulders. A man caught the heavy coat before it fell in the mud. Tears spilled down her wrinkled brown face. “It’s not right!”

A few went and helped her up from her seat.

Crying, she walked off with them. “It’s not right to bury your grandchildren! It’s not right!”

Pastor Martin dabbed at his eyes and continued, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Tears spilled down Kashmere’s face as she stared at the caskets.

How will she handle all that power? She’s too young.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Pastor Martin moved the umbrella, let the rain drops hit his face, and gazed up at the sky. “You anoint my head with oil.”

A few women cried in the back.

Pastor Martin got back under the umbrella. His voice cracked. “My cup overflows.”

Several men murmured, “Yes, Lord.”

Marcelo leaned my way and whispered, “They won’t forgive us for not getting Chanel’s body back?”

I couldn’t even look his way.

Marcelo sighed. “We’ll have to prepare for war.”

Wiping the tears off her cheeks, Kashmere turned her view back to me. Rage filled those eyes.

“Dima.” Marcelo nudged me.

I stopped looking at Kashmere and frowned at him. “What?”

He kept his voice low. “Look behind you and to your left, but don’t make it obvious.”

Pastor Martin walked to the center, right between both graves. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

I turned and spotted Lei standing under an oak tree that was far from us. Rain poured down him. His dark blue trench coat and long hair was drenched with water.

What the hell did you do with Chanel’s body?

Lei’s two main people flanked him—Duck and Chen. Always the most logical, Chen held an umbrella and wore a thick rain jacket.

Duck was the craziest Four Ace. He took more pleasure in killing men with a blade than with a gun. Today, his wet silver hair stuck to the sides of his face. He held a long sword at his side as if expecting people to come for them.

I don’t know what to do with any of this.

Letting out a long breath, I turned back to the grave.

“And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Pastor Martin’s voice cracked again. “Amen.”

In unison, the Killer Crows rose from their chairs and drew invisible holy crosses with their fingers.

Pastor Martin did the same and walked over to the caskets. “Thirty years ago, I married Kenneth and Tina Jones—Romeo and Chanel’s parents. And each time they had a child, I baptized them. Romeo was a fussy baby. He cried the entire time.”

A few Killer Crows snickered.

Pastor Martin held out his arms and appeared to carry an invisible baby. He gazed down at the emptiness. “Chanel was proper and dutiful. I spoke the Lord’s words over her and she just stared up at me with nothing but love in her eyes.”

What will happen when the Killer Crows find out Leo killed them? What will the West do then?

“I buried their father many years later. That is the way of life. I understood.” Pastor Martin lowered his hands. “But, never did I believe that I would bury them too. I prayed to be dead by then.”

A woman cried out, “Jesus, help us!”

Still holding the umbrella, Pastor Martin put his hands together in prayer. “I now beg God to give us peace and mercy, especially in the West.”

“Father, please!”

“Paradise cannot continue this way.” Pastor Martin’s eyes filled with pleading. “The West will not survive anymore death.”

A few murmured, “Amen.”

“I asked God.” Pastor Martin gestured to the sky and then motioned to all of us. “I now ask you—his children. Can we put the guns down? Can we let go of this violence?”

Kashmere turned away and left. Killer Crows opened a clear path for her. Several in red left with her.

Pastor Martin watched her walk away. “God, help us.”

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