DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 97

“This is my new hobby.” She spread her hands out. “I’m enjoying the beauty of nature.”

She hooked her arm around mine. “My grandkids will love this. They’ll play hide and seek throughout here and there. And I’m going to laugh.”

“It sounds like a lot of beautiful moments to come.”

Together, we walked down the pebbled path that led to a small arched bridge.

“I have a little collection of succulents over here.” She pointed in that direction. “My favorite thing about my indoor garden is that I can mix and match different plants. That way, something is blooming or sprouting throughout the year.”

I looked on the right. “These roses are amazing.”

“Those are some of my prized gems.”

We walked onto the wooden bridge. It arched over a small stream that the waterfall had caused.

She led me over it. “I spend all of my hours in here.”

“I would too.”

“It got to the point where I simply moved my whole dining area into my garden. You’ll see.”

We left the bridge and entered a small hidden path between more roses.

“You’ll love this.” She grinned. “I hope they did this right. I knew you both were coming last night. My staff has been working on this all day.”

“But you didn’t know we were coming to dinner until a few hours ago.”

“Oh, I knew. Dima has never been photographed with a woman in his life and there’s definitely no images of him fighting over one. Not to mention that he brought you to the house and even the funeral, parading you in front of everyone.” She beamed. “Letting everyone know that you were his and not to be touched by anyone.”

Stunned, I gazed at her.

She giggled. “Welcome to Paradise, Rose.”

The pebbled path opened up to a dining area very similar to the Secret Garden restaurant. However, there was a huge difference.


I studied all of the naked muscular men lounging throughout the garden. They lay on the grassy ground with their eyes closed. Body paint covered their skin. The artist had truly treated the men’s flesh as their canvas. I spotted muscular men painted like zebras and snakes, cheetahs and cobras. It was a mind-bending illusion of living structures.

Captivated by all of them, I actually bumped into the table. “Oh.”

“These are my boys.” Mrs. Ivanov chuckled. “They. . .serve me.”

“Cool.” I rubbed my thigh. “And all of this is really amazing. I wish I had more words.”

“I’m glad you like it. That must mean that you will visit me again.”

“Yes. I will definitely return.”

“I’ll hold you to that promise.” She gestured to the head of the table. “Since you’re my guest, please sit there.”

“Thank you.” I walked over, lowered into my seat, and scanned the place.

Here, glass still served as the ceiling. A black chandelier hung from the center and hovered over a table adorned in crystal plates and gold cups.

Staff appeared from different paths in the garden with platters and dishes of food.

Next, Dima and his three uncles entered.

Dima walked over. “Did my mother behave?”

“Of course I didn’t, darling.” She laughed. “Where’s the fun in that?”

The uncles chuckled.

Dima took in the painted muscular men lounging around us. “Did your boys have to make an appearance for this dinner?”

“Rose, should know what she’s getting into.” She pointed to the seat next to me. “Now sit. We’re celebrating.”

Uncle Krill lowered into his seat. “But, what are we celebrating?”

“Love.” She clapped.

Dima sat next to me and took my hand under the table. Leaning toward me, he whispered, “How are you?”

“I’m fine. I got to see your bedroom.”

He shook his head. “Then, I apologize.”

I chuckled. “I loved the paintings.”

“Laugh all you want. I’m sure you would love to have at least one of those painting hanging in your condo, right over your bed.”

“Actually, I would.”

“And what would you do, if it was there?”

I leaned in closer and whispered, “Touch myself to it.”

He raised his eyebrows. Slowly, he slipped his hand to my thighs. “Be careful, Rose.”

“I’m being good.”

“Dima?” His mother called from across the table. “Our accountant told me that you bought the Promenade. Another building? Why?”

I smirked at him.

Sighing, he moved his hand. “It’s an up and coming property.”

Uncle Artyom signed.

“That I didn’t know.” Mrs. Ivanov looked at me. “Now, I see why he bought the building.”

Dima swiftly shifted the conversation to sports.

The next minutes were spent arguing about the Paradise Pirates. Maxim and Dima believed that the Pirates would never make the playoffs this year. Mrs. Ivanov wanted to bet on it. For some reason, everyone refused to wager with her.

Kirill explained that he no longer was a fan of the Pirates. Instead, he rooted for the Glory Patriots—a new upcoming team slowly making a name in the NFL. Everyone laughed at Kirill’s rallying with them. Mrs. Ivanov even called it absurd and idiotic.

And I laughed, not knowing anything about Paradise’s football team, yet excited to learn. This was the type of banter I wished I had in my family. When we were young, my brother and I ate with our nanny. If the nanny was sick, then we ate with the head maid. Our parents only sat down with us for holiday dinners. Those included all of the Walsh Family, and even with those occasions, we sat at the children’s table.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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