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DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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Back and Forth



followed the man through the Secret Garden. We passed the main dining section, continued beyond the bathrooms, and bypassed the VIP section.

Shock came as he opened the door to the kitchen for me. “After you, Ms. Walsh.”

Alrighty. We’re just going to walk through the kitchen.

I entered, stepping into a hectic sea of chefs and waiters all dressed in white and super busy. The head chef moved here and there, checking each person’s pan as they fried or seared. Doing my best to stay out of the way, I continued forward with my guide, passing people dicing vegetables and spooning dollops of cream onto sizzling slabs of steak.

The whole time, I made sure not to get distracted with the surroundings and tried to think about what I would tell Dima.

I must be careful and protect Melissa.

If I reported what Melissa told me, I had no doubt that Dima would kill Jonathan, Kane, and. . .maybe even Melissa. Granted, it made sense being that they could have stopped his friends from being killed.

However, I had to confirm the evidence was true and report this on a national level. That way Jonathan and other city officials would be investigated and other officials throughout America would be on notice to never try bullshit like this again.

If the Diamond Syndicate handles it, people will be dead and no one will ever know about these atrocities. At least my way, the world knows.

We arrived at the back door.

The man opened it for me. “After you, Ms. Walsh.”

Be clear. Be stern. Don’t let Dima bulldoze you out of the information.

Breathing in confidence, I walked through and entered the moonlit alley.

Cool air hit me. A huge dumpster was further down, but gave off no stank. A few puddles dotted the dark ground. On the left side of the alley, it was a dead end—another restaurant’s back wall.

On the other side of the alley, Dima leaned against the Phantom’s hood and typed into his phone. His chauffer had nose-dived the car into the alley’s exit and blocked it. From where I was, I couldn’t tell if the driver was in the car or not.

Not able to move from the doorway, I took in Dima. All my confidence shattered.

Dima wore a champagne colored tuxedo jacket. On any other man, it might’ve been flashy. On him, it was stylishly smooth. The silky jacket had a pattern of ornate rose blooms. The shoulders were structured to show off his muscle. The side and lapels gave him a sculpted profile at the waist. His black shirt was opened at the top. His black pants formed around his muscular thighs.

He looked sexier than ever.

He’s super dressed up. Where is he coming from?

Jealousy filled me immediately.

I left the door and walked into the alley.

Whatever. I don’t care what he’s doing. We’re not together.

Walking forward, I glanced over my shoulder. The man didn’t follow me out. He stepped back into the kitchen and shut the door. I almost wished he had come with me. I wasn’t excited about being alone in the alley with Dima.

I turned back around and let out a long breath.

It’ll be fine. This is going to be a simple conversation.

I continued forward.

Be stern. Be clear.

My heels clicked on the concrete ground.

Slowly, Dima looked up from his phone and targeted me with his gaze.

My heart boomed in my ears.

His gaze went to my face and then lowered inch by inch. Heat spread across my skin. I almost stumbled, nervous from his attention. He watched me like he was some dark creature, preparing to jump out of the shadows and eat me.

Never moving his view from me, he slipped the phone in his jacket and remained leaning on the hood.

Remember. Stern and clear.

I stopped two feet in front of him.

His gaze went to my legs. “Why does your friend need one of your guards?”

“She has evidence that could bring down Jonathan and probably other officials in Paradise.”

He snapped his view to my face. “What evidence?”

“At this time, I would like to keep that private so that I can further access the. . .accuracy of all evidence.”

He knitted his hands together and placed them on his lap. “That sounds like an elaborate way to say no to me.”

“That’s not a no. It’s more. . .I will tell you later.”

He moved his gaze to my hips. “Come here.”

I swallowed. “I’m already close enough.”

“I disagree.” He rose from the car, closed the distance, and towered over me. “See. This is close.”

Power and heat radiated from him. My breathing picked up. My heart boomed in my ears.

He raised his hand and slowly slipped his fingers up my arm, delivering pleasureful sensations through my body. “What evidence?”

To regain my composure, I inched away.

He caught my arm and brought me to him. My breasts pressed against his hard chest. His grip tightened. “It’s been a long night, Ms. Walsh. Don’t push me.”

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